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Mgr. Jaroslava Majlišová Název prezentace: (DUMu)

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1 Mgr. Jaroslava Majlišová Název prezentace: (DUMu)
Název SŠ: SOU Uherský Brod Autoři: Mgr. Jaroslava Majlišová Název prezentace: (DUMu) GRAMMAR: Verbs have got and have Tematická oblast: Anglický jazyk pro 1. ročník Ročník: 1. ročník Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Datum vzniku: září 2012 Uvedení autoři, není-li uvedeno jinak, jsou autory tohoto výukového materiálu a všech jeho částí. Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a státním rozpočtem ČR.

2 Anotace V učebním materiálu GRAMMAR: Verbs have got and have si žáci zopakují tvary slovesa. Osvojí si správné používání sloves have a have got. 2

3 GRAMMAR: Verbs have got and have
Verb have got Verb have (present simple) Verb have = eat, drink Verb have (past simple) Verb: have in expressions

4 What have you got in your shopping bag?
Verb – have got What have you got in your shopping bag? I have got some vegetables and a bottle of milk. I haven’t got any meat. Has she got any fruit? Yes, she has. She has got much fruit. No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t got any fruit.

5 Verb – have (present simple)
Do you have any cheese? Yes, I do. I have some cheese. No, I don’t. I don’t have any cheese. Does she have any vegetables? Yes, she does. She has many vegetables. No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t have any vegetables.

6 breakfast, lunch, dinner
Verb have = eat, drink breakfast, lunch, dinner a pizza, a burger, a meal have a glass of water, a cup of tea a biscuit, a cake something to eat / drink We cannot use have got!

7 Verb – have (past simple)
Did you have a good birthday party? Yes, I did. I had a party a few days ago. No, I didn’t. I didn’t have my birthday party. Did he have a picnic last Sunday? Yes, he did. He had a picnic in the garden. No, he didn’t. He didn’t have a picnic.

8 Verb have in expressions
a birthday party a disco have a picnic a rest a nice time We cannot use have got!

9 Zdroje MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in USE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, ISBN 9

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