Anotace: prezentace je určena pro žáky pátého ročníku seznámí se zde a procvičí si formu budoucího času bud. čas s vazbou „going to“ tvoření oznamovacích vět s vazbou „going to“ tvoření tázacích vět s vazbou „going to“
I´m going to... plánovaná blízká budoucnost
St. Valentine´s Day school starts Christmas Day Boxing Day Mother´s Day finish school Hallowe´en New Year´s Day
I´mgoing toplaytennis Make phrases : You´re going toSpain read walk
Complete this sentencces in the expressing future/vyjádřené v budoucnosti: Tom Peter My dad Uncle Georg Your neighbor Jane Tony and Jacob
Tom is going to watch telescope nature. Jane is going to ski in winter. Your neighbor is going to ride on a motorcycle. My dad is going to watch on TV. Uncle George is going to fish. Peter is going to walk in the mountains. Tony and Jacob are going to play table tennis together.
Question expression in the future tense /otázka vyjádřená v bud. čase Areyougoing tosnorkel?
Make sentencec, example: This is Andrea´s bag. She´s going to play tennis. This ___ Jane´s _______. ______ going to ______ surprise. Help: bag, purse, suitcase, handbag ____ ___ Tony´s ____________. ____ ______ ___ _______ ___ Tedy Tina Kelly
This is Tina´s handbag. She´s going to a restaurant for coffee. This is Tom´s suitcase. He´s going to take foto. This is Kelly´s purse. She´s going to buy a skirt. Thi´s is Tedy´s suitcase and bag. He´s going to sunbathe and diving.