Název školy: ZŠ Varnsdorf, Edisonova 2821, okres Děčín, příspěvková organizace Jazyk a jazyková komunikace, Anglický jazyk, Přítomný čas prostý a průběhový Autor: Michaela Galbavá, DiS. Název materiálu: VY_22_INOVACE_17/I.SADA Anotace: Prezentace je určena pro žáky II.stupně ZŠ, slouží k výkladu a opakování přítomného času prostého a průběhového Období: září – prosinec 2011
Present simple x present continuous The girls are chating and smilling. They have tennis rockets. But they are not playing tennis now. They often play tennis but now they are talking about some funny things.
Present simple x present continuous Use the continuous for something that is happening at or around the time of speaking. I am doing Past Now Future Use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly. I do Past Now Future
Present simple x present continuous I am going to bed now. Goodnight! The water is boiling. Can you turn it off? The television is on but nobody is watching. Listen! Marry is singing. My parents live in Prague. It doesn‘t rain in summer very much. I usually go to bed before midnight. What do you do? Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.
Present simple x present continuous I am always doing I always do I am always loosing my keys. It does not mean that you lose things every day. But it means that you lose your keys too often. I do it every time. For example: I always go to school on foot.
Použité zdroje Obrázek použit z galerie Office.microsoft.com, citováno dne 19.11.2011 Časové osy vytvořeny pomocí nástrojů Microsoft Word, vytvořeno 19.11.2011