ZŠ Týnec nad Labem AUTOR: Alena Darebná VY_32_INOVACE_18_ANGLIČTINA 5.ROČNÍK_FREE TIME ACTIVITY Téma: FREE TIME ACTIVITY Vytvořeno: březen 2012 CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1921
Anotace FREE TIME ACTIVITY Možno použít na výklad a procvičení volnočasových aktivit Vhodné pro žáky 5. roč. Určeno pro PC i interaktivní tabuli Některé stránky lze vytisknout a použít jako pracovní listy
What are they doing? They play tennis. He plays tennis.
What are they doing in their free time? He plays the guitar. She listens to the CDs player.
What are they doing in their free time? They play football. He plays football.
What are they doing in their free time? They go swimming. She goes skiing.
Complete the senteces Molly and Hanah ___________ tennis. Joe __________ tennis too. Michael ___________ the guitar. Jane ___________to a music. They ___________ football every Friday. David ___________ football on Saturday. Kate _________skiing every weekend. Eve and Sue __________ swimming.
Complete the senteces - solution Molly and Hanah ___________ tennis. Joe __________ tennis too. Michael ___________ the guitar. Jane ___________to a music. They ___________ football every Friday. David ___________ football on Saturday. Kate _________skiing every weekend. Eve and Sue __________ swimming. play plays plays listens play plays goes go
Write Do or Does _______ Oliver skiing? _______ Joe play tennis? _______ Molly and Hanah play football? _______ David play the guitar? _______ they listen to the radio? _______ Sam and Oliver go swimming? _______ David play football?
Write Do or Does - solution _______ Oliver skiing? _______ Joe play tennis? _______ Molly and Hanah play football? _______ David play the guitar? _______ they listen to the radio? _______ Sam and Oliver go swimming? _______ David play football? Does Does Do Does Do Do Does
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