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Prezentace na téma: "MINULÝ ČAS PROSTÝ – ZÁPOR, OTÁZKA"— Transkript prezentace:

říjen 2013 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_140120 MINULÝ ČAS PROSTÝ – ZÁPOR, OTÁZKA Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Bc. Martin Krčmař. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám, registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/

2 Minulý čas prostý – záporná věta
obr. 1 don´t/doesn´t  did (present) (past) I don´t watch TV very often. I didn´t watch TV yesterday. He doesn´t go out very often. He didn´t go out last week. V záporu minulého prostého času používáme pomocné sloveso didn´t (= did not).

3 Grammar – past simple negative
1) sloveso „být“ am not/is not  wasn´t (past) are not (present)  weren´t (past) I am not at home.  I wasn´t at home. We aren´t hungry.  We weren´t hungry. 2) ostatní slovesa Věta kladná: Věta záporná: Podmět 2. tvar slovesa I watched You played He visited She did It went We ate They saw Podmět Pomocné sloveso Infinitiv I watch You play He didn´t visit She (did not) do It go We eat They see

4 VYZKOUŠEJTE SI. ÚKOL: Doplňte do vět záporné tvary sloves.
I saw Mary but I __didn´t see__ Jenny. They worked on Friday but they ___________on Saturday. She had a pencil but she _____________ any paper. We went to the shop but we _____________ to the bank. I bought some bread but I ___________ any butter. The picture on my old TV worked well but the sound _____. Hans did English at school but he ___________ French. I heard him well but he _________ me.

5 VYZKOUŠEJTE SI. ÚKOL: Doplňte do vět záporné tvary sloves.
I saw Mary but I __didn´t see__ Jenny. They worked on Friday but they __ didn´t work_on Saturday. She had a pencil but she __ didn´t have__ any paper. We went to the shop but we __ didn´t go __ to the bank. I bought some bread but I __ didn´t buy__ any butter. The picture on my old TV worked well but the sound _didn´t_. Hans did English at school but he __ didn´t do__ French. I heard him well but he _ didn´t hear__ me.

6 VYZKOUŠEJTE SI. ÚKOL: Napište kladné nebo záporné věty o tom, co jste včera dělali. What did you do yesterday? (watch TV) – I watched TV yesterday./I didn´t watch TV yesterday. (get up before 6 o´clock) (have a shower) (eat meat) (speak English) (write a test) (buy a magazine) (go to bed after p.m.)

7 Minulý čas prostý – otázka
do  did (present) (past) Do you work on Mondays? Did you work last Monday? Does she often go out? Did she go out last night? V otázce minulého prostého času používáme pomocné sloveso did.

8 Grammar – past simple interrogative
Zapamatujte si pořádek slov v otázce se slovesem v past simple. Tázací výraz Pomocné sloveso Podmět Infinitiv Zbytek otázky Did I watch TV? you see Jane? he work yesterday? What did she wear ? When it finish What time we start work? Why they come late?

9 Grammar – past simple short answers
V angličtině je běžné odpovídat na otázku tzv. krátkou odpovědí: Did you meet Jim yesterday? Yes, I did. Did it rain on Wednesday? No, it didn´t. Did Hannah come to the party. No, she didn´t. Did you do your homework? Yes, we did. Yes, I you he she it we they did. No, I you he she it we they didn´t.

10 VYZKOUŠEJTE SI. Ptejte se. Použijte Did…?.
I listened to the radio yesterday. And you?_ Did you listen to the radio_? I enjoyed the party. And you? I had a good holiday. And you? I went to bed late. And you? I slept well last night. And you? We ate a lot of food at the weekend. And you? I did German school. And you? Tom didn´t do his homework. And you?

11 ŘEŠENÍ: Ptejte se. Použijte Did…?.
I listened to the radio yesterday. And you?_ Did you listen to the radio?_ I enjoyed the party. And you? _Did you enjoy the party?_ I had a good holiday. And you? _Did you have a good holiday?_ I went to bed late. And you? _Did you go to bed late?_ I slept well last night. And you? _Did you sleep well last night?_ We ate a lot of food at the weekend. And you? _Did you eat a lot of food_? I did German at school. And you? _Did you do German at school?_ Tom didn´t do his homework. And you? _Did you do your homework?_

12 Otázky s tázacími výrazy
Napište otázky s Who/What/How/Why/When..?. I met somebody. Who_did you meet?_ John arrived. When____ _________________? I saw somebody. Who______________________? They wanted something. What _____________________? The meeting finished. What time__________________? Peggy went home early. Why______________________? It cost a lot of money. How much_________________? We travelled to France. Where_________________?

13 ŘEŠENÍ Otázky s Who/What/How/Why/When..?.
I met somebody. Who_did you meet?_ John arrived. When did John arrive? I saw somebody. Who did you see? They wanted something. What did they want? The meeting finished. What time did the meeting finish? Peggy went home early. Why did Peggy go home early? It cost a lot of money. How much did it cost? We travelled to France. Where did you travel?

14 POUŽITÁ LITERATURA MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. London: Cambridge University Press, ISBN

15 CITACE ZDROJŮ obr.1: Old style tv set Clip Art [online] [cit ]. Dostupné z:


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