Nepravidelná slovesa v přítomném a minulém čase Základní škola Jakuba Jana Ryby Rožmitál pod Třemšínem Mgr. M. Hašková Efektivní výuka pro rozvoj potenciálu žáka projekt v rámci Operačního programu VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ PRO KONKURENCESCHOPNOST
Tvar sloves v minulém čase Slovesa Pravidelná Koncovka ed lived Nepravidelná Vlastní tvar Nepravidelná slovesa se ze začátku učí nejlépe memorováním. K zapamatování pomůže i nějaký příklad. Dejte pozor na výslovnost!
eat Přítomný čas I usually eat my breakfast in the morning. She doesn´t eat after six in the evening. Minulý čas I ate all the cookies. He ate in a restaurant and went back to work. ate
make Přítomný čas I make a sandwich for lunch. A composer makes music. Minulý čas They made a new film about Elizabeth I. I made two phone calls in the morning. made
come Přítomný čas I come to school at seven thirty. Our son sometimes comes for the weekend. Minulý čas I came home at 9 p.m. last evening. She came back a month latter. came
write Přítomný čas I never write letters. A journalist writes for a newspaper. Minulý čas I wrote to my mum from our holiday. He wrote a message for Mike. wrote
fly Přítomný čas I fly to Greece in summer. The plane flies over the Alps. Minulý čas I flew to Cuba on my holiday. He flew first class on his business trip. flew
drink Přítomný čas I drink coffee in the morning. My mother always drinks herb tea before bed. Minulý čas I drank too much Cola. He drank a glass of juice. drank
speak Přítomný čas I speak English and German. He sometimes speaks to me by the phone. Minulý čas I spoke to him last week. The Prime Minister spoke to people in the streets. spoke
see Přítomný čas I see my grandmother twice a week. She sees very well with her new glasses. Minulý čas I saw a great film yesterday. They saw it is impossible to do it. saw
know Přítomný čas I know Dan very well. He knows a lot about motorbikes. Minulý čas I knew a lot of people in Paris. They knew what to do. knew
Přehled – infinitiv / minulý tvar have – had be – was / were go - went eat – ate make – made come – came write – wrote fly - flew drink – drank speak – spoke see – saw know - knew
had was / were went ate made came wrote flew drank spoke saw knew Které sloveso nemá změnu samohlásky? Která slovesa mají v minulém tvaru hlásku [ej] ? Která slovesa mají v minulém tvaru hlásku [u:] ? Která slovesa mají v minulém tvaru hlásku [əu] ?