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Vodní filtr eSpring
eSpring Nedostatek vody způsobuje:
1% žízeň 5% slabou horečku 8% přestávají fungovat ledviny 10% přestávají pracovat svaly 20% praská kůže, nastává smrt organismu Consider these important facts about water and wellness - what water can do for you. We can go for weeks at a time without food, but we will die in a matter of days without water. Going without water can have disastrous results. A 1% deficit in the body's water water creates thirst. A 5% deficit causes a slight fever. An 8% deficit causes glands to stop producing saliva and skin to turn blue. 10% and the tongue swells, kidneys start to fail, and the muscles go into spasms. Walking becomes impossible. At or before 20% loss, skin cracks, organs grind to a halt and death occurs.
eSpring Funkce vody: transport živin v organismu
zvlhčuje oči, ústa, klouby reguluje teplotu těla podporuje okysličování organismu Water is the single most important nutrient the body takes in. Every body cell, tissue, and organ needs water to function properly. Water transports essential water-soluble vitamins and nutrients that cells, tissues and organs need to function properly. Water moistens eyes, mouth, and nasal passages, allowing organs to perform properly. Water plays an important role in regulating the body temperature, cooling the body when it is hot and insulating it from the cold. Water carries oxygen to the cells and allows the body cells to retain their structure.
eSpring Navíc… snižuje riziko vzniku různých nemocí
vyplavuje toxické látky ovlivňuje rovnováhu elektrolytů působí příznivě na krevní tlak zvyšuje množství spálených kalorií Water cushions the organs; it acts as a shock absorber to minimize stress damage to organs. Water provides optimum lubrication for joints. Water flushes kidneys to rid body of toxic substances. Water balances electrolytes (minerals such as potassium, sodium and chloride), which help regulate body temperature and control blood pressure
eSpring Co pijeme? Kontaminanty Chemikálie Mikroorganismy Prach a jíl
Písek Rez Prvoci Viry Bakterie Anorganické Organické Contaminants that can be found in drinking water can be divided into three categories. Chemical and microbiological contaminants especially can pose health risks to your family.
eSpring Výsledek Olovo - anémie - nízká hmotnost u novorozenců
- zvyšuje krevní tlak Rtuť - poškozuje ledviny Radon - zvyšuje riziko rakoviny žaludku Water contamination can pose serious health threats Lead can accumulate in the body and result in anemia and low birth weight in children. It may delay mental and physical development abilities, resulting in permanently lower IQ. In adults, lead can result in increased blood pressure Mercury may cause kidney damage Radon may increase the risk of stomach cancer. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) estimates that 2%-10% of all bladder cancer in the U.S. may be due contaminants in drinking water. These are just a few of the potential health effects of contaminated water.
We have discussed what water can do for you and what water can do to you. Water is good for you if it’s good water. But now the question is: where can you get good water? Let’s do a little searching and see what we can find?
eSpring Balená voda Výhody může být kvalitní Nevýhody nákladná
Our search should begin with one of the most common places that people go to find good water: to the store to buy pure, sparkling, crystal-clear, fresh-from-the-spring bottled water. Studies have shown that not all bottled water is as pure as you might think. A 4 year study by the U.S. National Resources Defense Council concluded that there is no assurance that bottled water is safer or cleaner than tap water. 22% of the brands tested had a sample that was contaminated above strict state health limits*. Plus, it can be costly and inconvenient. *
eSpring Převařená voda
Výhody zničí viry a bakterie Nevýhody nepohodlné neodstraní všechny organické látky zůstanou kontaminanty Advantages Maybe boiling is the answer. Boiling also has its advantages and disadvantages.
eSpring Obrácená osmóza
Výhody snižuje anorganické sloučeniny odstraňuje cysty prvoků Nevýhody vyžaduje vysoký tlak vody neefektivní – plýtvání vodou Advantages Reverse osmosis is a very common water treatment technology. It has its advantages and disadvantages.
eSpring Granulovaný aktivní uhlík
Výhody odstraňuje chlór zlepšuje chuť, vůni a barvu odstraňuje organické sloučeniny Nevýhody neodstraňuje anorganické sloučeniny neodstraňuje bakterie a viry Pour-through pitchers and tap-mounted filters are popular ways of getting good water. They can make your water look better and taste better but they are significantly ineffective. These are usually granulated carbon systems and are ineffective against organic compounds. Because the carbon is loosely packed, it is possible for channels to form allowing water to pass through unfiltered. Often these units do not have a monitor telling you when to change the filter.
eSpring Lisovaný uhlíkový blok
Výhody odstraňuje chlor a org. sloučeniny zachovává minerály Nevýhody neodstraňuje anorganické látky, bakterie a viry Advantages Another technology to provide you with good water is a pressed activated carbon block. It is better than granular carbon. It is effective against many organic compounds and is very good at filtering particulates and does not have the channeling problem of granular carbon. However, it is ineffective against many inorganic compounds, bacteria and viruses.
eSpring Ultrafialové světlo
Výhody hubí bakterie a viry Nevýhody neodstraňuje chemické kontaminanty Advantages Ultraviolet light technology is very effective against microorganisms including bacteria, viruses. Yet this technology is not very effective in reducing organic and inorganic compounds and does not remove particulates
We could search further for good water but these are the most common sources that will provide good water. Yet it is obvious that every method falls short of delivering the quality water that we desire. No one technology does it all. However -
Existuje velmi dobré řešení:
eSpring Existuje velmi dobré řešení: There is a solution. Actually, it is a revolution. A revolution in water treatment. The first water treatment system to combine technologies; carbon block and UV light. A system that reduces more potential health-effect contaminants than any other in-home filter. Introducing eSpring. Amway vodní filtr eSpring
Elektronického monitorování
eSpring Kombinuje technologie Uhlíkového filtru UV lampy Elektronického monitorování eSpring is the water you want for your family because it combines the best technologies available.
eSpring Vícefázový aktivní filtr s lisovaným uhlíkovým blokem
Účinně odstraňuje víc než 140 kontaminantů včetně olova a rtuti. Odstraňuje organické chemikálie. Zlepšuje chuť, vůni a čistotu vody. eSpring ‘s carbon block technology is the only system on the market to have independent supporting documentation for the effective removal of more than 140 potential health-effect contaminants.
eSpring Vícefázový aktivní filtr s lisovaným uhlíkovým blokem
zachytáva častice 300 krát menší než průměr lidského vlasu plocha povrchu uhlíkového filtru je m2 (cca 64 fotbalových hřišť) The carbon block is a patented multi-stage filter that traps particulates 300 times smaller than a human hair reduces organic chemicals reduces lead and mercury contains carbon surface area of 446,000 square metres (4,800,000 ft2) The greater the carbon surface area, the more contaminants that can be trapped.
eSpring Vícefázový aktivní filtr s lisovaným uhlíkovým blokem Aktivovaný uhlík obsahuje
Makro-póry Střední póry Mikro-póry Póry The filter is made from a special activated (creates pores in the carbon by heating it to high temperatures ( c) in an oxygen free environment The process used determines the proportion of small and large pores that are created. The contaminant is attracted to and held (adsorbed) on the surface of the carbon particles Carbon filter contains carbon surface area of 446,000 square metres (4,800,000 ft2) The greater the carbon surface area, the more contaminants that can be trapped.
80 milijoulů/cm2 UV světla ničí 99,99% baktérií a virů
eSpring Technologie UV lampy 80 milijoulů/cm2 UV světla ničí 99,99% baktérií a virů The carbon block filter is combined with the UV light. UV light technology does what carbon alone cannot do. It destroys microorganisms. The UV bulb puts out up to 80 millijoules of UV light, enough to destroy 99.99% of waterborne disease-causing bacteria and viruses. State-of-the-art electronics allow the UV lamp to operate only when treated water is flowing.
eSpring Elektronické monitorování
Inteligentní elektronický čip: sleduje životnost UV lampy upozorní na výměnu vložky filtru Carbon block filter plus UV light plus electronic monitoring. eSpring makes use of “Smart Chip” technology which monitors your system and alerts you if there is a performance problem. It automatically tracks the filter life and tells when to change the filter. No need to mark your calendar.
eSpring Bezdrátová indukční vazba Sekundární cívka Primární cívka
The electronic module contains a primary power supply coil with a secondary power coil located separately within the cartridge. The power is transferred from the primary coil to the secondary coil lighting the lamp. Patented wireless inductive coupling technology for this application -Water treatment systems. Old wireless technology used in radios Used in rechargeable toothbrushes Primární cívka
Hlavní komponenty Držák filtru El. modul Síťový kabel Monitor Filtr
The system was designed with 7 main components plus the faucet Ease of assembly Ease for repair - ship replacements parts to the customer Never with system for more than a few days No repair centers required - very unique for an electronic appliance Tlaková nádoba Uzávěr držáku na filtr
eSpring Vývoj a technologie
48 vědců 270 patentů 7 laboratoří 7 500 m2 výrobních ploch This superior ‘combined technology’ was created by a team of eSpring experts who lead the way in water treatment research, development and manufacturing. This expertise consists of: 48 scientists and support staff 7 laboratories 270 worldwide patents, either granted or pending 7500 square metres (80,000 square feet) of world class manufacturing area.
eSpring Nezávislí experti
NSF International The Public Health and Safety Company Amidst all the confusing claims made by dozens of water treatment systems - who do you believe? Believe the independent third-party organizations that test and certify water treatment systems. eSpring has been tested and certified by NSF, recognized worldwide as the leading experts in water treatment. eSpring has also earned the Water Quality Association’s Gold Seal, their highest rating for water treatment products. Water Quality Association Gold Seal Certification Program
eSpring Mezinárodní certifikace
NSF International eSpring – první systém na světě dle norem: NSF norma č. 42 – estetické účinky NSF norma č. 53 – zdraví škodlivé účinky NSF norma č. 55 – mikrobiologická úprava UV lampou NSF Certification is important because that means that NSF has tested and verified that all the eSpring claims are true. Two important things to remember. 1. eSpring was the first in-home, point-of-use system certified to meet three major water quality standards: #42 - standard for Aesthetic Effects. #53 - standard for Health Effects. #55 - standard for UV Microbiological Water Treatment. 2. The second important fact is that eSpring has been certified to reduce more health effect contaminants than any other carbon-based system in the world.
eSpring Mezinárodní certifikace
Osvědčení Gold Seal pro eSpring: Water Quality Association - eliminace kontaminantů - odolnost konstrukce při vysokém tlaku - ujištění o bezpečnosti materiálů NSF Certification is important because that means that NSF has tested and verified that all the eSpring claims are true. Two important things to remember. 1. eSpring was the first in-home, point-of-use system certified to meet three major water quality standards: #42 - standard for Aesthetic Effects. #53 - standard for Health Effects. #55 - standard for UV Microbiological Water Treatment. 2. The second important fact is that eSpring has been certified to reduce more health effect contaminants than any other carbon-based system in the world.
Vodní filtr eSpring Eight reasons to choose…see page 10 – 13 in Product Guide
nej... eSpring kombinace technologií: - uhlíkový filtr - UV lampa
- elektronické monitorování
první... eSpring splnil normy NSF: - norma č. 42 - norma č. 53
nej... eSpring Odstraňuje nejvíce kontaminantů.
Více než jakýkoli jiný dosud známý systém s uhlíkovou bází a UV lampou určený pro domácnosti.
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