Obchodní akademie, Střední odborná škola a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky, Hradec Králové Autor: Mgr. Dana Vítová Název materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_4_ANGLICKY_JAZYK_KOMUNIKACNI_SITUACE_16 Média Téma sady: Anglický jazyk, komunikační situace Obor, ročník: Obchodní akademie, 4. ročník Datum vytvoření: leden 2014 Anotace: Slovní zásoba a konverzační podněty k tématu Média Metodický obsah: Procvičování slovní zásoby a konverzace na téma Média
What are the most common types of media? television radio newspapers and magazines internet books useful words: broadcast, receive, download, upload, share, look up, pay a fee, private ownership, public ownership
What is the role of the media? inform entertain educate provide information tell the truth check political issues
What types of newspapers are there What types of newspapers are there? What information can you find in a newspaper? serious information gossips world news national news regional news film reviews book reviews TV guide editiorials sport news weather forecast advertisements crosswords broadsheets tabloids dailies weeklies others
What British or American newspapers and magazines do you know? The Times The Guardian The New York Times The Washington Post National Geographic The Economist etc.
What information can you find on the internet? social media websites blogs online newspapers and radio stations websites on various topics encyclopedia videos e-mail boxes
What TV programmes do you watch? news channels current affairs programmes sport news entertainment programmes celebrities shows weather forecast talk shows films, TV series, comedies etc.
What media do you prefer. Why What media do you prefer? Why? What is the difference between traditional media and internet? What advantages and disadvantages does the internet have? Are there any dangers in using the internet?
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