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PASSIVE. My grandfather built this house in 1930. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. They are building a new hospital here. People in Austria speak German.

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Prezentace na téma: "PASSIVE. My grandfather built this house in 1930. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. They are building a new hospital here. People in Austria speak German."— Transkript prezentace:


2 My grandfather built this house in 1930. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. They are building a new hospital here. People in Austria speak German. Cambridge University Press published this book last year. Climate change is affecting the weather all over the world. How many cars will Škoda Auto manufacture next year? People in China grow 90% of the world´s rice. Someone has found your bag in classroom 309. Peter Jackson directed The Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

3 This house was bulit by my grandfather in 1930. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare. A new hospital is being bulit here. German is spoken in Austria. This book was published by CUP last year. The weather all over the world is being affected by climate change. How many cars will be manufactured by Škoda Auto next year? 90% of the world´s rice is grown in China. Your bag has been found in classroom 309. The Lord of the Rings was directed by Peter Jackson.

4 Penicilin objevil Alexander Fleming v roce 1928. Tuto knížku může číst kdokoli. V naší ulici se zrovna staví nové parkoviště. Už mnoho lidí zabila vlna veder. To nové CD vydají za týden. Můj počítač se musí opravit. Náš dům postavili před padesáti lety. Světový pohár v ragby vyhrál Nový Zéland. Kutnou Horu navštíví každoročně tisíce turistů. Jak se vyrábí papír? Kdo vynalezl žárovku? Kde se pěstuje rýže?

5 Penicilin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. This book can be read by anybody. A new parking lot is being built in our street. The new CD will be released in a week. My computer has to be repaired. Our house was bulit fifteen years ago. The rugby world cup was won by New Zealand. Kutná Hora is visited by thousands of tourists every year. How is paper made? Who invented the bulb? (Who was the bulb invented by?) Where is rice grown?

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