Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Bc. Martin Krčmař. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám, registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ červen 2013VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_ TRPNÝ ROD V MINULÉM PROSTÉM ČASE
Trpný rod (Passive Voice in Past Simple) Najděte a vyznačte slovesa. This room was cleaned yesterday. Their house was decorated last month. These houses were built about 50 years ago. Anna‘s bicycle was stolen last night. Nobody was injured in the accident. We weren‘t invited to the party. My mother wasn‘t born in London. When was this car made? Was the thief caught by the police? Where were you born?
Trpný rod (Passive Voice in Past Simple) check your answers This room was cleaned yesterday. Their house was decorated last month. These houses were built about 50 years ago. Anna‘s bicycle was stolen last night. Nobody was injured in the accident. We weren‘t invited to the party. My mother wasn‘t born in London. When was this car made? Was the thief caught by the police? Where were you born?
Trpný rod (Passive Voice in Past Simple) America was discovered in Sloveso být (was/were) Sloveso ve třetím tvaru Anna‘s bike wasstolen last night. This house wasbuilt 100 years ago. My mum wasn‘t born in London. We weren‘t invited to the party.
Tvoření trpného rodu v minulém čase Kladná oznamovací věta This roomwascleanedyesterday. Anna‘s bikewasstolenlast night. These bookswerewrittenin English. This roomwasn‘tcleanedyesterday. Our friendsweren‘tinvitedto the party. Iwasn‘tbornin London. Wasthis housebuiltin 1950? Yes, it was./ No, it wasn‘t. Wereyoubornin Italy? Yes, I was./ No, I wasn‘t. Wasanybodyhurtin the accident? Yes, they were./ No, they weren‘t. Tázací věta Záporná oznamovací věta
Kdy trpný rod použít? Tématem věty není činitel děje. e.g. I was not invited to the party. (Námětem věty není ten, kdo mě nepozval, ale já.) Činitel děje není důležitý. e.g. When was this car made? (Není důležité, kdo auto vyrobil, ale kdy.) Činitel děje není známý. e.g. Anne‘s bike was stolen last night. (Nevíme, kdo kolo ukradl.)
Doplňte slovesa v trpném rodě minulého času prostého a překládejte věty. 1)When _______ the television _____________ ? (invent) 2)My car __________________ (steal) last week. The next day it ____________________ (find) by the police. 3)There was a fire in the house. Two rooms __________________ (damage). Luckily, nobody __________________ (injure). 4)How ________ the window ______________ ? (break) 5)When _________ America _______________ ? (discover) 6)The letter _______________ (not send) to the right address.
Řešení 1)When was the television invented? Kdy byla vynalezena televize? 2)My car was stolen last week. The next day it was found by the police. Minulý týden mi ukradli auto. Následující den bylo nalezeno policií. 3)There was a fire in the house. Two rooms were damaged. Luckily, nobody was injured. V domě vypukl požár. Dva pokoje byly poškozeny. Naštěstí nikdo nebyl zraněn. 4)How was the window broken? Jak se to okno rozbilo? 5)When was America discovered? Kdy byla objevena Amerika? 6)The letter wasn‘t sent to the right address. Dopis nebyl odeslán na správnou adresu.
MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. London: Cambridge University Press, ISBN NAYLOR, Helen. Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises With Answers. London: Cambridge University Press, ISBN POUŽITÁ LITERATURA