Past simple action in the past taking place once, never or several times (He visited his parents every weekend.) actions in the past taking place one after.

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Prezentace na téma: "Past simple action in the past taking place once, never or several times (He visited his parents every weekend.) actions in the past taking place one after."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Past simple action in the past taking place once, never or several times (He visited his parents every weekend.) actions in the past taking place one after the other (He came in, took off his coat and sat down.) action in the past taking place in the middle of another action (When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.) Signal Words of Simple Past: yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday PositiveNegativeQuestionShort answer I spoke. I worked. I did not speak. I did not work. Did I speak? Did you work? Yes, I did, No, I didn´t.

2 Spelling Exceptions in spelling when adding edExample love – loved, like admit – admitted travel – travelled hurry – hurried, carry

3 Past continuous děj zrovna probíhal v určitý okamžik v minulosti děj probíhal právě v ten okamžik, kdy on dorazil (přerušení děje) mluvíme o dvou (či více) činnostech, které v daný okamžik probíhaly nezávisle na sobě WAS/WERE + -ING (např. he was waiting...) Duration of an action Signal Words of Past continous: while, when, as long as

4 Used to – “bejvávalo” USED TO + infinitiv - vyjádření dějů a stavů, které v minulosti byly běžné a obvyklé (ale to se změnilo, dnes je tomu již jinak - dělával, chodíval, býval atd.) I used to live here but I do not live here any more / any longer I used to go to school here. Questions and negative forms: DID We didn't use to go on holiday abroad when I was a kid. Where did you use to live when you were a kid? STILL = st hasn´t changed (I still live here. I still go to school here) NOT… ANY MORE / ANY LONGER (I do not play football any more / any longer)

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