I was my Bday….Solutions/Začalo pršet.. Překlad I was my Bday….Solutions/Začalo pršet..
1. wanted 2. went 3. started 4. didn´t win 5 came 6. wasn´t 7. had 8. took 9. made 10. enjoyed
1. competed 2. were watching 3. were shouting 4. realised 5. were saying 6. sounded 7. looked 8. saw 9. was swimming 10. came
Začalo pršet a chodníky zamrzly. (begin) It began raining and the pavements/ sidewalks froze (down). Viděla jsem Jacka, plížil se pomalu k domu. I saw Jack, he was creeping slowly to the house. Našli ji před třemi dny. Schovávala se v lese. They found her 3 days ago. She was hiding in the wood. Nepřinesl jí ty knihy. He didn´t bring her the books. Nechtěla ho držet za ruku. She didn´t want to hold his hand. Nejedla, protože ji bolelo v krku. (throat) She didn´t eat, because her throat hurt.
Odpustila jsi mu? Did you forgive him? Poštípali (pokousali) ho komáři. Mosquitoes bit him. Vedl firmu před půl rokem. Věděl o ní všechno. He led a firm half a year ago. He knew everything about it. Cožpak nepřišel s tebou? (Nepřišel..?-otázka v záporu) Didn´t he come with you? Proč to nevěděli? Why didn´t they know it? Přišel domů a nakrmil rybičky. He came home and he fed the fish.