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ZveřejnilIveta Janečková
Reported speech Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Romana Petrová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedogických pracovníků (NÚV).
Reported speech – nepřímá řeč John says: “I like my dog.“ přímá řeč John says that he likes his dog. nepřímá řeč Nepřímá řeč zachycuje to, co řekl někdo jiný, ne však doslova.
Reported speech – nepřímá řeč John said that he liked his dog. Je-li v řídící větě sloveso v minulém čase, posouvají se časy v nepřímé řeči následovně: Přítomný čas minulý čas Minulý a předpřítomný čas předminulý čas Budoucí čas (will) would
Reported speech – nepřímá řeč He said: “I live in Prague.“ He said (that) he lived in Prague. Mary said: “I was there yesterday.“ Mary said she had been there the day before. They said: “We have seen the film.“ They said they had seen the film. He asked: “Who will go with me?” He asked who would go with him.
V nepřímé řečí se kromě časů často mění osobní a přivlastňovací zájmena: Tim said: “I miss my friends. They are on their holiday.“ Tim said that he missed his friends and they were on their holiday. Can you give me your phone number? he asked. He asked if I could give him my phone number.
V nepřímé řečí se kromě časů, osobních a přivlastňovacích zájmen, často mění i příslovce času a místa. this (evening)that (evening) nowthen today/this daythat day these (days)those (days) (a week) ago(a week) before yesterdaythe day before tomorrowthe next/following day herethere next weekfollowing week last weekendthe weekend before/ the previous weekend
1)Emily: "Our teacher will go to Rome tomorrow.„ Emily said that............ 2) Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday." Helen told me that........ 3) Robert: "My brother created a computer virus last year." Robert told me that........ 4) Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago." Lisa said that............ Change direct speech into indirect.
Solution: 1) Emily: "Our teacher will go to Rome tomorrow." Emily said that their teacher would go to Rome the next/ following day. 2) Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday." Helen told me that she´d been writing a letter the day before. 3) Robert: "My brother created a computer virus last year." Robert told me that his brother had created a computer virus the year before. 4) Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago." Lisa said that Tim´d gone to the stadium an hour before.
Change direct speech into indirect. 5) Patricia: "Will your mother celebrate her birthday next weekend?" Patricia asked me if........... 6) Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow." Jason and Victoria promised that.......... 7) Alice: "The robbers are robbing the bank now." Alice told the police that............... 8) The criminal: "I commited the crime here." The criminal confessed that...............
Solution: 5) Patricia: "Will your mother celebrate her birthday next weekend?" Patricia asked me if my mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend. 6) Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow." Jason and Victoria promised that they would do their best in the exams the next day. 7) Alice: "The robbers are robbing the bank now." Alice told the police that the robbers were robbing the bank then. 8) The criminal: "I commited the crime here." The criminal confessed that he had commited the crime there.
You are all going to attend a reunion party. Write down what you are going to say on a piece of paper. Write your name on that piece of paper. Give the paper to the teacher. After that all papers will be mingled and handed round. Work in couples, say your partner what your schoolmate said at the party. Ex: Peter said that ……
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