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ZveřejnilMartin Hruška
Time Prepositions Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Romana Petrová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedogických pracovníků (NÚV).
at, in, on at - at 3 o'clock, at noon, at the moment, at night, at the same time, at the weekend, at Christmas/Easter, at sunrise...... in – in summer, in May, in 1998, in the morning/afternoon/ evening, in the past/future, in the 19 th century, in few days/weeks....... on - on Christmas Day, on 6 March, on Tuesday, on Tuesday morning, on my birthday
from/to or nothing with time prepositions from/ to - from nine o´clock to ten o´clock nothing – last day, tomorrow, today, every day, the next day, the other day, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow
at, in, on, from/to or nothing with time prepositions The movie starts …1…… 9 p.m. We´re going to return home …2….. midnight. They are getting married.....3....Friday..4... six 'clock...5..... the evening. We'll be ready to leave....6..... an hour. We finished all the work....7...... the day before yesterday,...8.... the same time as our neighbours. They´re going to stay here...9....tonight,.....10....8 p.m....11..... 10 p.m. The temperature is below freezing....12....a few hours the pond should be frozen over. Can you come....13.... Wednesday afternoon?
Solution: The movie starts at 9 p.m. We´re going to return home at midnight. They are getting married on Friday at six 'clock in the evening. We'll be ready to leave in an hour. We finished all the work the day before yesterday, at the same time as our neighbours. They´re going to stay here tonight, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. The temperature is below freezing. In a few hours the pond should be frozen over. Can you come on Wednesday afternoon?
Translate: 1) Uvidíme se zítra v šest. 2) Narodil jsem se v dubnu. 3) V zimě o Vánocích bývá sníh na horách. 4) Jdeme do divadla v pátek večer. 5) O víkendu nebudu doma. 6) Přijeli v poledne. 7) Co děláš pozítří? 8) Za pár dnů odjíždíme na dovolenou.
Solution: 1) See you tomorrow at six o´clock. 2) I was born in April. 3) There is snow in mountains at Christmas in winter. 4) We´re going to the cinema on Friday night. 5) I´ll be at home at the weekend. 6) They arrived at noon. 7) What are you doing the day after tomorrow? 8) We´re leaving for holiday in a few days.
about, after, before, during about – at about two o´clock after – after midnight, the day after tomorrow, after the war before – before his birthday, before dinner during – during the winter till/ until – till Friday, until next day
Translate: 1) před jeho narozeninami 2) během vyučování 3) před týdnem 4) okolo páté hodiny 5) po páté 6) až do pěti hodin
Solution: 1) before his birthday 2) during the lessons 3) a week ago 4) at about five o´clock 5) after five o´clock 6) till/ until five o´clock
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