Název školy: ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA SADSKÁ Autor: Mgr. Věra Tománková Název DUM: VY_32_Inovace_ Have to Název sady: Project 2 Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Anotace: Materiál je určen pro žáky 7. ročníku. Slouží k výkladu a základnímu procvičení slovesa have to. Prezentace je vhodná pro práci na interaktivní tabuli či dataprojektorem.
O Have to/ has to a infinitiv významového slovesa vyjadřuje nutnost O I have to go home. O Tom has to study hard. infinitiv
have to Try to make sentences.
O Zápor slovesa HAVE TO se tvoří pomocí nebo I have to go to bed early. Tom has to wear a uniform. I don´t have to go to bed early. Tom doesn´t have to wear a uniform. Don´t have to, doesn´t have to vyjadřuje, že něco není nutné.
don´t have to
O Otázka slovesa HAVE TO se tvoří pomocí nebo They have to go to bed early. Tom has to wear a uniform. Do they have to go to bed early?
I you we they he she it have to
O V krátkých odpovědích neopakujeme HAVE TO, ani významové sloveso O Používáme pouze DO/DOES v kladných odpovědích a DON´T/DOESN´T v odpovědích záporných O Do you have to wear a uniform? O Does Peter have to study hard for the test? Yes, I do. No, he doesn´t.
Complete the sentences. Use have to or has to + one of these verbs: O My eyes are not very good. I ??? glasses. O At the end of the course all the students ??? a test. O Mary is studying literature. She ??? a lot of books. O Albert doesn´t understand much English. You ??? very slowly to him. O Kate isn´t often at home. She ??? a lot in her job.
Complete the sentences. Use have to or has to + one of these verbs: O My eyes are not very good. I have to wear glasses. O At the end of the course all the students have to do a test. O Mary is studying literature. She has to read a lot of books. O Albert doesn´t understand much English. You have to speak very slowly to him. O Kate isn´t often at home. She has to travel a lot in her job.
O HUTCHINSON, Tom. Project 2: Pracovní sešit. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN O MURPHY, Raymond. EnglishGrammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN X. O Zdroj obrázků: galerie Klipart