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ZveřejnilViktorie Navrátilová
Present Simple – tvar a použití Present Continuous – tvar a použití Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Romana Petrová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedogických pracovníků (NÚV).
Present Simple - tvar You speak English. Do you speak English? - Yes, I do. No, I don´t. You don´t (do not) speak English. She plays tennis. Where does she play tennis? She doesn´t (does not) play tennis.
Present Simple - použití 1) přítomný čas prostý používáme k vyjádření děje, který se (pravidelně) v přítomnosti opakuje Paul never goes swimming on Sunday. She always gets up at 7 o´clock. Ve větě často objevují frekvenční příslovce: never/seldom/sometimes/often/usually/always Nebo určení času jako například: every morning/day/week/January
Present Simple - použití 2) vyjádření všeobecně platné skutečnosti, trvalého stavu nebo postoje, vyjadřujeme jím také fakta The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Cats like milk. California is in America. He speaks English fluently.
Present Simple - použití 3) pro vyjádření budoucnosti mluvíme-li o jízdních řádech, časových plánech atd., které nemůžeme změnit The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. The party starts at 8 o'clock. When does the class begin tomorrow?
Present Continuous - tvar You´re (are) watching TV. Are you watching TV? - Yes, I am. No, I´m not. You aren´t (are not) watching TV. He´s (is) sitting in his car. Where is he sitting or standing? He isn´t (is not) standing.
Present Continuous - použití 1) přítomný čas průběhový vyjadřuje děj, který se odehrává právě tehdy, kdy o něm mluvíme, často ve větě bývá now/ just now/at the moment Look, they are playing tennis well. She is editing pictures and he is reading the book. Sorry, I can´t. I´m having lunch at the moment.
Present Continuous - použití 2) používáme také pro vyjádření budoucího děje, který je naplánován (jako bych otevřel diář) Is he visiting his parents next weekend? She is going to her cousin‘s wedding next week. They are leaving on Monday. Can you come and see me tonight? I can't, I'm dining with Sally.
Present Continuous - použití 3) Děj neprobíhá v momentě, kdy o něm mluvíme, ale odehrává se v současnosti. Jde však o děj dočasný. We are painting the flat at the moment. (Teď, v těchto dnech, malujeme byt.) I am studying to become a doctor. (Dočasně probíhající děj, který jednou skončí). I am not reading any books right now. (Např. tento měsíc)
Present Continuous - použití 4) se slovy always/constantly vyjadřuje přítomný průběhový čas naše roztrpčení, negativní postoje She is always coming to class late.. He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up. I don't like them because they are always complaining.
Put the words in correct form: Dear Mum and Dad, I (have) a wonderful time here with Sally. The weather (be) really fantastic. Sally (decorate) some rooms at the moment. I (help) her a lot. I met my old friend – Peter – yesterday. He still (live) with his “boring” sister Janet near Sally´s house. Peter (love) sailing. He often (go) sailing when he (have) free time. He also (play) tennis and guess what – he has won a lot of tennis tournaments. So he (practise) every day now, because he (want) to win the next one. His sister (always complain) about his training seassons. That´s all for now as I (go) shopping in a minute. Peter (wait) for me outside. Love Emma
Solution: Dear Mum and Dad, I´m having a wonderful time here with Sally. The weather is really fantastic. Sally´s decorating some rooms at the moment. I´m helping her a lot. I met my old friend – Peter – yesterday. He still lives with his “boring” sister Janet near Sally´s house. Peter loves sailing. He often goes sailing when he has free time. He also plays tennis and guess what – he has won a lot of tennis tournaments. So he´s practising every day now, because he wants to win the next one. His sister is always complaining about his training seassons. That´s all for now as I´m going shopping in a minute. Peter´s waiting for me outside. Love Emma
Writing: You are sitting on the balcony of your hotel room, on the beach or outside a café. Describe what is happening at the moment (e.g. “The sun is shining” or “The children are playing beach volleyball”) and describe how you spend each evening. Write also about your plans for the next day.
Practise: 1) expres in present continuous and with words always/ constantly your irritation or negative attitude towards something 2) expres in present continuous somethnig happening in your life about now 3) expres in present continuous your arrangements in the future
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