Availability of Essential Medicines Country study: Czech Republic Comparison of locally available products with WHO list.


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Transkript prezentace:

AVAILABILITY OF ESSENTIAL MEDICINES ALIMENTARY SYSTEM & METABOLISM Country study: Czech Republic Comparison of locally available products with WHO list of essential medicines Approved and marketed medicinal products Data source: Czech State Institute for Drug Control Data download date: December 30, 2016 Publication date: February 14, 2017 For more details contact Arete-Zoe ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Essential medicines by organ class A – Alimentary tract and metabolism B – Blood and blood forming organs C - Cardiovascular system D – Dermatologicals G – Genito-urinary system and sex hormones H – Systemic hormonal preparations, excl. sex hormones and insulins J – Antiinfectives for systemic use L – Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents M – Musculo-skeletal system N – Nervous system P – Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents R – Respiratory system S – Sensory organs V – Various ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

ALIMENTARY AND METABOLISM Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: A ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: A A02 - Acid related disorders | A03 - functional GI disorders A04 – Antiemetics, antinauseants ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: A A06 - Laxatives | A07 – Antidiarrheals | A09 – Digestives ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: A A10 – Drugs used in diabetes | A11 – Vitamins | A12 – Mineral supplements ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: A ATC CodeActive ingredient A04AD01hyoscine hydrobromide A06AA02docusate sodium A07AA6paromomycin A07CAoral rehydration salt formulations A07EA02hydrocortisone A11HA01 nicotinamide A11HA04 riboflavin A12CB01 zinc sulfate A12CD01 sodium fluoride ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

BLOOD AND BLOOD FORMING ORGANS Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: B ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: B B01 – Antithrombotics | B02 – Antihemorrhagics ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: B B03 – Antianemics ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: B B05 – Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: B ATC CodeActive ingredient B01AB04dalteparin B01AD01streptokinase B03BA03hydroxycobalamin B05AA05dextran B05AX01red blood cells B05AX03fresh frozen plasma B05XA05magnesium sulfate ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: C ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: C C01 – Cardiac therapy ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: C C02 – antihypertensives C03 – diuretics C07 – beta-blockers C08 – calcium channel blockers C09 – ACEIs C10 – lipid modifying agents ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: C ATC CodeActive ingredient C02DB02hydrazaline C02DD01nitroprusside C03DB01amiloride ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

DERMATOLOGICALS Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: D ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: D ATC Code Active ingredient D01AC02 miconazole D01AE12 salicylic acid D01AE13 selenium sulfide D01BA01 griseofulvin D02ABzinc products D06BA01silver sulfadiazine D06AX09muciprocin* D08AC02chlorhexidine D08AE05chloroxylenol D08AX05isopropanol D08AX06potassium permanganate D08AX08ethanol * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

GENITO-URINARY SYSTEM SEX HORMONES Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: G ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: G ATC CodeActive ingredient G02AB03ergometrine G02BA02plastic IUD with copper G03AA05norethisterone and ethinylestradiol G03AA08medroxyprogesterone and estrogen G03AC01norethisterone G03AC03levonorgestrel G03AC08etonorgestrel ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

SYSTEMIC HORMONES EXCL. SEX HORMONES AND INSULINS Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: H ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: H ATC CodeActive ingredient H02AB06prednisolone ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

ANTIINFECTIVES Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: J J01 - Antibacterials for systemic use ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: J J01 - Antibacterials for systemic use Tetracyclines Amphenicoles ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website: Penicillins Other beta-lactams

Availability of essential medicines: J J01 - Antibacterials for systemic use SA+T Macrolides Aminoglycosides Quinolones Other ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: J J01 - Antibacterials for systemic use ATC CodeActive ingredient J01CF02cloxacillin J01DB01cefalexin J01EC02sulfadiazine J01FA01erythromycin J01GA01streptomycin J01GB04kanamycin J01XX04spectinomycin ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: J J04 - Antimycobacterials for systemic use J02 - Antimycotics for systemic use ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: J J02 – Antimycotics | J04 - Antimycobacterials ATC CodeActive ingredient J02AX01flucytosine J04AA01p-aminosalicylic acid* J04AB01cycloserine* J04AB05rifapentine J04AD01protionamide J04AD03ethionamide J04AK03terizidone * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 ATC CodeActive ingredient J04AK05bedaquiline* J04AK06delamanid* J04AM02rifampicin and isoniazid J04AM03ethambutol and isoniazid J04AM05rifampicin, pyrazinamide and isoniazid J04AM06rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol and isoniazid J04BA02dapsone ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: J J05 - Antivirals for systemic use ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: J J05 - Antivirals for systemic use ATC CodeActive ingredient J05AB14valganciclovir J05AE01saquinavir (SQV)* J05AE30lopinavir + ritonavir (LPV/r) J05AF04stavudine (d4T)* J05AG01nevirapine (NVP)* J05AR05lamivudine + nevirapine + zidovudin J05AR06efavirenz + emtricitabine + tenofovir* J05AR07lamivudine + nevirapine + stavudine J05AX66ombitasvir + paritaprevir + ritonavir * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: J J06 - Immune sera and immunoglobulins ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: J ATC CodeActive ingredient J06AA01diphtheria antitoxin J06AA03snake venom antiserum* J06BB05rabies immunoglobulin J06 - Immune sera and immunoglobulins * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: J J07 - Vaccines ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: J ATC CodeActive ingredient J07AF01diphtheria toxoid J07AJ01pertussis vaccine J07AN01tuberculosis, live attenuated J07BD01measles vaccine, live attenuated J07BE01mumps vaccine, live attenuated* J07BJrubella vaccines J07 - Vaccines * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS IMMUNOMODULANTS Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: L L01 - Antineoplastic agents Alkylating agents AntimetabolitesPlant alkaloids Cytotoxic antibiotics Other antineoplastic agents ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: L L02 – Endocrine therapy | L03 – Immunostimulants | L03 – Immunosuppressants ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: L ATC CodeActive ingredient L01DA01dactinomycin L01DB02daunorubicin L01XB01procarbazine L01XX02asparaginase* L01XX09miltefosine L01XX14tretinoin * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: M ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: M ATC CodeActive ingredient M03AC03vecuronium ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

NERVOUS SYSTEM Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: N L01 - Anesthetics ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: N N02 – Analgesics | N03 – Anti-epileptics | N04 – Anti-Parkinsonics ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: N N05 – Psycholeptics | N06 – Psychoanaleptics | N07 – Other AntipsychoticsAnxiolyticsHypn.PsychoanalepticsOtherAddictions ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: N ATC CodeActive ingredient N01AB01halothane N01BB52lidocaine, combinations* N05BA06lorazepam N07BC02methadone* * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

ANTIPARASITICS, INSECTICIDES REPELLENTS Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: P P01 – Antiprotozoals | P02 – Anthelmintics | P03 – Ectoparasiticides ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: P ATC CodeActive ingredient P01CB01meglumine antimoniate* P01CX01pentamidine isethionate* P01AC01diloxanide P01BA01chloroquine P01BA06amodiaquine P01BB01proguanil P01BC02mefloquine P01BD01pyrimethamine P01BD51pyrimethamine, comb. P01BE02artemether * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 P01 – Antiprotozoals ATC CodeActive ingredient P01BE03artesunate P01BF01artemether and lumefantrine P01BF02artesunate and mefloquine P01BF03artesunate and amodiaquine P01CA02benznidazole P01CB02sodium stibogluconate P01CC01nifurtimox P01CD01melarsoprol P01CX02suramin sodium P01CX03eflornithine ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: P ATC CodeActive ingredient P02BA01praziquantel* P02BA02oxamniquine P02BX04triclabendazole P02CA03albendazole P02CB02diethylcarbamazine P02CC01pyrantel P02CE01levamisole P02CF01ivermectin P02DA01niclosamide P03AX01benzyl benzoate * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 P02 – Anthelmintics | P03 - Ectoparasiticides ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: R ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: R ATC CodeActive ingredient R06AE03cyclizine ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

SENSORY ORGANS Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: S ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: S ATC CodeActive ingredient S01AA09tetracycline S01EA01epinephrine S01EB01pilocarpine S01HA03tetracaine ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

VARIOUS Essential medicines marketed and available List of medicines unavailable locally ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Availability of essential medicines: V ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: V ATC CodeActive ingredient V03AB03edetates V03AB06thiosulfate* V03AB08sodium nitrite V03AB09dimercaprol V03AB17methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue)* V03AB23acetylcysteine V03AB34fomepizole * Registered, not available in Q4/2016 V03 – All other therapeutic products ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

Unavailable essential medicines: V ATC CodeActive ingredient V04CF01tuberculin, purified protein derivative (PPD) - BCG V07AVtechnical disinfectants V08AA01diatrizoic acid V08AC02iotroxic acid V04 – Diagnostic agents | V07 – Other non-therapeutic products | V08 – Contrast media ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website:

ARETE-ZOE, as a consultancy, provides solutions to complex problems in the high stakes and high consequence environment of Global Pharmaceuticals, including clinical research, healthcare informatics, and public health. We blend established, Pharma sector methodologies, innovation, and adaptations/transfers from other sectors to identify and resolve consequential practices that pose risk and often result in avoidable patient casualty. However, we are specifically, not a patient advocacy group but believe in optimizing organizational effectiveness and that smart business is agile, competitive and profitable, while intrinsically safe, secure, and resilient. We work within a global context because transnational interests influence national circumstances and choices at point of prescription. ARETE-ZOE, provides full spectrum organizational and operational risk management consultancy. Our published materials provide a glimpse of some aspects of our services to demonstrate both knowledge and ongoing participation within the Pharmaceutical Industry. Our analysis and consultancy includes all channels of misuse, diversion, counterfeiting and illicit exploitation of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and precursor chemicals. Our advisement is to manufactures, jurisdictional entities, insurers, legislators, litigators, patients, and health care providers. ​ This scope also frequently segues into the nexus of crime and terrorism as significant influencers that undermine sector integrity differentiated from other criminal activity. Obviously, vulnerability assessment, information collection management and intelligence production supporting decision-making for risk reduction and interventions are routinely within the scope of our services as well as design and implementation of operational control measures. ARETE-ZOE, LLC: 1334 E Chandler Blvd 5A-19, Phoenix, AZ, USA | T: (24/7) | website: