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Charles Dickens – life Mgr. Zuzana Hnátová.

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1 Charles Dickens – life Mgr. Zuzana Hnátová

2 Anotace Kód Dumu : VY_32_INOVACE_4.AJ.07 Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Vytvořeno: únor 2013 Ročník: 3. ročník a 4. ročník - čtyřleté gymnázium (RVP-G) Septima a Oktáva - osmileté gymnázium (RVP-G) Vzdělávací oblast : Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Literature: Charles Dickens – life Anotace: Tento materiál byl vytvořen jako téma pro maturitní okruh: Literatura na Gymnáziu a JŠ Svitavy přibližně na jednu, popřípadě více vyučovacích hodin (pro výklad i opakování – shrnutí učiva). Obsahuje jednak přehled faktografických údajů, tak i anglickou ustálenou terminologii, doplněné o interaktivní cvičení: samostatný ústní projev – prezentace. Je primárně zaměřen na dva poslední ročníky gymnázia, i přesto se dá využít i v nižších ročnících osmiletého i čtyřletého studia vcelku nebo jeho jednotlivé části Pomůcky: interaktivní tabule, internet

3 Questions (warm-up) What do you know about Charles Dickens?
In what period of time did he live? Was he happy during his childhood? Was he famous during his lifetime? Was he married, single, divorced or widowed? Did he have any children? What did he like doing in his free time?

4 Charles Dickens 1.

5 Life born in 1812, near Portsmouth
his full name was Charles John Huffham Dickens ss regarded as the best writer of the Victorian period very popular writer even during his life a representative of critical realism

6 Life he started attending school when he was nine
his family was very poor soon his father owed money to several people and he was not able to pay the money back when he was twelve years old, a disaster hit the family: his father was arrested for debt and was sent to prison Charles had to leave school

7 Life he lived alone and worked in a factory, putting labels on shoe-polish bottles he hated the work was very unhappy there this terrible experience only lasted for a few months, but it made a strong impression on him – it influenced his later writing

8 Dickens working in a factory

9 Life when he was 15, he started to work in an office
he worked very hard and he has also a chance to read many books there he loved reading and writing he became a newspaper reporter wrote stories to magazines – short stories, novels, serials were published there (every week – new chapter)

10 Marriage he married Catherine Hogarth they had 10 children
they were not very happy as Charles was very demanding person it is also said that he loved Catherine´s sister Mary after 20 years of marriage, they split up as Charles fell in love with a young actress Ellen Ternan

11 Hobbies he loved writing, but he also enjoyed these activities:
travelling – visited France, Italy, America theatre – Charles was also a good actor, he also gave public readings of his books

12 Life 3. died in 1870 is buried in Westminster Abbey in London

13 Videos about Ch. Dickens
life of Charles Dickens (a short version – about 5 minutes) Charles Dickens documentary (45 minutes)

14 Presentation Your teacher has asked you to prepare a presentation about Charles Dickens. In your speech, use the following points: - introduce the writer (historical period) - life – growing up, childhood - early life - life – marriage - hobbies

15 Zdroje a seznam použité literatury
Knihy a internetové zdroje 1. UNKNOWN. Charles Dickens [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: 2. EL-HMOUDOVÁ. Maturitní témata. Třebíč: Petra Velanová, 2006, ISBN 3. SMITH-DLOUHÁ a kol. Angličtina – otázky a odpovědi .. Nejen k maturitě. Dubicko: INFOA, 2008, ISBN Obrázky: UNKNOWN. commons.wikimedia [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: BERNARD. commons.wikimedia [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Zdroj: vlastní Neoznačené obrázky pocházejí z otevřené galerie Microsoft Office (Powerpoint) a z z otevřené fotodatabáze Power Veškeré hypertextové odkazy jsou platné ke dni vytvoření díla.

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