Prepositions & Cases Combine the following nouns with the given prepositions to form prepositional phrases. Don’t forget to use the correct case of the.

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Prezentace na téma: "Prepositions & Cases Combine the following nouns with the given prepositions to form prepositional phrases. Don’t forget to use the correct case of the."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Prepositions & Cases Combine the following nouns with the given prepositions to form prepositional phrases. Don’t forget to use the correct case of the nouns! Vzor: kniha s knihou pro knihu naproti knize u knihy v knize * Taken from Lesson 2, pg. 27, ex. 3 of Contemporary Czech by Michael Heim.

2 Preps. & Cases: román s pro naproti u v

3 Preps. & Cases: román s pro naproti u v románem román románu

4 Preps. & Cases: píseň s pro naproti u v

5 Preps. & Cases: píseň s pro naproti u v písní píseň písni písně písni

6 Preps. & Cases: pokoj s pro naproti u v

7 Preps. & Cases: pokoj s pro naproti u v pokojem pokoj pokoji pokoje pokoji

8 Preps. & Cases: matka s pro naproti u v

9 Preps. & Cases: matka s pro naproti u v matkou matku matce matky matce

10 Preps. & Cases: slovo se pro naproti u v

11 Preps. & Cases: slovo se pro naproti u v slovem slovo slovu slova slově

12 Preps. & Cases: Karel s pro naproti u v

13 Preps. & Cases: Karel s pro naproti u v Karlem Karla Karlovi Karla Karlovi

14 Preps. & Cases: muž s pro naproti u v

15 Preps. & Cases: muž s pro naproti u v mužem muže muži muže muži

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