Základní informace o ICC
9 aktivních výborů 1 výbor v přípravě
Základní fakta Co je ICC? Jaká je úloha ICC? Jak založit ICC? Jak mohou ICC přispět k míru ve světě a vzájemnému porozumění? This learning objectives try to answer, and to demonstrate why we should focus on this important way of service of Rotary International, how it works and which are the main results in this way of service.
Co je ICC? Aktivita založená na zemích. Soustředění a koordinace úsilí při spolupráci dvou konkrétních zemí. Oboustranná spolupráce. Nábor nových členů a porozumění různých kultur. Vybudování sítí přes hranice států. The Inter-Country Committees provide a network, which unify Rotarians of many countries, in spite of the diversity of their backgrounds. This is a vehicle which brings rotarians together, in a common ishue. ICC s facilitate the building of a road to peace in a world, where threats to peace are an ongoing. They were initially created as an initiative for peace, tolerance and better understanding in Europe after the Second World War. More than 250 ICCs, in many countries from Africa, Europe, in South Asian countries like India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and in the America are now providing a Country based activity for bilateral humanitarian and peace efforts, using programs and initiatives fitting into the RI Strategic Plan, which increase fellowship and intercultural understanding among the people of various nations.
Role ICC Zaměření na dlouhodobé vztahy. Team-buildingové aktivity ICC podporují porozumění různých kultur. ICC pomáhají tvořit klima pro mír. The ICC s promote contacts between two specific countries, on a medium to long term basis, by combining efforts of clubs and districts in both countries, through Common Activities and Service Projects . Twin Club Networks are being set up first, and are leading to Common Projects of two, and soon of several Clubs in all avenues of Service. ICCs put a Special focus on team building projects, by working together in teams from two countries. Rotarians get to better know each other, in promoting understanding and peace. An ICC develops friendship across the world by giving people the chance to meet, to know each other and understand each other,s culture In this way, ICCs can help in creating a climate for peace between countries in the same region and far beyond. The Mision of ICCs is to build a force, that will encourage Rotarians to visit each other, countries and homes, to strengthen friendship and projects, encouraging connections in other countries, and to contribute to world peace. The ICCs will focus, coordinate and increse de efforts of clubs and districts between, two specific countries. District Governors will encourage rotarians and clubs to get together, in an ICC, and support initiatives between two specific countries. Rotarians, spouses, Rotaractors, clubs and districts can participate in the ICCs activities. I would like to emphasize the advantages of the participation of Rotaractors, they are dynamic, open minded, enthusiastic and internationally oriented.
Přínosy účasti v ICC Lokální odborníci. Dlouhodobé závazky. Poskytnutí formálního rámce pro strategické, dlouhodobé vztahy. ICCs je příležitostí pro Rotariány s empatií a opravdovým zájmem sloužit v partnerské zemi. Know how build up through longer term commitments. If one club, one district loses interest, other clubs, other districts in the ICC will continue. Section with local expertise in each of the two countries The section in the project country knows better what makes sense… under the conditions and.. the culture of their country. Combining efforts of Rotarians, clubs and districts, exchanging expertise the ICCs provide a formal framework for strategic, long term relationship. Also, ICCs is a resource for Rotarians who have real interest to serve in the other country.
Vztah ke Službě mládeži Dlouhodobý přínos pro oba programy. Členové Rotaract nevnímají bariéry mezi Rotary a Rotaract a mezi lidmi různých národů. Naším cílem je mít v ICC minimálně 10 % členů z Rotaract. Nejsou budoucnost, jsou přítomnost I would like to emphasize the advantages of the participation of Rotaracters, they are dynamic, open minded, enthusiastic and internationally oriented.
Založení ICC Objevit Rotariány, kluby a distrikty se zájmem o spolupráci. Souhlas Guvernérů Distriktů v každé ze zúčastněných zemí. Schválení obou sekcí = ICC Oslava založení ICCs are a horizontal organization, kept together by the common guidelines in the Rotary Code of Policies. First we should identify interested Rotarians, Clubs, and Districts for establishing an ICC, interested in a longer term commitment, if possible already involved in projects with the other country. After we need agreement from the District Governors in both countries to start an ICC section. We need willingness …from both sides… to establish Rotarian contacts; and only Rotarian leadership in the country knows what the needs are and what is feasible. When Both sections get approved and only….if both sides are fully operational…. you have an ICC. This approval by the district Governors is very important; it ensures commitment from Rotary leadership, which is essential for any confidence building activity. The charter celebration takes place in one of the countries, the next joint annual meeting will be in the other country. A national section should be developed in each participating country, with the approval of the national coordinator and at least one district governor. The name of an Intercountry committee shall be taken from the names of participating countries.
Národní výbory Koordinují aktivity ICC v rámci jedné země. Zástupci obou sekcí se setkávají při shromáždění konaném každý rok, pokaždé v jiné zemi. Předsedové národních výborů jsou ve funkci tři roky. National sections coordinate the activities and projects of the intercountry committee within one country. It is very important, specialy, the national section in the project country where it is implemented the right activity or project. Representative from each, will meet during a general assembly to be held once a year, alternating from country to country. The chair of national sections should serve for three years. If in the partner countries exist more Districts which participate in the ICC, these districts may appoint a Rotarian to serve as the district liaison to the national section chair.
Národní koordinátor V zemích s účastí ve více než jednom ICC je stanoven Národní koordinátor, který řídí aktivity ICC s Guvernérem distriktu a jednotlivými předsedy výborů. Funkce Národního koordinátora je na dobu tří let, aby byla zajištěna kontinuita v činnosti ICC In countries that participate in more than one intercountry committee, a national coordinator should be appointed to oversee ICC activities with the District Governors, and the individual national section chairs. The national coordinator collects reports from each national section chair in the country, to forward to the executive council each year. The national coordinator must be a Rotarian, preferably a past district governor, and should be selected by the governor or group of governors representing the districts located in that country. The national coordinator appointment term should be three years to ensure continuity in the work of the intercountry committees. ICC first or NC first ?
Výkonná rada Výkonná rada je složena z Národních koordinátorů reprezentujících každou zemi, která se účastní v ICC. Výkonné radě předsedá Prezident (Předseda) s pomocí dvou viceprezidentů, sekretáře a hospodáře. An executive council is comprised of national coordinators representing each country that participates in intercountry committees. The executive council is leaded by the President with the help of two vice presidents, secretary and treasurer.
Prezident (Předseda) Výkonné rady Prezident (Předseda) Výkonné rady je styčnou osobou mezi strukturou ICC a Rotary International. The president of the executive council serves a two year term. The president of the executive council serves as the liaison between ICCs structure and Rotary International and should submit an annual report to RI that provides contact information, a list of active national sections and a summary of major projects and activities.
Finance Mezinárodní výbory by měly fungovat bez finanční podpory Rotary International. Od zúčastněných distriktů se mohou vybírat menší příspěvky na pokrytí provozních nákladů mezinárodních výborů. Intercountry committees shall function without financial support from Rotary International. Modest fees may be collected from participating districts to cover operating costs of the intercountry committee. There are well established procedures in each country, how to finance ICCs and National coordination or projects resulted from an ICC cooperation.
Jak mohou ICC přispět k míru ve světě? ICC jsou společné aktivity zemí. ICC mohou pomoci vytvořit klima pro mír Humanitární projekty pomáhají tvořit porstředí pro snížení mezinárodního napětí ICC podporují mírové aktivity a řešení konfliktů, což je jedna z klíčových oblastí, na niž se soustředí Rotary Foundation. ICC are bilateral activities of countries Bilateral ….two sides ….like a coin…both sides same value….and both sides are necessary to establish value…..there are no one-sided coins Country based……success in your country is in your hands ICCs can help in creating a climate for peace between countries in the same region and beyond And special, in areas where the consequences of wars and other conflicts have to be overcome. Humanitarian projects help to provide an environment for alleviating internal tensions Working together in a unique team for a common cause, help the two parts where resentment, prejudice and misunderstandings from past conflicts still persist, to understand and in the mean time to underline why Peace is absolutely necesary for our lives, for our future. ICCs address activities for peace and conflict resolution, which is one of the key areas of focus of the Rotary Foundation
Checklist pro mírové aktivity / Projekty Jak to přispěje k budování cesty k míru: Mezi zeměmi / Uvnitř země. Je nutná oboustranná spolupráce Počet Rotariánů / široké veřejnosti, kteří se zapojí v každé zemi Pokračování spolupráce je možné a žádoucí. Znamená to pracovat společně, ne jeden druhého poučovat