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Third Conditional – tvar a použití

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1 Third Conditional – tvar a použití
Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Romana Petrová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu ISSN:  Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedogických pracovníků (NÚV).

2 Third conditional - tvar
If I´d left home earlier, I wouldn´t have arrived late. I wouldn´t have arrived late If I´d left home earlier. If we´d bought the DVDs, we´d have spent all our money. had would

3 Third conditional - použití
Třetí podmínkové souvětí užíváme k vyjádření hypotetických minulých dějů. Říká, co by bývalo bylo, kdyby bývala byla splněna podmínka. If = kdyby + past perfect , would/could/might + have + past participle If I had gone to Egypt, I could have learned Arabic. If she had had time, she might have gone to the party.

4 Third conditional - použití
Nejběžnější modální sloveso v hlavní větě je: would have ….. Často můžeme použít také: might have …… nebo could have ….. If she had arrived, she could have stayed with us. We might have known how to fix it if we had read the manual.

5 ?

6 Translate: 1) Byl bych ho navštívil. 2) Nebyl byste tam šel.
3) Zaplatil bys víc. 4) Studoval bych tenkrát více. 5) Mívala by víc peněz.

7 Solution: 1) I would have visited him.
2) You wouldn´t have gone there. 3) You would have payed more. 4) I would have studied more then. 5) She would have had more money.

8 Fill in the sentences: 1) I would have visited him if 2) You wouldn´t have gone there if 3) You would have paid more if 4) I would have studied more then if 5) She would have had more money if

9 Přehled všech kondicionálů:
Nulový kondicionál: If I am hungry, I have a sandwich. - Když mám hlad, dávám si sendvič. (vždycky když, běžně, normálně) První kondicionál: If I am hungry, I'll have a sandwich. - Jestli budu mít hlad, dám si sendvič. (Možná si dám sendvič, protože možná budu mít hlad.) Druhý kondicionál: If I was hungry, I'd have a sandwich. - Kdybych měl hlad, dal bych si sendvič. (Ale hlad nemám a tak si sendvič nedám.) Třetí kondicionál: If I had been hungry, I'd have had a sandwich. - Kdybych býval měl hlad, byl bych si dal sendvič. (Jenže já jsem hlad neměl, a proto jsem si sendvič nedal.)

10 A story of an unhappy man.
Find and correct six mistakes in the text: I lost my job yesterday. Thanks to economy, my company was having financial problems and it was hard for me to continue with late salary payments. My boss told me that if I worked harder, he wouldn´t dismissed me. He also told me that I could have keep my job if I have known foreign languages. I know there are a lot of job opportunities in the capital so if I got the job, I would have moved to London. My life might have been easy again.

11 A story of an unhappy man.
Find and correct six mistakes in the text: I lost my job yesterday. Thanks to economy, my company was having financial problems and it was hard for me to continue with late salary payments. My boss told me that if I had worked harder, he wouldn´t have dismissed me. He also told me that I could have kept my job if I had known foreign languages. I know there are a lot of job opportunities in the capital so if I got the job there, I would move to London. My life might be easy again.

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