What do you have to think about when planning something? Na co nesmíte zapomenout, když plánujete nějakou akci
Pravidla – the rules Musíte znát přesný překlad slovíček Kdy? = When? Kde? = Where? V kolik hodin? = What time? Jaká aktivita?? = What activity? Proč? = Why? How much? Za kolik? (o penězích) Používáte budoucí čas Will/ příp.can, should, would like
Př. Will we meet at 5. – Can you come at 6p. m Př. Will we meet at 5? – Can you come at 6p.m.? I´m busy in the afternoon. Would you like to meet at your house? Should we invite all the teachers? – I think we can only invite some of them. Etc.
Návrh něčeho Let´s go to a café. How about this Friday? Would you like to go to the cinema? We could go out in the afternoon, what do you think?