Question tags advanced structures
NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU: VY_32_INOVACE_4B_08_Question.tags TÉMA SADY: Gramatická cvičení z angličtiny ROČNÍK: oktáva/4.A DATUM VZNIKU: září 2013 AUTOR: Mgr. Lucie Kučerová
Anotace tento učební materiál je určen k prezentaci a procvičení pokročilých struktur anglických dovětků a dovětkových otázek na interaktivní tabuli všechny snímky prezentace jsou opatřeny animacemi tak, aby poskytovali studentům dostatečný prostor k interakci a komunikaci v angličtině nejprve se po kliknutí objeví příklady, příp. otázky, až poté teoretický výklad problému, tudíž mohou studenti dedukovat a analyzovat daný problém nejprve sami snímek číslo čtyři je úvodem k tématu, následující snímky poukazují na pokročilejší problematiku snímky číslo devět a deset slouží k procvičení gramatiky první cvičení je doplňovací; správné odpovědi se objeví po kliknutí na rámeček, jež následkem toho zmizí druhé cvičení je komunikační situací, která využívá schopnost vytvořit dovětkové otázky výukový materiál je vytvořen tak, aby podpořil samostatné myšlení a co nejvyšší interakci studentů v hodině angličtiny
You don‘t eat pork, do you? introduction question tags are used to change a statement into a question they usually express a kind of assurance or affirmation rising intonation express the speaker‘s expectation of an answer falling intonation says the speaker is quite sure FORM negative tags are used for affirmative sentences and vice versa question tags follow a comma at the end of the sentence there is an auxiliary verb on the first place and the subject on the second when there is no auxiliary, we need the specific gramatical form of DO we must follow the grammatical structure of the original sentence It‘s Monday, isn‘t it? You don‘t eat pork, do you?
specific cases the affirmative sentence contains no- werbs (e.g. never, nowhere, nothing nobody) → add an affirmative tag He has seen nobody, has he? You will never tell it anyone, will you? the sentence includes a modal verb (e.g. can, should, will, might) → use it in the tag in the negative form Ben can‘t speak Russian, can he? She might not come, might she?
advanced points the sentence includes a subject represented by someone, everybody, nobody, or similar → we use they in the question tag Somebody has arrived, haven‘t they? Everyone will come, won‘t they? the sentence includes a subject represented by something, everything, nothing, or similar → we use it in the question tag Everything counts, doesn‘t it? Nothing can happen, can it? positive imperatives → we can use will/would/can/could you to soften the meaning Open the window, will you? Come in time, could you? negative imperatives → we use will you Don‘t tell it anyone, will you? Won‘t be late, will you?
set structures LET‘S → SHALL WE? Let‘s begin, shall we? Let‘s go to the cineme, shall we? THERE … → … THERE? There aren‘t any tomatoes left, are there? There was much snow, wasn‘t there? DO + imprative to express an invitation → we can use WON‘T YOU? Do have some more cake, won‘t you Do come with your friends, won‘t you?
tag questions used to respond to a statement they express a kind of surprisement about the information given in the first sentence FORM: unlike question tags they do not change the polarity of the original sentence they are said by another speaker, so that are not added to the first sentence the other rules follow question tags structures A: It‘s hot outside. B: Is it? Well, we could go swimming then. A: I haven‘t read the book yet. B: Haven‘t you? The teacher is definitely going to ask you!
practice n°2 Complete the sentences with correct question tags. Hurry up, would/could etc. you? Don‘t spill it, will you? Let‘s start again, shall we? There isn‘t any water, is there? Everyone‘s here, are they? Nobody remembers the way, do they? Everything‘s wet, isn‘t it? Nothing really mathers, does it? They weren‘t listening very carefully, were they? She spent a year in Italy, didn‘t she?
practice n°2 Write own three facts about youfself. Two of them should be true, the last one should be invented. Use any tense needed. Work in pairs. A: Tell your partner each of the facts and answer his/her questions. B: Respond to each fact with a tag question, then ask a follow-up question. Now, decide which fact has been invented