Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola, Hlušice Autor: PaedDr. Vaňková Marcela Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3235 Název: VY_32_INOVACE_3C_13_.

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Prezentace na téma: "Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola, Hlušice Autor: PaedDr. Vaňková Marcela Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3235 Název: VY_32_INOVACE_3C_13_."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola, Hlušice Autor: PaedDr. Vaňková Marcela Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3235 Název: VY_32_INOVACE_3C_13_ Past simple - questions Téma: Anglická gramatika v 6. a 9. ročníku ZŠ

2  1) Materiál je určen pro žáky 2. stupně ZŠ. Dle úvodní tabulky učitel připomene žákům strukturu a tvorbu otázky – Past simple.  2) Následuje procvičení tvorby otázek dle předchozí věty. Kontrola správnosti v závěru materiálu.  3) Písemné procvičení otázek, rozdělení žáků na dvě skupiny: A), B). Kontrola správnosti.  4) Dialogy, konverzace ve dvojicích dle předlohy a obrázků.  5) Zařazení materiálu k procvičení Past simple - questions.

3 SUBJECT INFINITIVE … yesterday? What WhereI work help like in a factory? my Mum? her sister? chess? English? a game? this toy? to Paris? the film? a horrible dream? When Why How Did he, she, it play study stop want What time How many How much we you they go see have

4  Make questions: A)  When ______ ______ ________ table-tennis? I played table-tennis on Friday.  Susan went to Paris. When ______ ______ ____ to Paris?  Tony fell off his bike. When ______ ____ ________ off his bike?  My sister lived in Birmingham. When ______ ______ ________ in Birmingham?  Make questions: B)  Jane broke her leg. How ______ ______ __________ her leg?  The accident happened in Black Street. When ______ ______ ________________ ____________?  Mandy burnt her arm. Where ______ ______ ________ her arm?  Mr Taylor washed the car yesterday. When ______ ____ ________ the car?

5  Make questions: A)  Mr Hill worked in a bank last year. When ______ ____ ________ in a bank?  I visited Paris last year. When ______ ______ __________ Paris?  Ben played ice-hockey. When ______ ____ ________ ice-hockey?  My sister lived in Spain. Where ______ ______ ________?  Make questions: B)  I walked to school yesterday. When ______ ______ ________ to school?  Jane studied at London University last year. Where ______ ______ __________?  She died in the middle of the operation. When ______ ______ ______?  I played the guitar at the school concert. Where ______ ______ ________?

6 Correct:  When did you play table-tennis? I played table-tennis on Friday.  Susan went to Paris. When did she go to Paris?  Tony fell off his bike. When did he fall off his bike?  My sister lived in Birmingham. When did she live in Birmingham?  Jane broke her leg. How did she break her leg?  The accident happened in Black Street. When did the accident happen?  Mandy burnt her arm. Where did she burn her arm?  Mr Taylor washed the car yesterday. When did he wash the car?  Mr Hill worked in a bank last year. When did he work in a bank?  I visited Paris last year. When did you visit Paris?  Ben played ice-hockey. When did he play ice-hockey?  My sister lived in Spain. Where did she live?  I walked to school yesterday. When did you walk to school?  Jane studied at London University last year. Where did she study?  She died in the middle of the operation. When did she die?  I played the guitar at the school concert. Where did you play?


8 .....visit London? ... he get there before me? ...you call after six? ...he ask you again? ...you find yours? ...you enter the wrong password?  (go) on the London Eye.  (ask) him to wait.  (say) hello from me.  you (leave) a message on my voicemail.  (use) mine.  your account (is) automatically blocked.

9  http://images.google.com/imgres?q=routines+clipart&biw=1161&bih=506&tbm=isch&tbnid=4ziAJInT eJOTXM:&imgrefurl=http://spaceforlivingos.com/2011/08/creating-visual-routines-for- kids.html&docid=oQlotlirMz2jKM&imgurl=http://spaceforlivingos.com/wp- content/uploads/2011/08/2- Routines.jpg&w=600&h=395&ei=u02vUbGlK8iTtAbcyIHIBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=124&vpy=136&d ur=2187&hovh=182&hovw=277&tx=223&ty=104&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=228&start=0&ndsp=22&v ed=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:84 http://images.google.com/imgres?q=routines+clipart&biw=1161&bih=506&tbm=isch&tbnid=4ziAJInT eJOTXM:&imgrefurl=http://spaceforlivingos.com/2011/08/creating-visual-routines-for- kids.html&docid=oQlotlirMz2jKM&imgurl=http://spaceforlivingos.com/wp- content/uploads/2011/08/2- Routines.jpg&w=600&h=395&ei=u02vUbGlK8iTtAbcyIHIBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=124&vpy=136&d ur=2187&hovh=182&hovw=277&tx=223&ty=104&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=228&start=0&ndsp=22&v ed=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:84  Project English 3, Oxford, Tom Hutchinson, Grammar summary  Angličtina, Školní kurz gramatiky, Maria Birkenmajer, E. Maňko, Infoa 2008  The Good Grammar Book, Michael Swan, Catherine Walter, Oxford University Press  Essential Grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press  Spark, Virginia Evans_Jenny Dooley, Teacher´s book, Express Publishing  Let´s study Grammar, Krajewska Milada, Infoa  Terasoft, TC Angličtina 4, PC program 2003

Stáhnout ppt "Název školy: Základní škola a mateřská škola, Hlušice Autor: PaedDr. Vaňková Marcela Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3235 Název: VY_32_INOVACE_3C_13_."

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