Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_01_ Our schoolmates went to Sweden Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI: zskola@tremosnice.cz, www.zs-tremosnice.cz Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2459 Název: Škola pro každého – kvalita a efektivnost ve využití lidských zdrojů Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_01_ Our schoolmates went to Sweden Název materiálu (téma): Our schoolmates went to Sweden Sada:Angličtina,2. stupeň Autor: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Anotace: Our schoolmates went to Sweden (práce s interaktivní tabulí, pracovní list) © Výukový materiál je majetkem ZŠ Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj, 2012
Our schoolmates went to Sweden Past simple tense in school life Anotace Prezentace je určena žákům 6. a 7. ročníku, 2.stupeň ZŠ. Prezentace popisuje akci školy z projektu Comenius a je určena k procvičení minulého času pravidelných a nepravidelných sloves. Autor Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Jazyk Angličtina Očekávaný výstup Zábavná forma procvičení minulého času prostého – aplikace na aktivitu školy Speciální vzdělávací potřeby - žádné - Klíčová slova Went,flew,landed,took,came,welcomed,worked,spoke,le arnt,drew,taught,made, had, ran,played,met,sang, danced,showed,saw,built, sailed,ate,drank,visited,was,swam,drove,said,left Druh učebního materiálu Prezentace Druh interaktivity Čtení a psaní s porozuměním, druh testu Cílová skupina Žák Stupeň a typ vzdělávání základní vzdělávání – druhý stupeň Typická věková skupina 11 - 12 let Celková velikost 1,83MB
Choose the right word a. , b. or c. and complete the sentences: 1 Choose the right word a., b. or c. and complete the sentences: 1. Our schoolmates __________ to Gothenburg in Sweden on 15 May 2011. 2. They ___________ by plane. 3. Their plane __________at 12 o‘clock on 15th May 2011. 4. Their flight ___________3 hours and 40minutes. 1. a. walked 2. a. flew 3. a. stopped 4. a. taked b. were b. flied b. landed b. took c . went c. walked c. took off c. taken
5. They __________in Sjumilaskolan on Monday morning. 6 5. They __________in Sjumilaskolan on Monday morning. 6. Their friends from Sjumilaskolan __________our pupils to the school. 7.They____________in international groups and __________English. 8.All the pupils __________various subjects. 5. a. arrives 6. a. welcomes 7. a. worked / spoke 8. a. learns b. came b. welcomed b. works / speaks b. learned c. come c. welcome c. work / talked c. learnt
9. They __________pictures of Vikings. 10. Our teachers __________them to make ceramic bells. 11. Our pupils __________a key holder. 12. They _________a break time in the nearby woods. They _________and _________ with their friends there. 9. a. draws 10. a. teached 11. a. maked 12. a. had 13. a. runed / played b. drew b. taught b. produce b. spend b. ran / plaied c. paint c. teach c. made c. have c. ran / played
14. On Monday afternoon pupils from our school __________Finnish teachers and pupils. 15. All the pupils __________friends soon. 16. That day in the afternoon they all __________ and ___________. 17. Next day their friends __________ them round the city. 18. They __________a lot of places of interest. 19. Swedish people ___________their city in modern style such as a red and white building so called „Lipstick“. 14. a. meet 15. a. made 16. a. sung / danced 17. a. shows 18. a. saw 19. a. built b. found b. makes b. sang / dance b. showed b. looked b. made c. met c. talked c. sang / danced c. shown c. seen c. make
20. On Wednesday visitors of Sjumilaskolan __________ on the boat to see the city from the river. 21. In the afternoon they __________ and__________national meals and drinks with friends. 22. They also __________the Universum museum . It ____________about Science. 23. Fish __________there in the big water tanks. 20. a. sailed 21. a. eat / drank 22. a. visited / were 23. a. swum b. went b. ate / drank b. visited / was b. swim c. swam c. ate /drunk c. visited / been c. swam
24. In the open air museum with animals living in Scandinavia they_________last photos. 25. They __________ their cars at the Fun fair park. 26. Next day they __________good bye to each other. 27. On Friday 20 May 2011 they__________Gothenburg. 24. a. made 25. a. drive 26. a. told 27. a. leave b. took b. driven b. spoke b. went away c. taken c. drove c. said c. left
Key 1. c 9. b 2. a 10. b 3. b 11. c 4. b 12. a 5. b 13. c 6. b 14. c 7. a 15. a 8. c 16. c 17. b 25. c 18. a 26. c 19. a 27. c 20. a 21. b 22. b 23. c 24. b