Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Mgr. Tereza Černá Název materiálu:VY_32_INOVACE_01_16_Present simple I. (be, have) Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Anotace: Prezentace pro 2. stupeň základních škol. Slouží jako materiál k procvičení, upevnění a zopakování již probraného učiva pomocí data projektoru či interaktivní tabule. Části prezentace lze použít jako kontrolní test. Čas vymezený na práci s prezentací je minut, včetně kontroly.
Fill in the right form of verb BE: I tall. My sister eleven years old. ……….. you at school? My brother short. We twins. ………..Tom and Sara very good friends? The children in the garden. Tina ………………. a pupil. I …………..…… from Brazil. am isn´t Are is Are are aren´t isn´t am not
Make the short answers according to the signs: Are you British? Is she from the Czech Republic? Is he from Brno? Are we 15 years old? Are you a boy? Are you a girl? Are they at school? No, I´m not. Yes, she is. No, he isn´t. No, we aren´t. No, I´m not. Yes, I am. Yes, they are.
Choose the correct form of verb have got: My house have / got 7 rooms. I / has got a new flat. We / has got a nice garden. My sister have/ got a good cake. The pupils / has got a new teacher. Jenny and Sally / has got very nice bags. My dog have/ got a nice kennel. We /hasn´t got any car. has have has haven´t has
Make short answers according to the sings: Have you got a sister? Have they got a book? Has she got homework? Has he got a diary? Have you got a friend? Have they got a dog? Have you got a computer? Yes, I have. Yes, they have. Yes, she has. No, he hasn´t. Yes, I have. No, they haven´t. No, I haven´t.
POUŽITÁ LITERATURA A CITACE: Obrázky použity ze sady Office Není-li uvedeno jinak je materiál dílem autorky podle učebních osnov odpovídajících ŠVP vyučovaných podle učebnic: HUTCHINSON,T., PELTERET,C.Project 2.Oxford University Press, ISBN MURPHY, R. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, ISBN SCIBOROWSKA, B., ZARANSKA,J. Let´s play grammar. Infoa, ISBN Citováno dne DUM uložen na-