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Označení DUM 13 _ 18 _ Pl _ DUM Autor Příjmení a jméno: Pavelková Irena, Bc. Škola: Základní škola a Mateřská škola Štěpánkovice, příspěvková organizace Adresa: Zahradní 10, Štěpánkovice, Předmět a očekávaný výstup Ročník: Datum: Předmět: Anglický jazyk Tematický celek: Gramatika – minulý čas slovesa „to be“ - být. Očekávaný výstup: Ví, jak se v anglickém jazyce tvoří a používá minulý čas slovesa „to be“. Anotace: Prezentace v PowerPointu seznamuje žáky s tím, jak se v anglickém jazyce tvoří a používá minulý čas slovesa „to be“ - být. Součástí prezentace jsou pracovní listy, které slouží k procvičení daného gramatického jevu. Klíčová slova: Anglický jazyk, gramatika, minulý čas, sloveso „to be“.
Minulý čas slovesa „být“ Obr. 1
Past simple – „to be“ Minulý čas slovesa „být“ Obr. 1
Sloveso „to be“ má v minulém čase jen dva tvary: was were
I was (at home.) You were (ill.) He was (at school.) She was (sad.) It was (in the garden.) We were (at the cinema.) You were (in London.) They were (tall.) Tedy: I/he/she/it was you/we/they were Já jsem byl (doma.) Ty jsi byl (nemocný.) On byl (ve škole.) Ona byla (smutná.) Ono bylo (na zahradě.) My jsme byli (v kině.) Vy jste byli (v Londýně.) Oni byli (vysocí.)
Otázku vytvořím tak, že přehodím první dvě slova: you were ill → were you ill?
I was (at home). → Was I (at home?) You were (ill). → Were you (ill?) He was (fat). → Was he (fat?) She was (sad). → Was she (sad?) It was (with me). → Was it (with me?) We were (there). → Were we (there?) You were (here). → Were you (here?) They were (tall). → Were they (tall?) Byl jsem (doma?) Byl jsi (nemocný?) Byl (tlustý?) Byla (smutná?) Bylo (se mnou?) Byli jsme (tam?) Byli jste (tady?) Byli oni (vysocí?)
Krátké odpovědi na otázky:
Were you (ill?) Was he (at school?) Was she (sad?) Was it (in the garden?) Were we (at the cinema?) Were you (in London?) Were they (tall?) Yes, I was. No, I wasn´t. Yes, he was. No, he wasn´t. Yes, she was. No, she wasn´t. Yes, it was. No, it wasn´t. Yes, we were. No, we weren´t. Yes, they were. No, they weren´t.
You weren´t (in London.) They weren´t (tall.) Tedy: I/he/she/it wasn´t
Zápor vytvořím tak, že změním was → wasn´t (was not) were → weren´t (were not) I wasn´t (at home.) You weren´t (ill.) He wasn´t (at school.) She wasn´t (sad.) It wasn´t (in the garden.) We weren´t (at the cinema.) You weren´t (in London.) They weren´t (tall.) Tedy: I/he/she/it wasn´t you/we/they weren´t Já jsem nebyl (doma.) Ty jsi nebyl (nemocný.) On nebyl (ve škole.) Ona nebyla (smutná.) Ono nebylo (na zahradě.) My jsme nebyli (v kině.) Vy jste nebyli (v Londýně.) Oni nebyli (vysocí.)
Oprav chyby ve větách a poté věty přelož do češtiny:
They was in hospital. She were at home. I were at school. He weren´t ill. We was happy. You werent in the garden. Was you sad? Werent they tall? I was´nt short. Were he with you? Wasnt Jack at the dentist? My mum were in London. He was in the park? My sister wasnt with us. They was pretty. Were I right? Was they stupid? We wer clever.
Převeď věty do záporu a do otázky:
I was happy. They were clever. We were sad. He was very tall. My mum was at home. Lucy was at school. My teachers were in London. We were in the garden. She was in the kitchen. They were in the kitchen. My parents were young. He was old. We were with them. He was very short. The singer was pretty. The actor was at our school. I was with you. You were at the concert.
Odpovídej na otázky: Were you at home? Was he at the cinema? Was Jane at school? Were you ill? Were they in the garden? Was your dad sad? Were they clever? Was she pretty? Was it short? Were you happy? Yes,… No, …
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