Gymnázium, Brno, Elgartova 3 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0925 III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Téma: English Grammar.

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Prezentace na téma: "Gymnázium, Brno, Elgartova 3 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0925 III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Téma: English Grammar."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Gymnázium, Brno, Elgartova 3 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0925 III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Téma: English Grammar

2 Autor: Mgr. Bronislav Sobotka Název: Past Continuous Datum: 20. 11. 2013 Cílová skupina: Žáci střední školy Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Jazyk: Angličtina

3 Anotace: Pracovní list slouží k vysvětlení (zopakování) použití minulého času průběhové (Past Continuous), jeho procvičení a upevnění správného užití. Metodické pokyny: Nejprve jsou žáci seznámeni s typickým užitím tohoto času a jeho gramatickou strukturou, poté mají příležitost si užití upevnit za pomoci překladu, na konec je zařazena hra.

4 Past Continuous – Usage 1 We use Past Continuous when we want to say that something was happening at a certain time in the past. The action was not finished. past start endpresent future 7:00 9:00 At 8 o'clock I was watching a film with my wife. (I was in the middle of watching, the activity was not finished.) This time last week I was travelling in Portugal. (My travelling started before and was not finished yet.)

5 Past Continuous – Usage 2 We use Past Continuous when we want to say that two or more things were happening at the same time. This is often use for describing background information. The sun was shining, my mum was cooking, my father was working and I was studying English. (All these things were happening at the same time.)

6 Past Continuous - Examples Where was Jane at 8 am? She was playing football. What were you doing at this time yesterday? I was having dinner with Johnny Depp. I took her picture when she wasn't looking at me. I was listening to the news and eating pizza. When Michael came home we were watching Rocky. We were drinking beer and they were looking at us.

7 Past Continuous - Form Singular affirmative Singular negative Singular interrogative

8 Past Continuous - Form Plural affirmative Plural negative Plural interrogative

9 Past Continuous - Translation 1. Učil jsem se anglicky a poslouchal Lady Gaga. 2. Slunce svítilo, maminka plakala, tatínek křičel a já se smál. 3. Když jsem přišel domů, Tomáš se učil Japonsky. 4. V pondělí o půl osmé večer jsem plaval. 5. Co jsi dělal včera touhle dobou? 6. Včera touhle dobou jsem spal.

10 Past Continuous - Translation 1. Učil jsem se anglicky a poslouchal Lady Gaga. 2. Slunce svítilo, maminka plakala, tatínek křičel a já se smál. 3. Když jsem přišel domů, Tomáš se učil Japonsky. 4. V pondělí o půl osmé večer jsem plaval. 5. Co jsi dělal včera touhle dobou? 6. Včera touhle dobou jsem spal. 1. I was learning English and listening to Lady Gaga 2. The sun was shining, my mum was crying, my dad was shouting and I was laughing. 3. When I came home Tomas was studying Japanese. 4. On Monday at half past seven I was swimming. 5. What were you doing at this time yesterday? 6. This time yesterday I was sleeping.

11 Past Continuous – Typical situation in your class - Game 1) Everybody needs a piece of paper and pen or pencel. 2) Think about a typical situation in your class from yesterday. 3) Draw pictures representing it (what was happeing). 4) Show it to your parner (and he or she will show you his or her picture) and try to describe what you can see in the picture using Past Continuous (e.g. The teacher was speaking, Lucy was texting, Tom was sleeping, Jane and Hilda were kissing...)

Stáhnout ppt "Gymnázium, Brno, Elgartova 3 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0925 III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Téma: English Grammar."

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