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Vloženo z stress.pptx Začátek
90:10 The single most important thing you can do for your stress
1.Do you try to do as much as possible as soon as possible? 2.Do you often become impatient? 3.Do you always have to win at games to enjoy yourself? 4.Do you speed up the car to beat the red light? 5.Do you dislike asking for help with a problem? 6.Do you constantly seek the respect of others? 7.Are you very critical of others‘ work? 8.Do you look at your watch or clock often? 9.Do you constantly try to better your position? 10.Do you often do more than one thing at a time? 11.Do you often get angry? 12.Do you have little time for hobbies or time by yourself? 13.Do you often talk quickly? 14.Do you think you are very aggressive? 15.Do your friends think you are very aggressive? 16.Do you feel guilty if you do nothing during free time? Rate yourself as to how you react in the situations below. There are no right or wrong answers. Enter a number in the box for each question. Then add up your total number of points. An answer key is provided below. 4 = Always 3 = Frequently 2 = Sometimes 1 = Never
Answer Key If your score is between 16 and 24, you can be non- productive or your life lacks stimulation. A score between 17 and 40 designates a good ability to handle and control stress. If you have a score between 41 and 48, your stress level can be too high. If your score exceeds 60, you may be a candidate for heart disease.
Vloženo z stress.pptx Konec
6e Jméno:Třída:Datum: 1.Nemám dost místa ve svém pokoji. 2.Moje matka se o mne strachuje. 3.Není co dělat o nedělích. 4.Máme příliš mnoho zkoušek. 5.Mám dostatek peněz. 6.Snažím se udělat co nejvíc. 7.Podívej se na svoje hodinky. 7x3