Přeložíme do češtiny ( Translate into Czech ) Translate each of the following sentences into Czech. Vzor: How many American students were studying at the.


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Jméno autora: Mgr. Olga Bayerlová Datum vytvoření: Číslo DUMu: VY_32_INOVACE_04_AJ1G Ročník: I. Anglický jazyk Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková.
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Verb forms with rád Insert an appropriate verb form into each of the following sentences. Some possible variants are given in parentheses. Vzor: Rád ______.
Neurčitá zájmena Indefinite Pronouns In the following sentences, replace the underlined expressions by indefinite pronouns with approximately the same.
Který or Jaký? Insert the proper form of který (which one?) or jaký (what sort of?), depending on the sense of the sentence. Vzor: V(e) ____ jazycích máte.
Singular to Plural Rewrite the following sentences and change all nouns, adjectives, and verbs from singular to plural. Vzor: Studentka opakovala novou.
Gender Bender! Changing Gender of Nouns & Verbs In each of the following sentences, change all masculine animate nouns into their feminine counterparts,
Přeložte zájmena: Translate the Pronouns In each of the following sentences, translate the English pronouns into Czech. Possible variants will be displayed.
Future Perfective Verbs Rewrite the following sentences, changing all verbs to the future perfective. Vzor: Karel volá matce. Karel zavolá matce. *Taken.
Zápor: Negation Negate the following sentences. This will require negating the verb and changing the indefinite pronouns into negative pronouns. Vzor:
Liking in Czech Translate the following sentences into Czech. A number of possible answers will be displayed. Vzor: How did you like the play? Jak se vám.
Translation Translate the following sentences from English into Czech. Vzor: I don’t like the translation of this book. Who translated it? Nelíbí se mi.
Location v. Motion To & From Form sentences based on the model. Be sure to use the appropriate words (prepositions followed by nouns in correct case, or.
Verbal Nouns Construct sentences with verbal nouns based on the following pattern. Vzor: Rád létám. Mám rád létání. *Taken from Lesson 10, pg. 126, ex.
More Translation Unscramble and translate the following sentences. Refer to Lesson 7 of Contemporary Czech by Michael Heim for help.
Prepositions & Cases II Form at least two reasonable prepositional phrases by combining the word between slash marks with the prepositions mezi, na, naproti,
Číslo projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_AJK-2.PT-13-Vzdělávání Název školyStřední odborná škola a Střední odborné učiliště,
Který or Jaký? Insert the proper form of který (which one?) or jaký (what sort of?), depending on the sense of the sentence. Vzor: V(e) ____ jazycích.
Ten, to, ta: Demostrative Pronouns
Ona a on: Masculine & Feminine Pronouns
Connecting Sentences with který
Prepositions & Cases II
Gender Bender! Changing Gender of Nouns & Verbs
My a já: Singular & Plural Personal Pronouns
Se a si: Reflexive Pronouns
Zápor: Negation Negate the following sentences. This will require negating the verb and changing the indefinite pronouns into negative pronouns. Vzor:
Possessive Pronouns Vzor: Mám jeho sešity. Mám jejich sešity.
Singular to Plural Rewrite the following sentences and change all nouns, adjectives, and verbs from singular to plural. Vzor: Studentka opakovala novou.
More Translation Unscramble and translate the following sentences. Refer to Lesson 7 of Contemporary Czech by Michael Heim for help.
Verbs: Aspect & Negation
Verbs: Aspect & Negation
Liking in Czech Translate the following sentences into Czech. A number of possible answers will be displayed. Vzor: How did you like the play? Jak se.
Future Perfective Verbs
Verb forms with rád Insert an appropriate verb form into each of the following sentences. Some possible variants are given in parentheses. Vzor: Rád.
Neurčitá zájmena Indefinite Pronouns
Transkript prezentace:

Přeložíme do češtiny ( Translate into Czech ) Translate each of the following sentences into Czech. Vzor: How many American students were studying at the university? Kolik amerických studentů studovalo na univerzitě? *Taken from Lesson 4, pg. 53, ex. 8 of Contemporary Czech by Michael Heim.

Přeložíme do češtiny 1. The professor gave Eva several pictures.

Přeložíme do češtiny 1. The professor gave Eva several pictures. Profesor dal Evě několik obrazů. 2. The profesor gave Mr. Kožík several pictures.

Přeložíme do češtiny 1. The professor gave Eva several pictures. Profesor dal Evě několik obrazů. 2. The profesor gave Mr. Kožík several pictures. Profesor dal panu Kožíkovi několik obrazů. 3. The professor is giving Mr. Kožík several pictures.

Přeložíme do češtiny 1. The professor gave Eva several pictures. Profesor dal Evě několik obrazů. 2. The profesor gave Mr. Kožík several pictures. Profesor dal panu Kožíkovi několik obrazů. 3. The professor is giving Mr. Kožík several pictures. Profesor dává panu Kožíkovi několik obrazů. 4. The professor is giving Mr. Kožík several books.

Přeložíme do češtiny 1.The professor gave Eva several pictures. Profesor dal Evě několik obrazů. 2.The profesor gave Mr. Kožík several pictures. Profesor dal panu Kožíkovi několik obrazů. 3.The professor is giving Mr. Kožík several pictures. Profesor dává panu Kožíkovi několik obrazů. 4.The professor is giving Mr. Kožík several books. Profesor dává panu Kožíkovi několik knih. 5.The professor is giving Mr. Kožík new books.

Přeložíme do češtiny 5. The professor is giving Mr. Kožík new books. Profesor dává panu Kožíkovi nové knihy. 6. The professor is giving several libraries new books.

Přeložíme do češtiny 5. The professor is giving Mr. Kožík new books. Profesor dává panu Kožíkovi nové knihy. 6. The professor is giving several libraries new books. Profesor dává několika knihovnám nové knihy. 7. The institutes are giving several libraries new books.

Přeložíme do češtiny 5. The professor is giving Mr. Kožík new books. Profesor dává panu Kožíkovi nové knihy. 6. The professor is giving several libraries new books. Profesor dává několika knihovnám nové knihy. 7. The institutes are giving several libraries new books. Ústavy dávají několika knihovnám nové knihy. 8. The institutes are giving several libraries foreign books.

Přeložíme do češtiny 8. The institutes are giving several libraries foreign books. Ústavy dávají několika knihovnám cizí knihy. 9. The institutes will buy several libraries foreign books.

Přeložíme do češtiny 8. The institutes are giving several libraries foreign books. Ústavy dávají několika knihovnám cizí knihy. 9. The institutes will buy several libraries foreign books. Ústavy koupí několika knihovnám cizí knihy. 10.The institutes will buy the evening school foreign books.

Přeložíme do češtiny 8. The institutes are giving several libraries foreign books. Ústavy dávají několika knihovnám cizí knihy. 9. The institutes will buy several libraries foreign books. Ústavy koupí několika knihovnám cizí knihy. 10. The institutes will buy the evening school foreign books. Ústavy koupí večerní škole cizí knihy.