 ANOTACE:  Anotace:  Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze.

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Prezentace na téma: " ANOTACE:  Anotace:  Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze."— Transkript prezentace:


2  ANOTACE:  Anotace:  Didaktický učební materiál je určen žákům středních škol k zopakování učiva. Prezentace se skládá z přehledu daného učiva a ze cvičení určených k upevnění materiálu.  METODICKÝ POKYN:  Očekávaný výstup: pravidla užívání trpného rodu včetně výjimek, na základě znalosti pravidel schopnost doplnění tohoto jevu do textu a jeho užívání v mluvené řeči.


4 FORMS OF THE PASSIVE  Subject + verb „to be“ + Past Participle  Milk is made from cheese.  Harry Potter was written by J. K. Rowling.  In 2090 everything will be managed by computers.

5 USE OF THE PASSIVE  The action is the more important than who or what performes the action  Compare:  Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. (active sentence)  Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. (passive sentence) The subject in the active sentence (Shakespeare) becomes the object in the passive sentence. The object of the active sentences (Hamlet) becomes the subject of the passive sentence.

6 TRANSLATE  Říká se, že pes je nejlepší přítel člověka.  Papír se vyrábí ze dřeva.  V tomto obchodě se neprodává alkohol.  Boty byly zlevněné z 1000 Kč na 700 Kč.  Obchody zavírají o víkendu v 8 hodin.  Naše škola se uklízí každý den.  Volswagen se vyrábí v Německu.  Byla obviněna ze zločinu a poté byla uznána vinou.

7 TRANSLATE - SOLUTION  It is said that a dog is the best friend of a man.  Paper is made from wood.  Alcohol isn´t sold at this shop.  Shoes were reduced from 1000 CZK to 700 CZK.  Shops are closed at 8 p.m. at weekends.  Our school is cleaned every day.  Volswagen is made in Germany.  She was charged with the crime and after that she was found guilty.

8 REWRITE USING THE PASSIVE  Students made a lot of mistakes in the English test.  An uknown writer wrote a good detective story.  Publishers printed a lot of books every year.  Somebody stole my new bike in front of the school.  Last earthquake in the USA destroyed most of the city.  The universities offer various types of education.  Parents gave me money for my birthday.

9  A lot of mistakes were made by students in English test.  A good detective story was written by unknown writer.  A lot of books are printed by publishers every year.  My new bike was stolen in front of the school.  Most of the city was destroyed by last earthquake.  Various types of education are offered by the universities.  Money was given me by my parents for my birthday. REWRITE USING THE PASSIVE - SOLUTION

10  I was asked my mother the time.  The important contract was signed by two bosses.  My car was repaired quickly by car mechanics.  Lord of the Ring was directed by Peter Jackson.  The government and the president are elected by people.  Foxes are hunted by hunters because of their skin.  Rubbish is recycled in most cities every day. REWRITE USING THE ACTIVE

11 REWRITE USING THE ACTIVE - SOLUTION  My mother asked me the time.  Two bosses signed the important contract.  Car mechanics repaired my car quickly.  Peter Jackson directed The Lord of the Ring.  People elect the government and the president.  Hunters hunt foxes because of their skin.  Most cities recycle rubbish every day.

12 RESOURCES  Slide 3 – 11 Vlastní tvorba

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