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Praktická doporučení pro PR a marketing – co v této oblasti může HR dělat lépe Dita Stejskalová.

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1 Praktická doporučení pro PR a marketing – co v této oblasti může HR dělat lépe Dita Stejskalová



4 200 lidí 6 firem, Praha & Brno WPP (NYSE, LSE)


6 Public relations – "PR činnost je záměrné, plánované a dlouhodobé úsilí vytvářet a podporovat vzájemné pochopení a soulad mezi organizacemi a jejich veřejností". – PR jsou proces směřující k vytvoření pozitivních postojů na základě znalostí nebo k přeměně negativních postojů a názorů na pozitivní.




10 ”30% of all people will never believe you. Do not allow your colleagues and employees to work for you. Instead, let them work for a common goal.“ Jack Ma




14 CEO Challenge® 2014 Since 1999, THE CONFERENCE BOARD CEO CHALLENGE® survey has asked CEOs, presidents, and chairmen across the globe to identify their most critical challenges. In this year’s survey, there is global convergence around Human Capital, Customer Relationships, Innovation, and Operational Excellence— four highly related and interdependent challenges (Corporate Brand and Reputation, a challenge closely related to winning and retaining customers, is fifth). These four, selected by the 1,020 respondents, all appear in the top-five list of challenges (in varying order) in every region and virtually every country in the survey.

15 As in previous years, we do see a clear recognition among CEOs that Human Capital is the engine of the enterprise. Globally, Human Capital is decisively the most important challenge for CEOs—it was either first or second in every region. Human Capital is, in essence, the thread that runs through the other top-ranked challenges—Customer Relationships, Innovation, Operational Excellence, and Corporate Brand and Reputation— and forms the basis for strategic action. After all, without a talented, engaged, and properly motivated workforce, achieving progress against these challenges is impossible.

16 In addition, we asked CEOs to tell us what they see as the essential traits and behaviors that future leaders must exhibit to succeed in an evolving business global environment. The global top-five attributes featured prominently across all regions: integrity, leading change, managing complexity, entrepreneurial mind-set, and retaining and developing talent.

17 HR is more important than ever. People are the only sustainable source of competitive advantage. Employers want HR to address strategic issues involving the competitiveness and performance of the company….more than the role of protector and administrator. Source: Watson Wyatt

18 e_crisis_of_2030_and_how_to_start_solving_it_now _6_rules_to_simplify#t-303449



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