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ZveřejnilMarek Kadlec
Passive tenses Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Romana Petrová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedogických pracovníků (NÚV).
Passive tenses Present Simple – The newspaper is published daily. The newspapers are published daily. Past Simple – This house was built in1850. These houses were built in 1850. Present Perfect – Our car has been stolen. Our cars have been stolen. Future Simple – The car will be returned to you the same day. The cars will be returned to you the same day. Past Perfect – His money had been stolen before he returned home.
Passive voice - použití Trpný rod použijeme tehdy, kdy pro nás v daný okamžik činitel děje není vůbec důležitý, a není potřeba jej zmiňovat nebo činitele děje prostě neznáme. We are invited to the party. My car was stolen yesterday. ( Who stole the car?)
by, with Původce děje se ve větě s trpným rodem uvádí předložkou by (osoba), with (nástroj). Je-li je původce děje neurčitý, může se vynechat. We were invited to a party by Peter. Football is played all over the world. (by people) The door was opened with a card not a key. First, cake is cut (with a knife) and then served.
Passive voice – simple x continuous I v trpném rodě rozlišujeme průběhovou a neprůběhovou formu. Průběhové formy se v anglickém jazyce užívá jen u času přítomného a minulého. A new bridge is being built in our street. V naší ulici se staví nový most. (Stavba mostu probíhá). A new bridge is built in our street. V naší ulici je postaven nový most. (Most je hotový, stavba skončila).
Did you know? 1) Paper was invented in.... 2) The first pair of jeans was made by.... 3) A mirror was invented by.... 4) The first nuclear power station was opened in.... 5) London was named Londonium by.... 6) The SOS signal was first used by the ship called.... 7) The laws of gravity were discovered by.... 8) The most common name which is given in the world is....
Solution: 1) Paper was invented in China nearly 2,000 years ago. 2) The first pair of jeans was made by a German tailor Levi Strauss. 3) A mirror was invented by the Egiptians. 4) The first nuclear power station was opened in Russia in 1954. 5) London was named Londonium by the Romans. 6) The SOS signal was first used by the ship called the Titanic. 7) The laws of gravity were discovered by Isaac Newton. 8) The most common name which is given in the world is Mohammed.
Find and correct four mistakes in the text I was remembered the Christmas present which I was given by my father. When I opened the box I almost burst with joy. There was a little puppy. It was so cute. I was told not to feed it on sweets and keep it warm for a couple of days. A kennel has been bought and we chose a name for him. Now Elian is almost ten and we are liked him all the same. I have never so surprised like that Christmas.
Solution I remember the Christmas present which I was given by my father. When I opened the box I almost burst with joy. There was a little puppy. It was so cute. I was told not to feed it on sweets and keep it warm for a couple of days. A kennel was bought and we chose a name for him. Now Elian is almost ten and we like him all the same. I have never been so surprised like that Christmas.
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