Cisco Systems Krajské úřady – Road Show Michal Pola, AM,


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Cisco Networking Academy
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Transkript prezentace:

Cisco Systems Krajské úřady – Road Show Michal Pola, AM, mpola@cisco Cisco Systems Krajské úřady – Road Show Michal Pola, AM, Radek Boch, SE, 15.4. 2003

Agenda 15 minut Cisco Systems, Cisco v ČR Michal Pola Cisco a státní správa CNAP – příklad systému distančního vzdělávání Přehled technologií Access / VPN / Security / Mobility LAN / Wireless IPT Ivo Němeček Case study – KI ISVS (Govnet)

Cisco Systems 35,000 zaměstanců 10,000+ inženýrů 7000+ obchodníků a pracovníků podpory v 67 zemích důležitá je spokojenost zákazníků Obrat 20 mld USD Prakticky všichni zaměstnanci Cisco vlastní akcie firmy Vysoká firemní kultura je cítit při jednání uvnitř i navenek firmy

Tržní kapitalizace Cisco $103 Billion Total $31 Billion ($B) Redback Tržní kapitalizace firmy Cisco (aktuální cena za akcii vynásobena aktuálním počtem akcií), ačkoliv již není tak vysoká jako v roce 2000, před pádem celého technologického trhu, tak je stále vysoká a zhruba třikrát vyšší než součet tržní kapitalizace dalších 7 konkurentů. Uvedená čísla jsou z 20.2.03. Pokud chcete znát aktuální čísla, jdětě na Yahoo finance… Symboly jsou CSCO, LU, NT, ALA, RBAK, COMS, EXTR, JNPR). Graf si pak můžete editovat dvojklikem. Total $31 Billion Redback 3Com Extreme Juniper Alcatel Nortel Lucent Values as of 20.2.03

Cisco Systems Česká Republika (USA) Cisco Systems (Česká Republika) Distributor Marketing Konzultace Technická pomoc Cisco, tak jako všude po světě vyjma Spojených států, prodává v ČR nepřímo Výrobky Cisco si můžete v ČR pořídit přes některého z cca 200 partnerů, jejich seznam i se stručnou chrakteristikou můžete najít na V ČR půspbí také několik distributorů, které lze nejlépe stručně charakterizovat pojmem „velkoobchod s přidanou hodnotou“, velkoobchodníci Cisco v ČR poskytuje velkým zákazníkm neplacené konzultace v předem dohodnutém rozsahu Další činností je propagace a pořádání školení, seminářů, konferencí a péče o partnery a zákazníky Cisco Partner III. Cisco Partner I. Krajský úřad XY Slevy pro VS Cisco Partner II.

Cisco technologické priority Routing a switching Hlas a Video Optické sítě Bezdrátové sítě Eternet a širokopásmové sítě Content a Storage Zabezpečení a management Tento slide popisuje základní oblasti řešení dodávané na platformě Cisco Cisco is committed to provide you with the leading networking technology for today—and tomorrow. Cisco’s technology priorities are in key areas of next generation network technology—next-generation routing and switching, the integration of voice and video in the network,optical, wireless, Ethernet and broadband access technology, content networking and storage networking, and security and network management. (Note to presenter: detailed slides of each area is available in the backup slide section in the back of this presentation. If you choose to not use them, use the following script) Routing and switching are the foundation technologies behind data networking—inspecting the packets and understanding how to treat them and where to send them in the network. As the recognized leader in routing and switching, Cisco is aggressively moving this technology forward to boost speed to the tens and hundreds of gigabits per second, improving quality of service for time sensitive traffic like voice and video, integrating layer 2 switching with layer 3 routing, boosting availability, reducing costs and space requirements, and maintaining compatibility with legacy line cards. In voice & video, it’s widely accepted that voice and video will become high priority data packets and will flow over “converged” IP networks and the Internet just like any other type of data. This migration from separate voice and video networks to one converged IP network is well under way, with Cisco actively selling products in this area today to both enterprises and service providers. Optical networking is another key area of focus because it provides tremendous bandwidth for the coming flood of voice and video data and the billion+ client devices. Cisco is creating a new optical architecture that we call IP+Optical, which combines the intelligence of IP with the tremendous speed of optical networking. Cisco now has a wide range of leading optical products in next generation SONET, metro and core DWDM, optical line cards for our routers and switches, and more. Wireless networking is also a major area of emphasis for Cisco, with ongoing development in wireless LAN, fixed broadband, and mobile wireless technologies like 2.5G and 3G. Wireless is an important part of Cisco's vision of having high speed network access available from anywhere. Cisco is also leading in the development of Ethernet and broadband access technologies like DSL and cable. The progress in Ethernet continues at a rapid rate, with gigabit to the desktop and 10 gigabit speeds in the metro and backbones available today. Cisco also continues to drive the costs down on Ethernet, assuring it's role as the dominant datalink/layer 2 technology for the future. Cisco is also working on adding more intelligence to the network with advanced Layer 4-7 technologies like content networking and storage networking. Content networking accelerates the delivery of content by locating content as close to the user as possible, directing requests to the fastest server, and more. It also allow content to be customized based on the user profile or client device (PC, PDA, cell phone, etc). Storage networking allows you to move your storage systems from the proprietary storage networking systems (like SCSI or Fiber Channel) to your standard IP network. This offers a new world of cost saving, simplified management, and location flexibility to your storage resources. Last, but certainly not least, is security and management technology. Network security technology is a tremendously important issue for Cisco and you—today's mission critical networks absolutely must be protected from unwanted intrusion and corruption. Cisco is a leader in network security products like firewalls and intrusion detection, and continues to aggressively move this technology forward. Network management is also a very important area for Cisco, with current and future products designed to make it easier for you to manage your network and provision new network services.

Cisco produkty Nejširší produktová řada Vedoucí postavení v každé kategorii R&D = 17% obratu

Síť sítí Pokud budeme chtít jednoduše shrnout co všechno Cisco dělá, pak si představme jeden počítač na jednom konci republiky a druhý na druhém, všechny komponenty, které jsou mezi nimi, ať už v LAN nebo WAN Cisco vyrábí (vyjma drátů, kabelů a pasivní kabeláže) To se týká zařízení pro přenos dat, hlasu a obrazu Today's world of networking and the Internet have formed a global IP network infrastructure—which is really a very large “network of networks”. All individual networks are now networked together and speak the same IP language – from the largest service provider network to enterprise and government networks, to smaller commercial and home networks. The world is now connected together with IP network technology, providing almost limitless opportunities for the future. Cisco is proud of it's key role in creating this global IP network of networks. Most of the IP routers that form the backbone of this global network infrastructure are from Cisco and run Cisco IOS software—the operating system that runs this network of networks. Cisco’s main technology goal is to make the key products necessary to operate this network of networks. Cisco provides end-to-end network solutions for all parts of the network—from the core of the Internet to the Metro network to the to the local area network and broadband access devices. (point to portions of network) This seamless, integrated network system has been designed largely due to requests from our major enterprise and service provider customers. They feel that the all-Cisco network is far easier to manage, is more reliable, has better performance, and can provide more advanced features than a network that is cobbled together with products from many different vendors. Since many Cisco products all run the same IOS network operating software, the all-Cisco network allows the latest networking features to be enabled throughout the network—security, quality of service, network management, and other advanced capabilities. These advanced network features can bring enormous value and make your network infrastructure a true competitive advantage for your organization. And as we continue to migrate the voice and video networks to this global IP network, the importance of compatible equipment throughout the network becomes even more important since the data now has strict time constraints in arriving across the complete worldwide network. A voice packet can't experience any more than a 50 millisecond delay or else the voice quality will suffer. One of Cisco's highest priorities is to continually improve this quality of service (QOS) capability inside Cisco IOS software. (again, point to the network and show a voice path across the network—from enterprise to small business for instance).


Kdo používá také Cisco IPT? Mel Gibson Cisco IP Phone 7960 Helen Hunt

Cisco Networking Academy v ČR Síťová akademie Cisco v ČR

Vznik a historie CNAP 1993 Cisco zaznamenává nedostatek vlastních síťových odborníků 1994 Síťová akademie se stává rutinním interním vzdělávacím systémem společnosti Cisco Systems 1995 O síťovou akademii se začínají zajímat některé americké univerzity 1997 Síťová akademie Cisco se stává globálním celosvětovým vzdělávacím systémem 1999 Síťová akademie Cisco zahajuje v České republice

Komu je program CNAP určen? Další oblastí, kam v ČR směřuje projekt CNAP, je oblast rekvalifikací. V určité míře je výuka CNAP poskytována i komerčně. Program CNAP je určen zejména pro studenty středních a vysokých škol, jimž je poskytován jako další doplňující možnost vzdělávání.

Co absolvent akademie získá? Absolvent CNAP získá znalosti z oblasti teorie, projektování, návrhu a realizace počítačových sítí v rozsahu odpovídajícím vzdělanostnímu stupni CCNA (Cisco Certified Networking Associate). V současné době zahajujeme studium odpovídající stupni CCNP (Cisco Certified Networking Professional) a další kratší kurzy (UNIX, JAVA, MDK, IT Essentials I a II). Bez ohledu na skutečnost, že vzdělávání je organizováno společností Cisco a praktická cvičení probíhají na produktech Cisco, absolventi vzhledem k jejich znalostem nalézají uplatnění u všech síťových firem.


Současný stav Stav k 23. 1. 2003 Počet akademií Počet studentů (absolventů) Celosvětově (149 zemí) 10 295 286 000 (128 000) Evropa, střední východ, Afrika (97 zemí) 3 144 89 000 (23 000) Česká republika 36 (6 RA, 36 LA) 1400 (150)

Jak probíhá studium? Studium CNA probíhá distančním způsobem, což znamená: Teorii studují studenti prostřednictvím Internetu z domova či z jiného místa, které jim vyhovuje (např. na pracovišti), v době, která jim vyhovuje (ve volném čase, o víkendu, po práci apod.) Prostřednictvím Internetu mohou probíhat také konsultace, případně další komunikace mezi studenty a lektory či ve studentské komunitě. Průběžné testy mohou rovněž být vykonávány distančně prostřednictvím Internetu. V učebně presenčním způsobem pak probíhají praktická cvičení, případné konsultace a závěrečné teoretické a praktické testy. Lektor má značnou volnost ve volbě způsobu studia – od prakticky zcela distančního až po víceméně skoro presenční.

Shrnutí dosavadní činnosti Dosažené úspěchy Zapojení CNAP do systému rekvalifikací v ČR Smlouva o spolupráci s MPSV ČR Zapojení partnerů do spolupráce Zajištění financování první CCNP (plánuji postupné zřízení CCNP na všech regionálních akademiích) Spolupráce s CELN (Cisco e-Learning Network)

Závěrem… Cisco Networking Academy… … je svým rozsahem a počtem studentů největším světovým projektem v oblasti distančního vzdělávání …byla vybrána jako pilotní projekt distančního vzdělávání pro Evropskou unii …svým přístupem i dopadem zcela naplňuje nové trendy ve spolupráci státních a veřejných organizací se soukromými firmami, tzv. Public Private Partnership


Cisco technologie

Cisco technologické priority Routing a switching Hlas a Video Optické sítě Bezdrátové sítě Eternet a širokopásmové sítě Content a Storage Zabezpečení a management Tento slide popisuje základní oblasti řešení dodávané na platformě Cisco Cisco is committed to provide you with the leading networking technology for today—and tomorrow. Cisco’s technology priorities are in key areas of next generation network technology—next-generation routing and switching, the integration of voice and video in the network,optical, wireless, Ethernet and broadband access technology, content networking and storage networking, and security and network management. (Note to presenter: detailed slides of each area is available in the backup slide section in the back of this presentation. If you choose to not use them, use the following script) Routing and switching are the foundation technologies behind data networking—inspecting the packets and understanding how to treat them and where to send them in the network. As the recognized leader in routing and switching, Cisco is aggressively moving this technology forward to boost speed to the tens and hundreds of gigabits per second, improving quality of service for time sensitive traffic like voice and video, integrating layer 2 switching with layer 3 routing, boosting availability, reducing costs and space requirements, and maintaining compatibility with legacy line cards. In voice & video, it’s widely accepted that voice and video will become high priority data packets and will flow over “converged” IP networks and the Internet just like any other type of data. This migration from separate voice and video networks to one converged IP network is well under way, with Cisco actively selling products in this area today to both enterprises and service providers. Optical networking is another key area of focus because it provides tremendous bandwidth for the coming flood of voice and video data and the billion+ client devices. Cisco is creating a new optical architecture that we call IP+Optical, which combines the intelligence of IP with the tremendous speed of optical networking. Cisco now has a wide range of leading optical products in next generation SONET, metro and core DWDM, optical line cards for our routers and switches, and more. Wireless networking is also a major area of emphasis for Cisco, with ongoing development in wireless LAN, fixed broadband, and mobile wireless technologies like 2.5G and 3G. Wireless is an important part of Cisco's vision of having high speed network access available from anywhere. Cisco is also leading in the development of Ethernet and broadband access technologies like DSL and cable. The progress in Ethernet continues at a rapid rate, with gigabit to the desktop and 10 gigabit speeds in the metro and backbones available today. Cisco also continues to drive the costs down on Ethernet, assuring it's role as the dominant datalink/layer 2 technology for the future. Cisco is also working on adding more intelligence to the network with advanced Layer 4-7 technologies like content networking and storage networking. Content networking accelerates the delivery of content by locating content as close to the user as possible, directing requests to the fastest server, and more. It also allow content to be customized based on the user profile or client device (PC, PDA, cell phone, etc). Storage networking allows you to move your storage systems from the proprietary storage networking systems (like SCSI or Fiber Channel) to your standard IP network. This offers a new world of cost saving, simplified management, and location flexibility to your storage resources. Last, but certainly not least, is security and management technology. Network security technology is a tremendously important issue for Cisco and you—today's mission critical networks absolutely must be protected from unwanted intrusion and corruption. Cisco is a leader in network security products like firewalls and intrusion detection, and continues to aggressively move this technology forward. Network management is also a very important area for Cisco, with current and future products designed to make it easier for you to manage your network and provision new network services.

Směrování a přepínání pro sjednocené sítě Odhadnutelný výkon Zabezpečení Sjednocení hlasu/videa/dat Ethernet pro metropolitní sítě JTS Multifunkční zařízení IP telefony Integrated WAN Vysoká hustota portů 10/100/1000 (optika, měď) Správa sítí Standardy na vrstvách 2/3/4 QOS/Traffic Management Rozšiřitelná architektura

IP telefonie - stavební kameny Collaboration Personal Assistant Applications IP IVR & IP ICD Intelligent Contact Manager IP Phone Productivity Services ICM Cisco Unity VM & UM Aplikace Call Processing Call Manager Řízení hovorů Directory Infrastructure PSTN PSTN brány Podpora analogových telefonů DSP farmy Infrastruktura IP Network Now, lets run through the basic IP ingredients. This slide shows you several things. What’s very familiar is the endpoint, the user instrument—the telephone. In an IP environment this comes with an Ethernet connection. It has functions you expect from a telephone, from dialing numbers on up. The infrastructure equipment, being the second layer, you are all too familiar with. At the heart of any IP telephony system is the call processing, in the middle on this slide (Call Manager). The LDAP directory used in the Call Processing layer can be leveraged and used by applications residing on the applications layer such as Unified Messaging and IP IVR. Voicemail/Unified Messaging resides in the Cisco Unity Server, the result of Cisco’s acquisition of Active Voice. That is Cisco’s voicemail platform; you may choose and use others. All these components have analogies to the PBX world, but they’re distributed. Because they’re distributed, they’re open and scalable. Applications are physically independent from Call processing and physical voice processing infrastructure, that is they may reside anywhere within your network Call processing is physically independent from the infrastructure thus you can have a call manager in Chicago processing call control for a bearer channel in San Francisco The Infrastructure can support multiple client types, hard phone, soft phone, and in the future video… Clients Klienti IP SoftPhone

IP telefonie v podnikových sítích Oblastní pobočka Call Manager Call Manager Router /GW Router/GW JTS Centrála IP WAN Internet Slide: What We Are Going to Build? We are going to show you how to build a network with IP directly to the desktop, and the first choice of calls between sites uses the IP infrastructure. We’ll use the PSTN for overflow of voice calls or in the event that the IP network can’t handle additional voice calls. We’re going to prepare your infrastructure for when the traditional, TDM-based PSTN makes that migration to IP, where it becomes an IP-PSTN. Calls that you make between other companies or even to residential customers will come in via an IP pad, whether it be via cable, modem, DSL, or whatever. We’re going to prepare this migration to IP, and you’ll be able to understand how to do that and how to prepare for when the carriers start to deploy it. Router/GW VPN přístup DSL přístup pobočka Práce z domova

Ukázka IP telefonie v předsálí ! Call Manager LAN přepínač IP telefon IP telefon

Řešení pro zabezpečení sítí Bezpečnost na hranici sítí Správa zabezpečení Bezpečné připojení Sledování bezpečnosti Identita Zjišťování průniků Pravidla VPN Firewaly Autentizace Cisco VPN Concentrators Cisco PIX™ Firewalls Cisco PIX™ Firewalls Cisco IDS Appliances So what are the key security components of a Cisco SAFE network? Cisco provides many of the critical elements including solutions for: Secure Connectivity - these solutions enable private, secure connectivity in public environments, and include dedicated VPN gateways and concentrators and the tunneling and encryption mechanisms in routers and firewalls Perimeter Security - these solutions restrict access to network resources, and include Access Control Lists (ACLs) and firewalls Security Monitoring - these solutions provide additional security capabilities, including real-time intrusion detection systems to protect against network attacks and misuse, and vulnerability scanning tools to proactively find security holes before hackers do Identity - these solutions help identify users and what they are permitted to do on the network; solutions in this area include authentication systems, AAA servers, PKI solutions, smart cards, etc. Security Management - a robust management infrastructure provides the glue for the elements above, and includes the requisite device and policy management mechanisms for the key security elements in the network Cisco Access Control Server Cisco Works—VPN Mgmt Solution Cisco Secure Policy Manager Web Device Managers Cisco IOS VPN Cisco IOS Firewall Cisco IOS IDS

Bezdrátové lokální sítě (WLAN) Server Ethernet Access Point With Cisco Wireless LANs, portable and PC users to: Move freely around a facility Enjoy real-time, and even Ethernet wired speeds, to the wired LANs Access ALL the resources of wired LANs Internet Výstavba bezdrátových lokálních sítí

Propojování lokálních sítí 802.11b LAN 2 In metropolitan areas for building-to-building designs, it is possible to have third-party interference from other companies also doing wireless bridging. In this situation you must ensure that different channels are utilized, although this will not be known until you actually implement the link. Changing channels is the best way to avoid interference and this is of course due to the fact that 802.11 uses the unlicensed spectrum and therefore anyone can the frequencies. Local Area Network Centrum LAN 1 LAN 3

Bezdrátová řešení Klientské adaptéry Mosty, antény Technologie 802.11b (11Mb/s, 2.4GHz) 802.11a (54Mb/s, 5GHz) 802.11g (54Mb/s, 2.4GHz) Přístupové body pro WLAN 1200 Series 1100 Series Klientské adaptéry 350 Series 2.4 GHz 5 GHz client adapter Mosty, antény 350 Series (BR352)

Mobilita: záchranný systém v San Antonio Mosty rozmístěny podél přístupových komunikací Vzdálenost mezi mosty zhruba 1500 metrů — propojeny s kamerovým a signalizačním systémem 400+ mostů podél hlavních dálnic Ambulance má most připojený ke kameře a monitorovacímu zařízení pacienta Umožňuje videokonferenci mezi lékaři v sanitce a v nemocnici

„Jumbo“ Lufthansy s prvním širokopásmovým připojením na internet Lufthansa používá Cisco zažízení pro připojení zařízení na palubě letadla Součásti byly otestovány a schváleny techniky Lufthansy

Příklad MPLS VPN sítě: Govnet (KIISVS) Společná IP infrastruktura Připojení do internetu Propojení subjektů Spravované poskytovatelem nebo subjekty Centrální FW, centrální služby, hostované servery, přístup do internetu Pobočky Pobočka MPLS-VPN Firewall Example of Central Managed Firewall done SP. Firewall is performed by customer. No firewall where customer has only public addreses. Firewally Centrum Zabezpečení, řízení přístupu Servery, služby INTERNET Region DATACENTRUM

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Děkujeme za pozornost Michal Pola,, tel. 602 320 832 Radek Boch,, tel. 602 424 975

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