NUTRILITE – 12.11.2013 Kroměříž.


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Transkript prezentace:

NUTRILITE – 12.11.2013 Kroměříž

Argumenty pro NUTRILITE 1. Historie Filozofie Kvalita výrobků 3. Fytonutrienty Příroda a věda Optimální zdraví 5

Dostatečný odpočinek a spánek Vyhýbání se škodlivým faktorům Zdravý životní styl Denně Pozitivní přístup Pravidelné cvičení Dostatečný odpočinek a spánek Vyhýbání se škodlivým faktorům Dobrá výživa Daily NUTRILITE Philosophy: Healthy lifestyle + balanced diet+ nutritional supplements = optimal well-being. Interactive: Ask participants to name some of the important factors. 1st step: becoming aware of correlation between these factors + reconsider lifestyle + make a positive decision. Make little positive decisions in every moment of the day = positive sum at the and of the day. Guidelines for these important factors: Exercise: Interactive: Ask participants how much exercise is recommended According to the WHO at least 30 minutes of moderate continuous exercise – everyday. 60 minutes excercise a day prevents gaining weight and supports fitness Jean Foy 4-3-2-1 10 Min Programme Adequate Rest: aim for good and sufficient sleep, + short breaks throughout the day Nutrition: Interactive: Ask participants what well-balanced and healthy nutrition means exactly. Issue is adressed in detail because of the food supplement need

AKTIVITA Energetická spotřeba AKTIVITA Please argue target group oriented! (high food intake, low activity, wrong food choice …) Action: Ask participants what this food guide pyramid is about ? (different food groups – recommended intake = Representing quantities) Food guide pyramid (according to WHO recommendation) to explain Quantities: Food intake = take meals on a regular base = supply of energy and nutrients. Meals need to reflect balance, diversity and quality – but we often choose what we like and eat on occasion. Annual nutrition reports show that consumers face difficulties in evaluating the right quantities/portions+ every human being is different. Action: Ask participants: recommendation of fruit + vegetable in servings (5) how big is a serving ? (approx. the palm of the hand) how many servings are usually eaten by consumers (approx. 3 to 4 servings/week) Energy intake Total energy (kcal) intake differs for everybody – depending on Age, Gender, Lifestyle, Activity. Loosing weight only with saving kcal is hard /no long term effect.

Výhoda aktivního životního stylu Vysoká AKTIVITA vydaná energie Kcal Nízká AKTIVITA uložená energie Kcal Explain kilocalories (kcal) - is an obsolete unit of energy, in particular the amount of heat (Latin "heat“) - 1 calorie = 4.185 joules​ Advantage of active lifestyle = long term effect: explain general difference between usage + storage of energy (kcal-conversion) in the body and metabolic functions. Explain Double effect: increase calorie need and energy consumption with exercises ( muscle building training) = Balanced food intake combined with exercises General hint: Trainings guide Sean Foy “10 minute solution” or 1-2-3-4 Programme

0 kalorií 1,5 – 2 litry vody = _________________ Voda Water = base of the food guide pyramid Studies on nutritional habits show that many people drink to little in general and often the wrong things. Interactive: Ask participants how much liquids we need every day (1,5-2 litres) and explain, which general difficulties people face (drinks like juices, nectars and softdrinks contain sugar = calories = liquid food) Drinking water = the body gets everything it needs, avoids unneeded calories. Check your intake of liquids and your drinking habits: prepare a big jar or a several glasses of water, always carry a small bottle of water with you Changing negative drinking habits is often easier than changing negative eating habits. Make a healthy decision – The Amway product lines offer you a water treatment system of the special kind – eSpring.

15 % 30 % 55 % Bílkoviny Tuky Sacharidy Makroživiny Quantity = main parts on your plates = a positive change can lead to considerable effects Action: Name macronutrients, give food examples and guess the percentage of total daily energy intake.. Macronutrients: carbohydrates (45-55%of total daily energy intake ), protein (10-15%); (25-30%) = bigger quantities - adequate selection of whole foods contains all important nutrients + longer feeling of satiety – wrong choice can lead to emty kalorie intake, encreased appetite, and weight. Action: ask for the meaning of carbonhydrates in our diet. carbohydrates = source of energy, satiate (depending on their complexity) Interactive: Ask participants what carbohydrates look like on their plates: side dishes (pasta, rice, bread, potatoes ) + fruit /vegetable. Protein = key component for all cells (skin, organs, muscles) + raw material for body‘s own substances e.g. enzymes, hormones, antibodies. Quality of protein (profile of amino acids + digestibilty) is crucial for the transformation in the body Interactive: Ask participants, how protein looks like on their plates (fish, eggs, milk, dairy, meat and legumes) Fats: have a high energy density (kcal) + source of fatty acids (unsaturated = essential) = components (e.g. cell membrane) + structural components for body’s own substances + influencing a lot of processes. Interactive: Ask participants how fats look like on their plates: e.g. vegetable oils, butter, margarine, in dairy and meat products. - often hidden as a flavour carrier in foods. 55 % Sacharidy

Pět porcí ovoce a zeleniny pěti různých barev Minerální látky Mikroživiny Pět porcí ovoce a zeleniny pěti různých barev Minerální látky Micro nutrients reflect the quality of the food –small quantities, but essential Interactive: vitamins: 1. Ask participants to name examples for micro nutrients (show headlines) 2. Talk about vitamins and let audience name diffenrent vitamins. Talk about vitamin cassification: fat-soluable/water-soluable and ask for the fat soluble vitamines and the importance of consumption/intake of water-soluable micro nutrients = should be administered throughout the day. Minerals: Talk about classification: macro minerals and trace elements. Ask participants to name macro minerals e.g. calcium, magnesium and let them name also Trace minerals (e.g. Iron, selenium ...) and explain dimension of µ (1 µ = 1 millionth of a gram) Talk about functions of micro minerals and show the information in the nutrition manual Phytonutrients: scientific finding = beside vitamins and minerals, plants contain a lot of important substances. Every plant has a different composition of these substances = indvidual shape, colour, flavour and taste. Ask about Carls Rehnborg ideas – Plantingredients are the key to health. How to ensure sufficient phytonutrients? Portions fruit & vedgetables ? (3x vedgetables 2 x fruit every day) + 5 colours a day. let participants name fruits & vedgetables in 1. red, 2. yellow, 3. green, 4. purple and 5. white Which Phytonutrient is found in Tomates? (lycopen )- in green Tea? (EGCG) - which NUTRILTE product contain this plant concentrates? (Concentrated fruit & vegetables + tomatoe in Double X) NUTRILITE food supplements help to cover the nutritional need and deliver important phytonutrients from whole plants = convenient way and makes you feel good. bodykey + NUTRILITE support you on your journey of losing weight and assure a good cover of nutritional needs. Vitaminy Fytonutrienty

Příliš nezdravého Chyby ve výživě Málo zdravého Too many wrongs + too little rights! - Unfortunately both come together. Action: Ask participants to name some nutritional mistakes Ask about wrong quantities of food groups and macronutrients ask about quality of carbohydrates (wholegrain, fibre …) Ask who eats 5 servings of fruits of vetegables per day? Talk about quality/colours of fruits & vedgetables (missing taste in greenhouse tomatoes – build a bridge from „conventional cultivation“ to farming condition by NUTRILITE (rich in phytonutrients) Explain effects of „unbalanced“ nutrition (quantity) combined with low quality (vitamins, minerals, phytofactors) Complete „Too many wrongs“ and discuss where this behavior leads to total. sugar, white flour, sweets (rich in wrong carbohydrates) rich in calories drinks hidden fats (meat products, cheese) conveniennce products, fast food rich in calories foods automatic eating many snacks

Celosvětová čísla lidí na světě je podvyživených lidí na světě trpí nadváhou lidí na světě je obézních lidí dnes hladoví Tolik peněz se dnes utratí v USA v souvislosti s nemocemi spojenými s obezitou Worldometers: Statistical figures Jan 2013 - - show online how numbers increasing. Action: ask participants: How do you assess the situation in Europe? Increasing percentages? How many percent of total e.g. 2013? How many percent increase in the last 4 years? Tolik peněz se dnes utratí v USA za odtučňovací kúry Zdroj: leden 2013

Vývoj v Evropě Počet lidí s nadváhou nebo obezitou se zvyšuje: Rusko: z 51 % v roce 2009 na 62 % v roce 2013 Německo: ze 49 % v roce 2009 na 55 % v roce 2013 The OECD shows that overweight and obesity are increasing in Europe. Particularly in our key markets of Germany from 49% in 2009 to 55% in 2013, and Russia from 51% in 2009 to 62% in 2013 * Source: Euro monitor, Task Force by trade sources / national statistics, OECD / International Obesity Action: Ask the participants: Do you know the meaning and the various stages of being overweight? How do I know if my weight is normal or not? How many people with overweight do you know? How many people with normal weight do you know? Statistics beauty surgeries + liposuction annual analysis of International Society Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (USA) of the top 25 countries in terms of plastic surgery: 2009: on top so far breast corrections - now Statistics Leader: liposuction (liposuction) = about 18 percent of all global aesthetic plastic surgery (1.6 million). Increasing trend: Liposuction for men. Germany 8th place worldwide, with more than 270,000 + plastic surgery and additional twice as much medical aesthetic procedures such as botox and wrinkle injections on top. Rusko Německo

Celosvětová statistika BMI Průměrný index BMI u žen, 2008 Interactive graphics WHO - e.g. Average BMI worldwide, Women, 2008 (Also available for men, for overweight and obesity, etc.) action: Ask participants what they think is the reason for the Rising numbers and higher BMI values ​​worldwide. (Sedentary lifestyle and increased caloric intake, eating habits ...) Numbers compared (Spiegel Online): Since 60s: daily caloric intake increased by 600 kcal per person (in developed countries). WHO Researches show global trend: reason for about ¾ of all deaths in 2020 (2001 - 59%) Overweight by age / gender By age group: men are more likely to be overweight than women Underweight: BMI <18.5: women more than men By marital status: married / widowed men = more often overweight compared to single men Widowed women followed most often by married - single women less Zdroj: Světová zdravotnická organizace

Více zdravého AKTIVITA Zdravé rozhodnutí Méně nezdravého Think positive, make a healthy decision! Active: 1. Ask for examples of good eating habits and complete the missing facts. 2. Discuss the effects of wrong eating habits combined with too little exerciceexercise (e.g. muscle and movement are burning calories from food) 3. Talk about the result of excess calories – bodyfat and how hard it is to get rid of it Examples for „more rights“ food that is rich in dietary fibres fresh fruits and vegetables whole foods water nutritional value variety / balance regularity exercise/sport

Cílová skupina: snižování váhy Fakta o této cílové skupině: ... je rozhodnuto něco podniknout ... zažilo zklamání při předchozích dietách ... potřebuje konzultace, praktické pomůcky a kontrolu ... chce program, který bude vyhovovat osobnímu životnímu stylu a preferencím ... má vlastní cíle v oblasti snižování váhy Action: Ask participants: Have you ever participated in a diet program? - More than once? How did you feel during the program and how long you were able to maintain your new weight? Please list the reasons why a diet program can fail. The first step towards achieving this is to eat well. While this may sound simple, finding the time can be difficult. This is where Amway’s new range of tasty bodykey™ instant meals can help! Delicious, convenient and a helping hand in portion control.   The bodykey range includes instant soups, shakes and bars in tempting flavours to give you the basic nutrients you need and a variety of meal options to enjoy. Choose from the following delicious flavours: Soups – Tomato or Vegetable; Shakes – Chocolate or Vanilla; Bars – Red Fruit or Chocolate.

Ale přitom nechci v kuchyni Emoce „Sháním novou práci a potřebuji si zvednout sebevědomí snížením své váhy. Ale přitom nechci v kuchyni strávit ani minutu!“ Real insights from bodykeyTM quantitative studies through out Europe. Weight loss participants, or those suffering from overweight demonstrate similar emotional characteristics: Alone- both in their challenge to lose weight and socially- friends or family may not be overweight so no one is accompanying them on their diet. Restricted- dieting means giving up on the things they like or want. They hence do no know what to eat and often feel inhibited in their behaviors and actions. Generic... Most diets treat them like a number, not a person. Its a “diet plan” , but not a ” plan for them” Knowing that we are all different and have our own needs, Amway has also developed three variations of each of the instant meals. All flavours are available in Carb Reduced, Fat Reduced and Balanced varieties, with colour coding to help you choose the right one. To enjoy these tasty instant meals, all you need to do is to decide which variation suits you best. Need to consume less fat? Choose the Fat Reduced version. If you believe you are consuming too many carbohydrates, why not try the Carb Reduced variety. And, if you feel you need to decrease both equally, the Balanced instant meals could be your choice. Once you have decided which variation best suits you, simply replace one meal a day with a bodykey instant meal – just choose the time of day when you are too busy to prepare a home-made meal. This will help you to save time and control the quality and amount of food that you eat. Combine the convenience of one instant meal per day with two regular meals and you’ll get a varied and well- balanced daily diet.

Emoce „Řadu let jsem se pokoušela držet redukční diety, při kterých jsem nemohla jíst to, co zbytek rodiny. Chci, abych mohla vařit chutně pro celou naši rodinu a abych přitom měla váhu pod kontrolou...“ It’s also wise to make an effort to eat each meal more slowly – for better digestion - and to drink plenty of water to ensure an adequate liquid intake, which is important for all body mechanisms, especially when on a diet. And bodykey can help here too. The new bodykey Tea is an optimal companion during any weight loss journey and makes a tasty alternative to water.   To support your diet strategy further, Amway has also developed two supplements that reduce your overall calorie intake: the Natural Carb Reducer, which reduces the absorption of up to 2/3 of the carbohydrates in a standard 600-calorie meal and the Natural Fat Reducer, which blocks up to 27 % of the fat content in a meal. In addition, naturally sourced supplements offered in a wide range by NUTRILITE not only play an important role by filling any nutritional gap in your diet, but also help enhance your energy levels, support your digestion and maintain your fitness while you are dieting and exercising. Use NUTRILITE Omega 3 if you don’t eat fish twice a week, NUTRILTE™ All Plant Protein to maintain muscle mass and bones and NUTRILTE™ Fiber Powder to support your digestive system.

Výrobky značky bodykey™ a doplňky stravy NUTRILITE™

Výrobky bodykey™ skvělé chuti Velikosti porcí a kalorie snadno pod kontrolou The bodykey range includes instant soups, shakes and bars in tempting flavours to give you the basic nutrients you need and a variety of meal options to enjoy. Choose from the following delicious flavours: Soups – Tomato or Vegetable; Shakes – Chocolate or Vanilla; Bars – Red Fruit or Chocolate.   Knowing that we are all different and have our own needs, Amway has also developed three variations of each of the instant meals. All flavours are available in Carb Reduced, Fat Reduced and Balanced varieties, with colour coding to help you choose the right one. To enjoy these tasty instant meals, all you need to do is to decide which variation suits you best. Need to consume less fat? Choose the Fat Reduced version. If you believe you are consuming too many carbohydrates, why not try the Carb Reduced variety. And, if you feel you need to decrease both equally, the Balanced instant meals could be your choice. Bodykey is backed by NUTRILITE‘s 75 Years of expertise. Bars, soups shakes provide the right macronutrient level for the 3 main diet types: balanced, low carb, low fat. These shakes, bars, & soups are a convenient way to control portions, as well as intake of fats, carbs, proteins, & calories – they make it easier to reach & maintain optimal weight and start feeling better throughout the entire day. Each of the bodykey products come in 3 lines - Your personal bodykey result will tell you which line is supporting you best in losing weight. Permanent product packages with 10% discount (separate order number, country specific): Product selection for each color code /Diet Type: bodykey shake, soup, tea + fat-or carblocker + NUTRILITE DOUBLE X A trial set for each color code with a product mix of all flavors bodykey shake, soup, bar Trainer info: no vitamins/minerals - intention is so sell nutrilite on top - Not cited as kosher and halal, not suitable for diabetics, contains milk protein Výběr polévky +koktejly +tyčinky +čaj

Rychlá a snadná příprava! Koktejly bodykey™ Rychlá a snadná příprava! méně sacharidů méně tuku vyvážené složení Shakes: available in chocolate & vanilla, offer a refreshing instant meal at home, work, or on the go. Perfect any time of day, the shakes provide a super substitute most meals and are a refreshing treat you’ll always enjoy. 14 Pouches per Pack Trainer info on ingredients: Balanced Vanilla Shake: fructose, vegetable fat powder, safflower oil, thickening agent: xanthan, gum, milk protein concentrate, pea protein, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, flavour, anticaking agent: silicon dioxide.   Fat Reduced Vanilla Shake: fructose, pea protein, milk protein concentrate, thickening agent: xanthan gum, flavour, safflower oil, emulsifier: sun-flower lecithin, anticaking agent: silicon dioxide. Carb Reduced Vanilla Shake: milk protein concentrate, pea protein, safflower oil, flavour, vegetable fat powder, thickening agent: xanthan gum, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, sweetener: sucralose, anticaking agent: silicon dioxide. Balanced Choco Shake: fructose, emulsifier sunflower lecithin, cocoa powder, safflower oil, vegetable fat powder, thickening agent: xanthan gum, flavour, milk protein concentrate, pea protein, anticaking agent: silicon dioxide. Fat Reduced Choco Shake: fructose, cocoa powder, pea protein, milk protein concentrate, thickening agent: xanthan gum, flavour, safflower oil, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, anticaking agent: silicon dioxide. Carb Reduced Choco Shake: pea protein, milk protein concentrate, cocoa powder, safflower oil, thickening agent: xanthan gum, vegetable fat powder, flavour, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin, sweetener sucralose, anticaking agent: silicone dioxide. V prodeji ve dvou příchutích: čokoládová a vanilková

Zeleninovo-rajčatová příchuť Polévky bodykey™ Teplé jídlo – snadná příprava – zalije se horkou vodou! méně sacharidů méně tuku vyvážené složení Soups: in tomato & vegetable are also a very easy way to have a warm instant meal when time & flexibility may be lacking. Just add hot water,   840g pack contains 2 sachets a'420g = 7 servings per a'60 gramms No matter what the reason is, there just isn’t always time to cook. bodykeys delicious soups are a satisfying substitute for your lunch or dinner. So they help save time and fill you up! Trainer info on ingredients: Balanced Tomato Soup: 31,8% tomato powder, sweet whey powder, maltodextrin, pea protein isolate, dextrin, vegetable oil, modified starch, yoghurt powder, salt, thickening agent: guar gum, flavour, milk protein, emulsifier: soy lecithin, beetroot juice powder, basil, oregano Fat Reduced Tomato Soup: 33,1% tomato powder, sweet whey powder,maltodextrin, pea protein isolate, dextrin, modified starch, yoghurt powder, salt, thickening agent: guar gum, flavour, vegetable oil, milkprotein, emulsifier: soy lecithin, basil, oregano. Carb Reduced Tomato Soup: 35% tomato powder, pea protein isolate,dextrin, vegetable oil, skimmed milk powder, yoghurt powder, maltodextrin, modified starch, milkprotein, salt, oat bran, emulsifier: soy lecithin, thickening agent: guar gum, flavour, beetroot juice powder, basil, oregano. Balanced Vegetable Soup: 27,2 % potato flakes (potatoes, emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, stabilizer: starch sodium octenyl succinate, antioxidant: fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid, colouring spice extract preparation), sweet whey protein powder, pea protein isolate, maltodextrin, fat powder (vegetable oil, maltodextrin, milkprotein, emulsifier: soy lecithin), dextrin, 5 % carrots, 4 % onion flakes (onions, corn starch, glucose sirup, emulsifier: soy lecithin), salt, flavour, leek, parsley, thickening agent: guar gum, celery leaves, pepper. Fat Reduced Vegetable Soup: 28% potato flakes (potatoes, emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, stabilizer: starch sodium octenyl succinate, antioxidant: fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid, colouring spice extract preparation), sweet whey powder, pea protein isolate, maltodextrin, dextrin, 5% carrots, 4% onion flakes (onions, corn starch,glucose sirup, emulsifier: soy lecithin), fat powder (vegetable oil, maltodextrin, milkprotein, emulsifier: soy lecithin), salt, flavour, leek, parsley, thickening agent: guar gum, pepper, celery leaves. Carb Reduced Vegetable Soup: 28% potato flakes (potatoes, emulsifier: mono and diglycerides of fatty acids, stabilizer: starch sodium octenyl succinate, antioxidant: fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid, colouring spice extract preparation), fat powder (vegetable oil, maltodextrin, milkprotein, emulsifier: soy lecithin), pea protein isolate, dextrin, skimmed milk powder, 5% carrots, 4% onion flakes (onions, corn starch, glucose sirup, emulsifier: soy lecithin), oat bran, salt, flavour, leek, parsley, thickening agent: guar gum, pepper, celery leaves. Zeleninovo-rajčatová příchuť

Praktická svačina na cestu Tyčinky bodykey™ Praktická svačina na cestu méně sacharidů méně tuku vyvážené složení Bars: The perfect instant meal any time of the day, these chocolate and berry bars are a perfect fulfilling treat. On the go, or too busy to sit down to eat your meal, the bodykey bars help fill you up and push you through the day. 14 bars per pack Trainer info on ingredients: Balanced Choco Bar: fructose-glucose syrup, rice crisps (rice flour, wheat flour, sugar, wheat malt, flavour), whey protein crisp (whey protein, milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, emulsifier: soy lecithin, vanilla), gelatine hydrolysate, cream powder, cocoa mass, vegetable fibres: acacia gum, oligofructose, brown soft sugar (sugar, sugar syrup, colouring agent: caramel (E150c)), low fat cocoa.   Fat Reduced Choco Bar: glucose syrup, chocolate drops (sugar, cacao mass, cacao butter, emulsifier: soy lecithin, vanilla), rice crisps (rice flour, wheat flour, sugar, wheat malt, salt, flavour), rice crisps (rice flour, wheat gluten, sugar, wheat malt, glucose, salt), sugar, oligofructose, vegetable fibres: acacia gum, low fat cocoa, skim milk powder, flavour. Carb Reduced Choco Bar: whey protein crisp (whey protein, rice flour, emulsifier: soy lecithin), fructose, cream powder, wheat starch, palm fat, oligofructose, milk protein, low fat cocoa, humectant: glycerol, vegetable fibres: acacia gum, cocoa mass, emulsifier: citric acid ester (E472c), flavour, salt. Balanced Red Fruit Bar: glucose syrup, whey protein crisp (whey protein, rice flour, emulsifier: soy lecithin), cranberries sweetened, (cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil), rice crisp (rice flour, wheat flour, sugar, wheat malt, salt, flavour), vegetable fibres: acacia gum, gelatine hydrolysate, cream powder, palm fat, oligofructose, sugar, milk protein, strawberries, acidifier: citric acid, flavour, colouring agent: beetroot concentrate. Fat Reduced Red Fruit Bar: glucose syrup, cranberries sweetened (cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil), oligofructose, rice crisp (rice flour, wheat flour, sugar, wheat malt, salt, flavour), rice crisp (rice flour, wheat gluten, sugar, wheat malt, glucose, salt), cream powder, vegetable fibres: acacia gum, skim milk powder, sugar, strawberries, acidifier: citric acid, flavours. Carb Reduced Red Fruit Bar: whey protein crisp (whey protein, rice flour, emulsifier: soy lecithin), wheat starch, fructose, cream powder, palm fat, milk protein, oligofructose, humectant: glycerol, vegetable fibres: acacia gum, cocoa butter, cranberries sweetened (cranberries , sugar, sunflower oil), acidifier: citric acid, emulsifier: citric acid ester (E472c), strawberries, salt, colouring agent: beetroot concentrate, flavour. V prodeji ve dvou příchutích: čokoládová a ovocná

Bylinný čaj bodykey™ Uhasí žízeň chutně a bez kalorií! Praktický sáček, který vezmete kamkoli s sebou! Tea: bodykey offers a thirst quenching tea to enjoy any time of the day. This relaxing tea with lemongrass, green tea, nettle leaves is the perfect way to ensure enough water intake, which is vital not only for weight management success but also for better overall health and well being. Trainer info on ingredients: Tech/Reg: no claims about mate possible. Herbal Tea: mate (Ilex paraguariensis), lemongrass, green tea, nettle leaves, oat straw green, rooibos, liquorice root. Zklidňující bylinný čaj s citrónovou trávou, zeleným čajem a listy kopřivy


rostlinné koncentráty NUTRILITE™ Jednoduchý doplněk stravy NUTRILITE™ Daily vitaminy minerální látky rostlinné koncentráty NUTRILITE multivitamins are the perfect complement to the bodykey instant meals – you have full control over calories and nutrients. In a diet, we often reduce the daily calorie intake, we skip meals, eat generally less than usual or we eat less food high in calories. To ensure a balanced nutritional supply, an adequate, well-balanced and diversified nutrition is, however, crucial . Perfect food supplements with high requirements/standard - NUTRILITE vitamins, minerals with precious plant concentrates. NUTRILITE daily is a simple and convenient solution and provides a broad nutritional coverage. Taken once a day (with breakfast or with lunch), this product provides a broad variety of vitamins and minerals, together with 6 valuable plant concentrates. NUTRILTE DOUBLE X is the ultimate product– provides enhanced nutritionnal support with vitamins, minerals and 23 plant concentrates. Taken twice per day, it maintains consistent optimum nutrient levels - an important impact for your wellbeing – your body is working hard when losing weight. The standard supply garanties an optimal nutritional support for 30 days – with the refill supply you can even safe money - favorably priced refill supply for 2 months. Špičkový NUTRILITE™ DOUBLE X™

Doplňuje NUTRILITE™ Vysoce kvalitní NUTRILITE™ Omega-3 Complex esenciální mastné kyseliny NUTRILITE omega-3 complex: Providing essential fatty acids, it is the perfect complement to the multivitamin product. In our food, we find these special fatty acids in ocean fish, especially these rich in fat, or in certain vegetable oils. For losing weight, however, we often reduce the intake of fat food. This product provides a targeted supply of these precious substances without extra calories from food– well provided for the next 3 months. Trainer info: 90 capsules (bovine gelatine) EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) - supports regulation of inflammatory reactions DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) - is important in retinal development and supports healthy eye tissue Guaranteed purity because of high quality manufacturing methods: Contains no environmental polluants like quicksilver, polychlorinated biphenyles (PCB) and organochloridne pesticides. The manufacturer (Ocean Nutrition Canada (ONC) uses only high quality raw fish oil. ONC is manufacturing the most pure and most clear oils on the market and is 1 of 3 manufacturers worldwide who can produce Omega 3 fish oil in larger quantities, furthermore, ONC is 1 of 2 manufacturers who can do the desodoration of the oils.

Potřebujete větší podporu? NUTRILITE™ Potřebujete větší podporu? Konjugovaná kyselina linolová NUTRILITE™ CLA 500 Konjugovaná kyselina linolová v kapslích This food supplement could be a big boost for anyone trying to get into shape– as part of a healthy nutrition and of an active lifestyle. CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is an essential fatty acid (omega 6) that occurs naturally in meat and dairy products – these foods, too, are often reduced in a diet. For the special effect to „manage“ the ratio of muscle-to-fat, our body needs a certain quantity of this special fatty acid – 3 grames, this is equivalent to the intake of 2 capsules before every 3 meals. A convenient and easy way of support. Trainer info: Optimizes metabolism and acts as a manager for the ratio of muscle/fat tissue Quality - derived from 100% safflower oil Convenient use: 180 capsules (bovine gelatine) Take two capsules three times per day, before meals Every capsule contains 500 mg of conjugated linoleic acid Gluten-free, lactose-free

Užitečná podpora NUTRILITE™ NUTRILITE™ Fibre Powder Protein and fibres increase the satiating power of foods. You feel longer satiated and can do without in between meals! NUTRILITE All Plant Protein Wide range of application: simply add to food, sprinkle on fruits or cereals, add to yogurt or to drinks. Mixed with water: perfect snack – drink in sips best quality - PDCAAS 1 (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score) Unique blend from 3 plant sources: 82 % soy, 10% wheat, 7,5% pea = perfect amino acid profile rich on protein (80%) – low fat (~5%) Provides optimal supply of protein – balanced and easy to digest (>90%) lactose-free, cholesterol-free and low fat, suitable for vegans, vegetarian and lactose intolerant persons, without animal products or dairy side effects. NUTRILITE fibre powder: Powder of soluable fibres – can be sprinkled on foods or mixed in liquids – Quick and convenient way to contribute to daily fibre intake. In combination with your meals they provide a long lasting feeling of satiety and a constant blood sugar levels – no more hunger attacks! physiological effects: Fibres slow the rate that sugar is absorbed in the blood stream – blood sugar level rises more slowly - supports normal gastro-intestinal function and regularity -delays emptying of stomach – provides a stronger feeling of satiety + decelerates the activity of the digestive enzymes. 3 sources: resistant Dextrin (tapioka starch), Inulin (chicory root extract), partially hydrolised guar gum Important: Watch your supply of liquids when consuming fibres. Drink a full glass of water (250 ml to 375 ml) per stick pack. NUTRILITE™ All Plant Protein

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