TO BE GOING TO Autor: Petr Baťa
Vazbu to be going to používáme k vyjádření budoucnosti. Dáváme ji přednost před budoucím časem prostým (will) v těchto 3 situacích: 1) Plány do budoucna. 2) Něco se chystáme udělat (máme v úmyslu). 3) Děj je nevyhnutelný.
Takovým příkladem může být následující věta: Příští rok navštívím Paříž. I am going to visit Paris next year. -už jsem o tom přemýšlel a mám to v plánu. I will visit Paris next year. - je to momentální nápad. 1) Plány do budoucna.
2) Něco se chystáme udělat (máme v úmyslu). Takovým příkladem může být následující věta: Přečtu si tu knihu. I am going to read the book. -chystám se na to, tak ji neber pryč. I will read the book. - beru na vědomí, že tu je a někdy si ji přečtu.
3) Děj je nevyhnutelný. Takovým příkladem může být následující věta: Bude pršet. It is going to rain. -obloha je úplně černá. It will rain. - Říkám např., že si myslím, že třeba bude pršet.
What do you think is going to happen? a)They are going to have a bath. b)They are going to do judo. c)They are going to get married
What do you think is going to happen? a)They are going to have a bath. b)They are going to do judo. c)They are going to get married
What do you think is going to happen? a)Santa is going to steal some presents. b)Santa is going to send some presents. c)Santa is going to fight some presents
What do you think is going to happen? a)Santa is going to steal some presents. b)Santa is going to send some presents. c)Santa is going to fight some presents
What do you think is going to happen? a)She is going to eat the mouse. b)She is going to cut her hair. c)The computer is going to fall asleep
What do you think is going to happen? a)She is going to eat the mouse. b)She is going to cut her hair. c)The computer is going to fall asleep
What do you think is going to happen? a)He is going to marry her. b)He is going to tie her shoes. c)He is going to leave the girl
What do you think is going to happen? a)He is going to marry her. b)He is going to tie her shoes. c)He is going to leave the girl
What do you think is going to happen? a)She is going to dance with him. b)She is going to give him a kiss. c)She is going to stand on his foot
What do you think is going to happen? a)She is going to dance with him. b)She is going to give him a kiss. c)She is going to stand on his foot
What do you think is going to happen? a)The electric chair is going to kill him. b)He is going to fall asleep. c)He is going to have a haircut
What do you think is going to happen? a)The electric chair is going to kill him. b)He is going to fall asleep. c)He is going to have a haircut
What do you think is going to happen? a)The monster is going to play football. b)It is going to play with the people. c)The monster is going to catch them
What do you think is going to happen? a)The monster is going to play football. b)It is going to play with the people. c)The monster is going to catch them
What do you think is going to happen? a)He is going to build a house. b)He is going to prepare dinner. c)He is going to win the race
What do you think is going to happen? a)He is going to build a house. b)He is going to prepare dinner. c)He is going to win the race
Translate. 1)Zítra ji o tom řeknu. 2)Zamluvím stůl na šestou hodinu. 3)Zeptáš se jí? 4)Nebude tak líný. 5)Nebudeme zaspávat. 6)Bude mít miminko. I am going to tell her about it tomorrow. I am going to reserve a table for 6 o‘clock. Are you going to ask her? He isn‘t going to be so lazy. We aren‘t going to oversleep. She is going to have a baby.