Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Šablona:III/2č. materiálu:VY_32_INOVACE_09 Jméno autora:Mgr. Martin Frolík Třída/ročník:3.A / třetí ročník Datum vytvoření:01 / 2013
Vzdělávací oblast:Cizí jazyky Tematická oblast:Obchodní angličtina Předmět:Anglický jazyk Název učebního materiálu:Marketing Výstižný popis způsobu využití, případně metodické pokyny: Prezentace představuje definice pojmu marketing, vysvětluje jednotlivé části marketingového mixu a SWOT analýzu. Klíčová slova:Marketing, marketing mix, product, place, price, promotion, SWOT analysis Druh učebního materiálu:prezentace
What is marketing? A process through which goods and services move from concept to the customers. The act or process of selling and buying in a market.
Production We have to produce what customers want not what we want to produce We must have customers focused approach We must carry marketing research We must produce and supply exactly what customers want
Product The goods or service you are marketing Image, design, quality, reliability, features and benefits Must be presented and packaged attractively New products must replace unattractive ones
Price Should include: The value of the product The quality The customer´s ability to buy it Prices of competitors
Place Where and how the product will be sold Ways of distribution Availability of the distribution network Supplying and transport
Place – channels of distribution producer → end-users producer → retailers → end-users producer → wholesalers → retailers → end- users producer → wholesalers → directly to end- users
Place – channels of distribution producer → multiple store groups → end- users producer → marker → wholesalers → retailers → end-users
Promotion Says how customers can learn about the product. Involves packiging, presentation of the product, image, brand name, advertising, slogans, brochures, literature, price lists, after-sales service, training, trade fairs, trade exhibitions and public relations
Promotion Unique selling proposition Features and benefits must make it unlike any other product in the market
4 P → 4 C approach Product → Customer value Price → Cost to the Customer Place → Convenience Promotion → Communication
SWOT analysis strengths weaknesses opportunities threatens
Použitá literatura: Bočánková, M., Hedvábná, I., Kalina, M Anglická obchodní korespondence. Ekopress, s.r.o Dyčková, J., Neumannová, O English for bankers. RADIX, s.r.o Henderson, D., Streitwieser, V Business English. Grada Publishing Jones, L., Alexander, R New International Business English. Cambridge University Press Mackenzie, I Financial English. Language Teaching Publications Měšťan, J Anglický obchodní dopis se vzorovými dopisy. Nakladatelství JM Písek
Použitá literatura: Radice, F English for banking. Macmillan Publishers Skuch, E Fit for Business English - Fráze. Grada Publishing Tilley, R Fit for Business English – Korespondence. Grada Publishing Treger A Inside the European Union. Leda s.r.o Abbs, B., Freebairn, I., Barker, Ch., New Snapshot Pre- Intermediate, Pearson Education Limited