Past simple / present simple / present perfect

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1 Past simple / present simple / present perfect

2 Past simple or present perfect?
I didn´t read/haven´t heard today´s news yet. I haven´t heard today´s news yet. The prime minister just made a speech/ has just made a speech on TV. The prime minister has just made a speech on TV, I never ate/have never eaten bananas when I was a child. I never ate bananas when I was a child. My friends came back/have come back from France yesterday. My friends came back from England yesterday.

3 Past simple or present perfect Questions
Where have you bought / did you buy this book? Where did you buy this book? How many times did you hear /have you heard this album? How many times have you heard this album? Did you ever go / Have you ever been to The States? Have you ever been to The States?

4 …some more questions… Did you read / Have you read this novel? Have you read this novel? Did you travel /Have you travelled a lot when you were younger? Did you travel a lot when you were younger? Where did you go / have you been at the weekend? Where did you go at the weekend?

5 Translate Present perfect or present?
Bydlím v Berouně od roku 1999. I have lived in Beroun since 1999. Můj bratr je ženatý. My brother is married. Jak je dlouho ženatý? How long has he been married? Mám nové hodinky. I have a new watch. Můj bratr zná Janu od loňského léta. My brother has known Jane since last summer. Máš už tyhle hodinky dlouho? Have you had this watch long?

6 Zdroje Mluvnické okruhy Maturita Solutions Intermediate Archiv autora

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