ŠABLONA 32 VY_32_INOVACE_13_25_Past Tenses Past Simple X Past Continuous
Anotace : Prezentace může sloužit jako výkladové, opakovací a procvičovací učivo. Autor: Mgr. Daniela Hamplová, BcA. Jazyk: Anglický jazyk Očekávaný výstup: uvědomit si rozdíly mezi min. časem prostým a průběhovým a efektivně je použít v komunikaci Speciální vzdělávací potřeby: dataprojektor, interaktivní tabule Klíčová slova: minulost, průběh Druh učebního materiálu: prezentace Druh interaktivity: aktivita Cílová skupina: žák Stupeň a typ vzdělávání: základní vzdělávání – druhý stupeň Typická věková skupina: 12 – 15 let
Past Simple X Past Progressive(Continuous) Background events - we often use the past progressive together with a simple past tense. The past progressive refers to a longer „background“ action or situation. I was walking through the park yesterday when somebody stopped me.
Past Simple = refers to a shorter action or event that happened in the middle of the longer action Past Progressive = refers to a longer action that was in progress while it was interrupted by a shorter action PASTNOW Past Progressive – background action Past Simple – short action
I was eating my dinner when she came. Mozart died while he was composing Requiem. It happened when I was living in London last year. We were having a party in the garden, everybody was singing and dancing when the police arrived and took him.
The natural disaster There are 4 pictures depicting the stages of tsunami in the coastal area. Make sentences about the pictures and tell the story.
Describe the development of the situation in the pictures using the Past Simple and Progressive.
SWAN, M. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN eywords= X0040 [ ] [ ] asia/after-tsunami [ ] japan-photo-gallery/32591/ [ ]