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ZveřejnilDominika Staňková
AUTOR : Mgr. Alena Bartoňková NÁZEV : VY_32_INOVACE_18_10_A6_Bartonkova TÉMA : Opakování – minulý čas OBSAH : Opakování – minulý čas ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2364
A NOTACE Hodina je věnována souhrnnému opakování minulého času. V hodině se tedy objevují věty oznamovací, otázka, zápor a také nepravidelná a pravidelná slovesa, které žáci musí umět rozlišit a vytvořit u nich minulý čas. Cvičení slouží učiteli a žákům jako zpětná vazba, můžou si na nich ověřit, zdali učivo již zvládli, nebo je nutné další opakování. Výhodou této hodiny je, že žáci si mohou svoje odpovědi porovnat se správnými výsledky. Na závěr hodiny se žáci pokusí vytvořit krátký příběh na zadané téma. Hodina je vytvořena tak, že musí být odučena v multimediální či počítačové učebně.
When I am doing it, I am in the street and I want to be somewhere. What I am doing? When I am doing it, I am preparing something to eat? What am I doing? When I am doing it, I am sitting at the table. What am I doing? When I am doing it, I am with my friend and we are using a ball. What we are doing?
COMPLETE THE PAST TENSE FORM likestop bestart havego workwrite swimplay returnfinish get upread listen tomake buyclean takeburn liked was/were had worked swam returned got up listened to bought took stopped started went wrote played finished read made cleaned burnt
C ORRECT THE MISTAKES I didn't played football yesterday. I didn't play football yesterday. Did you saw him last weekend? Did you see him last weekend? Her mum taked her to the cinema. Her mum took her to the cinema. They go to the mountains two days ago. They went to the mountains two days ago. She weren't at school last week. She wasn't at school last week. Was they at home yesterday? Were they at home yesterday? We didn't listened to the radio. We didn't listen to the radio. Did you came at 6? Did you come at 6?
P UT THE VERBS IN THE CORRECT FORM OF THE PAST I………..(go) to bed at 10. We……………(buy) a new car. They……………(write) a test from English. She…………….(borrow) an interesting book. He………………(see) his aunt at the weekend. His friends……………(take) him to hospital. I………….(call) you yesterday evening. My mum ………..(get up) early morning. My father…………..(work) in the garden. I…………(make) a model car. When I……….(be) younger, I…………(have) two hamsters. went bought wrote borrowed saw took called got up worked made was had
M AKE THE SENTENCES NEGATIVE I cut my finger. I didn't cut my finger. She came home in the afternoon. She didn't come home in the evening. He got up at 6. He didn't get up at 6. I brought some books for you. I didn't bring some books for you. Peter wrote a letter to Jane. Peter didn't write a letter to Jane. It began to snow. It didn't begin to snow. She dressed white T-shirt and blue jeans. She didn't dress white T-shirt and blue jeans. They read your e-mail in the evening. They didn't read your e-mail in the evening.
MAKE THE QUESTIONS. A SK ABOUT THE UNDERLINED WORDS. U SE WHAT, WHEN, H OW, WHERE. He took me to Paris. Where did he take you? I went to work by car. How did you go to work? She put her pencil – case into a bag. Where did she put her pencil – case? I came home at 7. When did you come home? They played tennis with us yesterday? What did you do yesterday? We visited our friend last weekend. When did you visit your friend?
T RANSLATE TO YOUR SCHOOL EXERCISE BOOK. Co jsi dělal včera? What did you do yesterday? Kdy Lucy přišla domů? When did Lucy come home? Kde se Jack narodil? Where was Jack born? Maminka uvařila vynikající večeři. Mum cooked delicious dinner. Potkal jsi včera své přátele? Did you meet your friends yesterday? V sobotu jsem nešel do kina. I didn't go to the cinema on Saturday. Petr neměl domácí úkol. Peter didn't have his homework. Viděli jsme je na koupališti. We saw them at the swimming pool. On nenapsal Mary e–mail. He didn't write e-mail to Mary V neděli jsme byli u babičky. We were at our granny on Sunday.
FINISH A STORY. It was a nice Sunday morning. We got up early. After our breakfast we wanted to go to the mountains……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….
C ITACE KOCIÁNOVÁ, Zdeňka. New English for You 3 - Workbook. Nový Jičín: EDUCI, 2002, ISBN 80- 86381-10-0. KOCIÁNOVÁ, Zdeňka. New English for You 3 - Pupil´s book. Nový Jičín: EDUCI, 2002, ISBN 80- 86381-10-2. Ilustrace : Kliparty Office
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