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Anotace Question tags Intonace Tvoření tázacích dovětků Věty na procvičení této gramatiky Test.

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2 Anotace Question tags Intonace Tvoření tázacích dovětků Věty na procvičení této gramatiky Test

3 Question tags = tázací dovětky - krátké otázky k oznamovacím větám V hovorové angličtině se stále více začíná používat slůvko right viď? že ano ? že ne ? You're bored, right?

4 Důležité je, zda se tázací dovětek vyslovuje You didn't do your homework again, did you? - It′s a nice day, isn′t it? Stoupající intonace – jde o otázku You don’t know where Karen is, do you? Sorry, I have no idea. Klesající intonace – neočekáváme odpověď stoupavou klesavou intonací. či

5 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Yes, beautiful. You are only inviting the listener to agree with you. Your voice goes down. It’s not a really question.

6 No, I′m afraid I haven′t You haven′t seen Lisa today, have you? Your voice goes up. It is a real question.

7 Oznamovací větaTázací dovětek +- He is tall,isn't he? My parents are very rich,aren't they? Pokud je oznamovací věta kladná, Je-li oznamovací věta záporná, Oznamovací větatázací dovětek -+ He isn't very tall,is he? My parents aren't rich,are they? tázací dovětek je záporný: dovětek je kladný:

8 1) V dovětku používáme to sloveso, které se běžně v daném čase používá pro tvoření otázek. She can't swim, can she? Can she swim? Mark hasn't got a dog, has he? Has he got a dog? They don't go to school, do they? Do they go to school? She works in a bank, doesn't she? Does she work in a bank? You broke it, didn't you? Did you break it? You've lost it, haven't you? Have you lost it? They will be late, won't they? Will they be late? They are from the USA, aren't they? Are they ….

9 2) Podmět věty je v tázacím dovětku vždy nahrazen zájmenem. Karel Gott is a very good singer, isn't he? 3) Pro záporné dovětky vždy používáme stažené tvary (isn't, don't, mustn't) He is a very good cook, isn't he? 4) U vět s vazbou THERE IS / ARE se there považuje za podmět a objevuje se tedy i v tázacích dovětcích: There's enough time, isn't there? There are many people, aren't there? There aren't any books in the library, are there? 5) Tázací dovětek pro I AM je aren't I? I am quite tall, aren't I? Hovorová varianta je ain't I a mnoho lidí ji běžně používá: I'm so stupid, ain't I?

10 POZOR: Sloveso HAVE se používá dvěma způsoby: Jako pomocné sloveso ve vazbě HAVE GOT - pak je otázka have you got, has he got, tázací dovětek potom bude have you? / has he? apod. You've got a brother, haven't you? She has got a lot of time, hasn't she? A nebo jako významové sloveso, s nímž se otázka tvoří jako s jinými slovesy, tedy pomocí DO, DOES, DID apod. They have a shower every day, don't they? He has lunch at 6 o'clock, doesn't he? We have to hurry, don't we? They had a little dog, didn't they?

11 1.You are Fred′s brother, 2.She′s hungry, 3.Your father′s a bus driver, 4.It′s hot today, 5.I′m a good student, 6.His office is on the first floor, 7.It looks good, 8.You don′t believe it, 9.They live in Paris, 10.They are waiting for us, 11.There are many people, 12.They had a little dog, 13. They have a shower every day, 14.I am quite tall, 15.They are waiting for us, 1.aren′t you? 2.isn′t she? 3.isn′t he? 4.isn′t it? 5.aren′t I? 6.isn′t it? 7.doesn′t it? you? 9.don′t they? 10.aren't they 11.aren't there? 12.didn't they? 13. don't they? 14.aren't I? 15.aren't they? Put a question tag on the end of these sentenses.Key

12 1.I'm smarter than you, ___________? 2.You'd like to go there with me, _____________? 3.There isn't a bank in your town, ________? 4.Your friends work in Prague, _____________? 5.She's tired, _____________? 6.You don't know where he is, _____________? 7.You need some money, _____________? 8.She had dinner at 7, ___________? 9.She'll be a bit late, ____________? 10.She's got three brothers, ____________? aren't I wouldn′t you is there don′t they isn’t she do you don’t you didn’t she won’t she hasn’t she Test

13 Použité zdroje MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2004, ISBN 978 0521 755481. VÍT, Marek. Tázací dovětky [online]. [cit. 16.5.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: www.helpforenglish STEVENS, John. Anglická gramatika jednoduše. Praha: Grada Publishing,a.s., 2008, ISBN 978-80-247-2289-4. PETERS, Sarah; GRÁF, Tomáš. Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky. Praha: Polyglot, 2007, ISBN 80-86195-00-7. Obrázky : Galerie Microsoft Office – klipart

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