Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t.


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30.1 Present perfect I (Předpřítomný čas)
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VY_32_Inovace_ So x Neither Project 3
GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky
GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky
ŠKOLA: Gymnázium, Chomutov, Mostecká 3000, příspěvková organizace
Základní škola a mateřská škola, Svoboda nad Úpou, okres Trutnov
Název školy: ZŠ Pardubice – Spořilov
Název školy: ZŠ Varnsdorf, Edisonova 2821, okres Děčín, příspěvková organizace Jazyk a jazyková komunikace, Anglický jazyk, Minulý čas průběhový Autor:
I haven´t seen your ID card.
AUTOR: Mgr. Ilona Jurčeková NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_06_AJ_09
PAST PERFECT Předminulý čas
AUTOR: Mgr. Alena Bartoňková
Translation 04/03 Pete si už dlouho nekoupil žádné cédéčko. Pete hasn‘t bought a CD for a long time. Pete neposlouchá to CD dlouho. Pete hasn‘t been.
Translation 08/04 George nechce být právníkem, že? George doesn‘t want to be a lawyer, does he? On pracuje jako zubař. He works as a dentist. Chystá.
Translation 03/03 Nick už nebyl v tom muzeu dlouho. Nick hasn‘t been to the museum for a long time. Nick nemluví v tom pořadu dlouho. Nick hasn‘t been.
Translation drill 05/03 Nevybírá ten dárek dlouho. He hasn‘t been choosing the present long. Už dlouho jí nic nekoupil. He hasn‘t bought her anything.
Translation 11/04 On na tom stroji nepracuje dlouho. He hasn‘t been working on the machine long. Už dlouho nic nevynalezl. He hasn‘t invented anything.
Translation 03/05 Steve Wynn už dlouho neprodal žádný obraz. Steve Wynn hasn‘t sold a picture for a long time. On nesbírá obrazy dlouho. He hasn‘t been.
Translation 07/01 Jack jí zdravou stravu, že? Jack eats healthy food, doesn‘t he? Chystá se Jill jíst zdravě? Is Jill going to eat healthily? Ne, nechystá. No,
Translation 09/05 Strýc Simon necestuje dlouho. Uncle Simon hasn‘t been travelling long. On už dlouho necestoval. He hasn‘t travelled for a long time.
Translation 04/05 Richard si už dlouho na nic nestěžoval. Richard hasn‘t complained for a long time. On nedělá svou novou práci dlouho. He hasn‘t been.
Present Perfect VY_22_INOVACE_01_35
Translation 02/04 Terence nepracuje v restauraci dlouho. Terence hasn‘t been working at the restaurant long. Terence už dlouho neměl volný víkend. Terence.
Translation NHI 01/03 Xabier už dlouho nebyl ve Španělsku. Xabier hasn‘t been to Spain for a long time. Xabier nestuduje jazyky dlouho. Xabier hasn‘t.
Transaltion 03/01 Vincent už dlouho nemaloval květiny. Vincent hasn‘t painted flowers for a long time. Vincent nežije v Arles dlouho. Vincent hasn‘t.
Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola, Hlušice
Translation 02/07 Ráno jsem byl unavený, I was tired in the morning,
Translation 11/03 Neplánuje ten útok dlouho. He hasn‘t been planning the attack long. Už dlouho nic neplánoval. He hasn‘t planned anything for a long.
Transkript prezentace:

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby byla nejezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.

Translation NHUI 01/03 Teresa nežije v Africe dlouho. Teresa hasn‘t been living in Africa long. Tereza už dlouho neviděla svoje rodiče. Teresa hasn‘t seen her parents for a long time. Jestli napíše své matce o motorce, If she writes her mother about the motorbike, její matka začne šílet. her mother will start freaking out. Tereza vyučuje angličtinu v Africe, Tereza is teaching English in Africa aby získala nové zkušenosti. so that she will gain new experience. Než odjela do Afriky, naučila se svahilsky. Before she went to Africa, she had learnt Swahili. Než odjela do Afriky, učila se Before she went to Africa, she had been learning místní jazyk dva roky. the local language for two years. Raději by neměla jezdit na motorce. She‘d better not ride a motorbike. Raději bych, aby nejezdila na motorce. I‘d rather she didn‘t ride a motorbike. Kéž by byla nejezdila na motorce. I wish she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike. Kdyby nebyla jezdila na motorce, If she hadn‘t ridden a motorbike, nebyla by měla tu nehodu. she wouldn‘t have had the accident.