Všude kam se podívám vidím ryby. Everywhere I look, I see fish.
Paul nedostal tu práci co chtěl. Paul did not get the job he wanted.
Mám udělat trochu čaje? Do you want me to make some tea?
Ty rady co jsi mi dal byly k ničemu. The advice you gave me was useless.
O čem se včera museli bavit? What did they have to talk about yesterday?
Kdo přišel? Ten chlap co jsi se s ním včera náhodou potkal. Who came? The man (that) you ran into yesterday.
O čem to mluvíš? What are you talking about?
David chce aby Jane jela s nimi. David wants Jane to go with them.
Poslední dobou jsem v Japonsku nebyl. I have not been to Japan lately.
Poslední dobou jsem s Dicem nemluvil. Ty ano? I have not talked to Dick lately. Have you?
Proč nešel na výšku? Líbilo by se mu tam. Why didn't he go to college? He would like it there.
Venku bylo horko, takže jsem nemusel zůstat doma. It was hot outside so I didn't have to stay at home.
Na dovolené jsme se měli skvěle. We had a great time on our holiday.
Byl bych rád kdyby sis přečetl tyhle informace. I would like you to read this information.