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ZveřejnilDenis Dvořák
Modal verbs of probability in present and past Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Romana Petrová. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785. Provozuje Národní ústav pro vzdělávání, školské poradenské zařízení a zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedogických pracovníků (NÚV).
Modal verbs of probability in present Where is Fiona? She must be on the bus. She might come soon. She could got lost. She may be in the wrong room. She can’t be at home. She should be at hospital. She shouldn´t be at work.
Modal verbs of probability Tato modální slovesa vyjadřují určitou míru pravděpodobnosti: Pro vyjádření jistoty použijeme must/can´t, jestli-že si nejsme jisti, můžeme použít slovesa may, might, could, should a shouldn´t.
Modal verbs of probability Stupeň jistoty vyjadřujeme pro přítomnost, budoucnost a minulost. 1)přítomnost Listen! Somebody must be playing the piano (now) She is a great pianist. She must play the piano (every day). 2) budoucnost We may play tennis tomorrow.
Modal verbs of probability in the past Where was Fiona? She must have forgotten about our date. She might have worked late. She could have taken the wrong bus. She may have felt ill. She can’t have stayed at home.
Modal verbs of probability in the past Pro stupeň jistoty vyjadřující minulost používáme tato slovesa: 1) can´t – přece/určitě ne He can´t have done it. 2) could – mohl Who could have done it? 3) may – možná He may have done it. 4) might – možná/snad He might have done it. 5) must – určitě He must have done it.
Translate: 1)It was put into the wardrobe. Who could have put it there? 2) It could have been worse. 3) She can‘t have been bored by the lecture, so she must have been tired. 4) They can‘t have walked all the way here, so they must have taken a bus. 5) Alan seems to know everything. He must have studied hard. 6) Sandra seems to be sad. She may have lost something. 7) He looks like he might have lost quite a bit of weigh. 8) They must have seen you coming home. 9) She must have forgotten about it.
Can you imagine your schoolmate as a child? Write information about him/ her as a child using must have..., might have..., can´t have.... Ex: Peter must have been very clever at school. Sara can´t have played a musical instrument.
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