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Prezentace na téma: "FOR PRE-INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS Author: Mgr. Jan Hájek"— Transkript prezentace:


2 Content Introduction Use Past simple affirmative Past simple negative
Past simple questions Short answers Spelling of the verb Exercises

3 Introduction This DUM was created as a support material for Pre-Intermediate students It sums up the uses, grammar and provides extra exercises

4 Use Minulý čas prostý používáme pro ukončené děje v minulosti
Minulý čas prostý používáme pro krátké, delší i opakované situace a děje v minulosti. Minulým časem prostým vyjadřujeme také sled událostí, například ve vyprávění. Některé výrazy používané s min. časem prostým: last year, last month, five years ago, yesterday morning, in 1985

5 Past simple affirmative and negative
The form of the verb in past simple is the same for all persons In questions and negatives we use did/didn‘t auxiliary verb and the base form. I He arrived She went It yesterday We didn't arrive You didn't go They Past simple questions and short answers When did she/you/they... arrive Did you go to school yesterday? Yes, I did./No, he didn‘t.

6 Spelling of the verb Regular verbs:
Většinou přidáváme koncovku –ed, pokud sloveso končí na –e, připojíme pouze –d. Work - _____, start - _____, live - _____, move - ______ Pokud sloveso končí na souhlásku a –y, měníme -y na i a přidáváme –ed. Study - ______, carry -______ Pokud je sloveso jednoslabičné nebo končí na krátkou samohlásku a souhlásku – zdvojujeme tuto souhlásku. Stop - ______, plan - ______, regret - _______ Irregular verbs

7 Spelling of the verb Regular verbs:
Většinou přidáváme koncovku –ed, pokud sloveso končí na –e, připojíme poze –d. Work - worked, start - started, live - lived, move - moved Pokud sloveso končí na souhlásku a –y, měníme -y na i a přidáváme –ed. Study -studied, carry - carried Pokud je sloveso jednoslabičné nebo končí na krátkou samohlásku a souhlásku – zdvojujeme tuto souhlásku. Stop - stopped, plan - planned, regret - regretted Irregular verbs

8 Exercises What is the past of the verbs? They are all irregular except one. Leave______ catch_______ hear_______ burn______ Say_______ take_______ give_______ carry______ Get______ can‘t_______ keep_______ think______ Put the words in correct order and make questions in past simple. 1 Russel / get up / why? 2 his / be / where / parents? 3 his mother/ keep/ her purse/ where? 4 the two burglars/ when / the police / catch?

9 Exercises What is the past of the verbs? They are all irregular except one. Leave_LEFT catch_CAUGHT hear_HEARD burn_BURNT Say_SAID take__TOOK give__GAVE carry_CARRIED Get_GOT can‘t_COULD keep_KEPT think_THOUGHT Put the words in correct order and make questions in past simple. 1 Russel / get up / why? Why did Russel get up? 2 his / be / where / parents? Where were his parrents? 3 his mother…………………..Where did his mother keep her purse? 4 the two burglars………..When did the police catch the two burglars

10 Exercises Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. 1 It was warm, so I ………off my coat. (take) 2 The film wasn‘t very good. I ………… it very much. (enjoy) 3 I knew Sarrah was very busy, so I …………….her. (disturb) 4 I was very tired, so I …………the party early. ( leave) 5 The bed was very uncomfortable. I…………..very well. (sleep) 6 The window was open and a bird……….. into the room.(fly) 7 The hotel wasn‘t very expensive. It ………….very much.(cost) 8 I was in a hurry, so I…………..time to phone you. (have) 9 It was hard carrying the bags. They ………… very heavy. (be)

11 Exercises Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. 1 It was warm, so I TOOK off my coat. (take) 2 The film wasn‘t very good. I DIDN‘T ENJOY it very much. (enjoy) 3 I knew Sarrah was very busy, so I DIDN‘T DISTURB her. (disturb) 4 I was very tired, so I LEFT the party early. ( leave) 5 The bed was very uncomfortable. I DIDN‘T SLEEP very well. (sleep) 6 The window was open and a bird FLEW into the room.(fly) 7 The hotel wasn‘t very expensive. It DIDN‘T COST very much.(cost) 8 I was in a hurry, so I DIDN‘T HAVE time to phone you. (have) 9 It was hard carrying the bags. They WERE very heavy. (be)

12 ZDROJE Murphy, R. English Grammar In Use. 3.ed. Italy : Cambridge University Press, ISBN s. 11. Falla. T., Davies, P., A. Maturita Solutions Pre-Intermediate Student‘s Book, China : Oxford University Press ISBN s. 107. Falla. T., Davies, P. A., Maturita Solutions Pre-Intermediate Workbook, China : Oxford University Press ISBN s. 110. Soars, L., Soars, J. New Headway English Course. 3. ed. China : Oxford University Press, ISBN-13: s. 54, 142, 143.


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