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Základní škola a mateřská škola, Svoboda nad Úpou, okres Trutnov
Bc. Lucie Ševčíková VY_22_INOVACE_2.2.2 AJ8,9g_7 Téma: minulý čas průběhový 8. a 9. ročník Číslo projektu : CZ.1.07/1.4.00/
Anotace: Tento interaktivní materiál je určen pro žáky 8. a 9. ročníku k pochopení a zvládnutí minulého průběhového času. Prezentace obsahuje výklad a několik vzorových interaktivních příkladů.
Past continuous Minulý čas průběhový
was/were ……………….. ing Peter was playing football yesterday.
Helen wasn´t walking a dog yesterday afternoon. Were you working in the garden in the morning?
Vyjadřuje dobu trvání děje v minulosti
Většinou se používá společně s minulým časem prostým jako vyjádření děje, který probíhal, když se něco stalo. I was watching TV when the telephone rang.
I ……. my best friend while I was shopping in the town.
saw I ……. my best friend while I was shopping in the town. saw was seeing see
While she …………… a bath the telephone rang.
was having While she …………… a bath the telephone rang. had having was having
What ……………………. when the lights went out?
were they doing What ……………………. when the lights went out? did they do were they doing are they doing
Somebody…………….her bag when she was waiting for the bus.
stole Somebody…………….her bag when she was waiting for the bus. stole was stealing were stole
He ……………… an accident when he was driving back home.
had He ……………… an accident when he was driving back home. was having have had
Obrázky: Kliparty Galerie Microsoft
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