DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název projektu DUM Škola budoucnosti s využitím IT VY_3_INOVACE_ANJ29 Název školy SPŠ a SOŠGS Most PředmětANJ Tematická oblast Gastronomie a restaurační provoz Téma Česká kuchyně - speciality Ročník 2, 3 - gastronomie Jméno autora Ludmila Křížová Datum tvorby Anotace Prezentace slouží k výkladu tématu Česka kuchyně, její speciality, zároveň lze tuto prezentaci využít jako materiálu pro opakování a prověřování znalostí žáků.
Czech Cuisine Specialities
Short characteristic Short characteristic Czechs in general like fatty meals with lard and flour. A typical lunch consists of two courses – the first course is always soup – vegetable, tomato or broth with noodles. The main course is meat and side dishes like pasta, potatoes, rice or chips. During a rich dinner, beer is served. The most famous are Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus.
Typical Czech Food – national meals Typical dish is roast pork, sauerkraut and dumplings Roast sirloin of beef in cream sauce with dumplings
Typical Czech Food – national meals Wiener shnitzel - pork steak, coated in flour, egg and breadcrumbs, is a popular dish Goulash with dumplings
Typical Christmas meal Typical Christmas dinner – fish soup, potatoe salad and carp Christmas cookies
Some more traditional Czech dishes Dumplings filled with plums, cherry or apricot Potatoes pancake
Something sweet after lunch Apple strudel with coffee Pancakes Country buns: Bohemian tarts
Favourite Czech food Favourite Czech food Favourite food is fried cheese coated with flour, eggs and breadcrumbs, usually with chips and mayonnaise
Can you answer the questions? What is the Czech cuisine? Is it healthy? How many courses does the typical lunch have? What famous Czech drink do you know? What typical Czech national meals can you name? What do people eat at Christmas dinner? What kinds of sweet meals can you name? What meals are popular among the Czech people? What kinds of soups do you know?
Work in pairs: Choose one Czech meal and describe it in details! Tell about it the rest of class! What meal is it? How is it prepared? How is it served? What part of day is it eaten?
Zdroje: Svobodová, Eva. Angličtina v gastronomii. Praha: Informatorium, 2002, ISBN ons/thumb/d/d6/Stedrovecerni_smazeny_ka pr_s_bramborovym_salatem.jpg/800px- Stedrovecerni_smazeny_kapr_s_bramborovy m_salatem.jpg- autor Ludek ons/thumb/a/a8/Vanocni_cukrovi_1.JPG/727 px-Vanocni_cukrovi_1.JPG - autor Rémi Diligent
mmons/thumb/4/43/Knedlo_zelo_vep%C 5%99o_%283%29.jpg/800px- Knedlo_zelo_vep%C5%99o_%283%29.jp g- autor Pavel Ševela mmons/thumb/b/b1/Sv%C3%ADckov%C 3%A1_na_smetane%2C_houskov%C3%B D_knedl%C3%ADk%2C_citron%2C_brusi nky.jpg/800px- Sv%C3%ADckov%C3%A1_na_smetane% 2C_houskov%C3%BD_knedl%C3%ADk% 2C_citron%2C_brusinky.jpg-autor- Nillerdk
mmons/thumb/a/ae/Wiener- Schnitzel02.jpg/220px-Wiener- Schnitzel02.jpg- autor Kobako mmons/thumb/2/22/Gul%C3%A1%C5%A 1_s_knedl%C3%ADky.jpg/800px- Gul%C3%A1%C5%A1_s_knedl%C3%ADk y.jpg-autor Dezidor
ons/thumb/a/a5/T%C5%99i_ovocn%C3%A9 _knedl%C3%ADky.JPG/220px- T%C5%99i_ovocn%C3%A9_knedl%C3%ADk y.JPG- autor Juan de Vojníkov ons/thumb/c/c8/Bramboracky.jpg/220px- Bramboracky.jpg- autor Ludek Přispěvatelé Wikipedie, Česká kuchyně [online], Wikipedie: Otevřená encyklopedie, c2013, Datum poslední revize , 10:21 UTC, [citováno ]
mmons/thumb/4/40/Strudel.jpg/800px- Strudel.jpg - autor-Che mmons/thumb/b/b0/Palatschinke.jpg/800 px-Palatschinke.jpg - autor Karl Gruber mmons/thumb/7/7f/Sma%C5%BEen%C3 %BD_s%C3%BDr%2C_hranolky%2C_tata rsk%C3%A1_om%C3%A1%C4%8Dka%2 C_obloha.jpg/220px- Sma%C5%BEen%C3%BD_s%C3%BDr%2 C_hranolky%2C_tatarsk%C3%A1_om%C 3%A1%C4%8Dka%2C_obloha.jpg – autor Dezidor