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PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Zuzana Jurajdová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu;

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Prezentace na téma: "PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Zuzana Jurajdová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu;"— Transkript prezentace:

1 PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Zuzana Jurajdová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu; ISSN 1802-4785. Provozuje národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků (NÚV).

2 PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS POUŽITÍ děj, který začal v minulosti, ale současně platí i v přítomnosti; I have done my homework. We have cooked dinner. Udělal jsem domácí úkoly. Uvařili jsme večeři. TODAY 7 o´clock12 o´clock – now

3 PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS POUŽITÍ když mluvíme o něčem v minulosti, ale nevíme (není důležité), kdy se to stalo – chceme jen zmínit, že už to je; když mluvíme o nějaké životní zkušenosti. I have been to Italy. She has read the book. Byl jsem v Itálii. Četla tu knihu. TODAYYESTERDAYA WEEK AGO

4 PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS POUŽITÍ když mluvíme o věci, která se v minulosti změnila a může se změnit znova; He has written three poems. We have seen it twice. Napsal tři básně. Viděli jsme to dvakrát. TODAYTOMORROWA WEEK AGO

5 PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS POUŽITÍ s předpřítomným časem se často používají tato časová určení: everneverjustrecently yetalreadyso farsince for I have never been to Italy. I haven´t written the letter yet. Nikdy jsem nebyl v Itálii. Ještě jsem nenapsal ten dopis.

6 PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS oznamovací věta TVORBA I You We They He She It loved visited been seen gone has have this movie. me twice. to the USA. him today. to Germany.

7 Petr _________ the dishes. (do) My mum __________ dinner. (cook) I __________ a present. (get) We __________ from 6 o´clock. (study) You __________ the movie. (see) Sue __________ 3 letters. (write) My parents _________ to the USA. (be) You __________ your keys. (lose) PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS oznamovací věta has done has cooked have got have studied have seen has written have been have lost

8 PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS oznamovací věta – zkrácený tvar TVORBA I You We They He She It loved visited been seen gone has have this movie. me twice. to the USA. him today. to Germany. I´ve You´ve We´ve They´ve He´s She´s It´s

9 We _________ German. (study) I __________ sushi. (eat) She __________ to China. (be) Lucy __________ this magazine. (read) You __________ in London. (live) Peter __________ too much coffee. (drink) They _________ you for many years. (know) You __________ the train. (miss) PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS oznamovací věta ´ve studied ´ve eaten ´s been ´s studied ´ve lived ´s drunk ´ve known ´ve missed

10 PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS záporná věta TVORBA I You We They He She It loved visited been seen gone has have this movie. me twice. to the USA. him today. to Germany. not haven´t hasn´t

11 Tom _________ this book. (read) I __________ to Italy. (be) She __________ her. (seen) We __________ in Germany. (live) You ____________ the museum. (visit) Peter __________ any meat. (eat) They ___________ the washing up. (do) You __________ lunch. (have) PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS oznamovací věta hasn´t read haven´t been hasn´t seen haven´t lived haven´t visited hasn´t eaten haven´t done haven´t had

12 PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS otázka TVORBA I You We They He She It loved visited been seen gone have this movie. me twice. to the USA. him today. to Germany. this movie? me twice? to the USA? him today? to Germany? has

13 _______________ your homework? (you / do) _______________ any food? (Kate / buy) _______________ the kitchen? (they / clean) _______________ her friend? (she / call) _______________ the test? (John / write) _______________ to the USA? (you / be) _______________ well? (Sue / sleep) _______________ your neighbour? (you / see) PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ ČAS tázací věta Have you done Has Kate bought Have they cleaned Has she called Has John written Have you been Has Sue slept Have you seen

14 Oprav chyby: She hasn´t never been to the USA. Have you done your homework. I hasn´t seen the movie. They hadn´t met their teacher. Has your mum read the book? My parents have went to the shop. I have not played football. My brother haven´t fed the dog yet. has correct haven´t correct gone correct hasn´t

15 Utvoř příčestí minulé: write want be take show go read speak written wanted been took showed gone read spoken play swim put start have type mean talk played swam put started had typed meant talked

16 S použitím daných slov tvoř otázky: go live see appear have forget run in a race? hiking? in a play or a film? in another country? a party at home? a snake? something important? EVER In pairs answer your questions. Example: Have you ever gone hiking? Have you ever seen a snake?...

17 Přiřaď slova k času, se kterým se často používají: the past simple the present perfect yetso faralreadyin 2012 neveroncejustlast month agothis monthat lunchtime

18 I _________ a car last year. (win) They _______________ dinner. (prepare / already) She __________ to France twice. (be) My mum __________ home. (come / just) You ____________ the book yesterday. (finish) We __________ our friends two hours ago. (meet) When ___________ the present? (you / get) __________ lunch?(they / have) PŘEDPŘÍTOMNÝ A MINULÝ ČAS won have already prepared has been has just come finished met did you get Have they had

19 Doplň do vět slova v závorce + for, since, ago, - : Mike´s had toothache _________. (3 days) Joe last went to the dentist _________. (1 year) I and my sister started going swimming _____________. (2 months) My friends have been feeling sick ___________. (yesterday) I took two ibuprofens __________.(this morning) Jane´s been on a diet _________. (April) I haven´t done any jogging _________. (months) We played tennis _____________. (all day yesterday) for 3 days 1 year ago 2 months ago since yesterday this morning since April for months all day yesterday

20 Vyber vhodný konec věty: I´ve been to Prague twice ◦ while I was in the Czech Republic. ◦ so I don´t want to go there again. Jane and Mike have been married for 5 years ◦ and they were very happy. ◦ and the´re very happy. I lost my keys ◦ I couldn´t find them anywhere ◦ I can´t find them anywhere. How long have you lived in Paris ◦ in this flat? ◦ before you met your wife?

21 Sue´s been very depressed ◦ last week. ◦ all week. I worked for the company for 10 years ◦ and than I was fired. ◦ and than I have been fired. She wrote 10 books ◦ since 2003. ◦ in 2003. I´ve eaten sushi once ◦ and I hope I´ll have it again. ◦ and I haven´t like it very much. Vyber vhodný konec věty:

22 Dle tabulky napiš, co jsi již udělal a co ne. Použij slova yet a already: 1, clean the house yes 2, tidy your bedroomyes 3, change your sheets no 4, paint the bathroomno 5, repair the broken cellar dooryes 6, do all your homeworkyes 7, clean the kitchen floorno I have already cleaned the house. I have already tidied my bedroom. I haven´t changed my sheets yet. I haven´t painted the bathroom yet. I have already repaired the broken cellar door. I have already done all my homework. I haven´t cleaned the kitchen floor yet.

23 Použij slova v rámečku a sloveso, utvoř věty v minulém a předpřítomném čase: they / last / there / night recently / they / there / few times go She /dinner / already dinner / she / at / 5 o´clock have I/ yesterday / 10 km I/ just / 10 km run They went there last night.They have gone there few times recently. She´s already had dinner. She had dinner at 5 o´clock. I ran 10 km yesterday. I have just run 10 km.

24 the USA / we / 2 years / ago already / the USA / twice / we visit the movie / she / yet / not she / the movie / not / last summer see I / the test / not / yesterday the test / I / yet / not write 5 coffees / he / morning / since 5 coffees / he / in the morning drink We visited the USA 2 years ago.We have already visited the USA twice. She hasn´t seen th movie yet.She didn´t see the movie last summer. I didn´t write the test yesterday..I haven´t written the test yet. He has drunk 5 coffees since morning.He drank 5 coffees in the morning.

Stáhnout ppt "PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Zuzana Jurajdová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu;"

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