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ZveřejnilMia Kovářová
Název školyIntegrovaná střední škola technická, Vysoké Mýto, Mládežnická 380 Číslo a název projektuCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0374 Inovace vzdělávacích metod EU - OP VK Číslo a název klíčové aktivityII/2 – Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních školách Autor Věra Soušková Číslo materiálu VY_22_INOVACE_ANJ_3S3U1N_SO_29_24 Název American and British English Druh učebního materiálu Prezentace PowerPoint Předmět Anglický jazyk Ročník 3. roč. SŠ, 3. roč. SOU, 1. roč. nástavbového studia Tématický celek Konverzace: English Speaking Countries Anotace Výkladová prezentace zaměřená na americkou a britskou angličtinu seznamuje žáky s rozdíly v gramatice a ve slovní zásobě. Metodický pokyn Prezentace s využitím dataprojektoru na 45 minut. Instrukce přímo na jednotlivých snímcích. Klíčová slova Past simple, present perfect, prepositions, have, take Očekávaný výstup Žáci se seznámí s rozdíly mezi britskou a americkou angličtinou. Na základě těchto znalostí vyřeší daný problém. Datum vytvoření 16.3.2013
* Past simple * I can't find my keys. Did you see them anywhere? * A: Can I borrow your book? B: No, I didn't read it yet. A: Is Samantha here? B: No, she just left * Present perfect * I can't find my keys. Have you seen them anywhere? * A: Can I borrow your book? B: No, I haven't read it yet. * A: Is Samantha here? B: No, she's just left. In spoken American English it is very common to use the simple past tense in situations where the present perfect would usually have been used in British English
Past tense forms Some verbs have different simple past and past participle forms in American and British English: BritishAmerican Get gotgot got gotten Bust bust bust busted
Use of prepositions: AT x ON - used with many time expressions British English American English at Christmas on the weekend at five 'o' clock on weekends at the weekend AT x IN - when we talk about universities or other institutions She studied chemistry at university. X She studied French in high school. In British English, TO and FROM are used with the adjective different, e.g.: This place is different from/to anything I've seen before. In American English FROM and THAN are used with different, e.g.: This place is different from/than anything I've seen before.
Use of verbs have and take: In British English the verb HAVE occurs with an object noun which describes an action, e.g.: I'd like to have a bath. She's having a little nap. In American English, the verb TAKE is used in these contexts, e.g.: Joe's taking a shower. I'd like to take a bath. Why don't you take a rest now ?
Verb agreement with collective nouns: In American English collective nouns are always followed by a singular verb. Which team is losing? In British English both plural and singular forms of the verb are possible: Which team is/are losing?
In American English * DON´T NEED TO * They don't need to come to school today. * WILL * I will be there later. * SHOULD * Should we ask him to come with us? In British English * NEEDN´T * They needn't come to school today * SHALL * I shall/will be there later. * SHALL * Shall we ask him to come with us?
Student´s Task – 1 Look at the words in the table below. Match the British English words with the American English ones: Lift Taxi Chips Lorry Underground Autumn Truck Fall Subway Elevator French fries Cab
Student´s Task - 2 Dirty Dan Scotland Yard police are looking for a famous American bank robber called Dirty Dan. Dirty Dan robbed a bank in London last Friday night. They are interviewing three different people. All three have British accents, but the police know that Dirty Dan can imitate a British accent. Read parts of each of the transcript. Can you identify Dirty Dan from the language he uses?
Suspect 1 I already said this. I didn’t do anything special on the weekend. Friday night I took a shower in my apartment and then went out to see a movie. It was a movie I had already seen, Matrix Revolutions. I really like action movies. I went with my girlfriend Samantha. Suspect 2 I wasn’t in town at the weekend, and I certainly wasn’t anywhere near the bank on Friday night. I was at a hotel in Paris with a special friend of mine. Shall I give you the hotel phone number? You needn’t bother asking me any more questions. You’ve got the wrong man. Suspect 3 I’ve already said this. On Friday night I went to see a film at the cinema. It was Matrix Revolutions. I don’t really like action films, but my friends really wanted to see it. It was rather boring. After that I went home and had a nice hot bath. I went to bed around midnight.
Answers: Task 1 Lift – elevator, taxi – cap, chips – French fries, lorry – truck, underground – subway, autumn – fall Task 2 Suspect 1 is Dirty Dan. The American words and expressions are: already said this (British would use present perfect) on the weekend (British - at the weekend) took a shower (British - had a shower) movie (British - film)
Metodické pokyny k materiálu: 1)Materiál obsahuje výklad učiva týkajícího se rozdílů mezi britskou a americkou angličtinou 2)V materiálu jsou vysvětleny rozdíly v gramatice. 3)Na teoretickou část navazují cvičení sloužící k procvičení probraného učiva.
Sources: DBENBENN. http://commons.wikimedia [online]. [cit. 16.3.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: NEZNÁMÝ. http://commons.wikimedia [online]. [cit. 16.3.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. klipart [online]. [cit. 16.3.2013]. Dostupný na WWW:
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