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říjen 2013 VY_32_INOVACE_AGJ_140216 MINULÝ ČAS PROSTÝ – NEPRAVIDELNÁ SLOVESA Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Bc. Martin Krčmař. Střední škola hotelnictví a služeb a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace. Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu OP VK 1.5 – EU peníze středním školám, registrační číslo CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Najděte a vyznačte slovesa v minulém čase.
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. His teachers thought he wasn´t very clever and he left school at the age of fifteen. Then he began to read books about science on his own. When he was 23, he got a job in an office. In his free time, he wrote about physics and the universe. He also sent his work to universities. In 1914 he became a professor at a university in Berlin. He came with new ideas about time, space and atoms. In 1921, he won the Nobel Price for Physics. obr. 1
ŘEŠENÍ Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. His teachers thought he wasn´t very clever and he left school at the age of fifteen. Then he began to read books about science on his own. When he was 23, he got a job in an office. In his free time, he wrote about physics and the universe. He also sent his work to universities. In 1914 he became a professor at a university in Berlin. He came with new ideas about time, space and atoms. In 1921, he won the Nobel Price for Physics. obr. 1
Minulý čas prostý – nepravidelná slovesa
Sloveso v minulém čase prostém (past simple) vyjadřuje ukončený děj v minulosti. Některá slovesa netvoří minulý čas prostý koncovkou, tvoří jej jinými tvary sloves. Takovým slovesům říkáme nepravidelná slovesa (irregular verbs). Jejich 2. tvary se musíme naučit zpaměti. I think you are clever. x They thought Einstein wasn´t clever. J. K. Rowling writes books about magic. Einstein wrote books about science. Students leave school when they are about 20. Einstein left school when he was 15. Thought, wrote, left = past simple
Minulý čas prostý – nepravidelná slovesa
Mnohá slovesa v angličtině jsou nepravidelná, tzn. že jejich minulý čas netvoříme ani pomocí koncovek, ani podle pevných pravidel. Minulý čas prostý nepravidelných sloves se musíme naučit zpaměti, jako např. slovíčka. Mezi nejběžnější nepravidelná slovesa patří např.:
Napište minulý čas následujících sloves.
get got see go take leave know stand speak buy tell think do put pay make give eat lose hear find
ŘEŠENÍ get got see saw go went take took leave left know knew stand
stood speak spoke buy bought tell told think thought do did put pay paid make made give gave eat ate lose lost hear heard find found
Výslovnost Která nepravidelná slovesa ve 2. tvaru (past simple) se rýmují? Vytvořte dvojice. break buy catch do grow hide keep know make pay read say see sell send sleep speak spend tell wear Example: broke → spoke
ŘEŠENÍ Která nepravidelná slovesa ve 2. tvaru (past simple) se rýmují? Vytvořte dvojice. break buy catch do grow hide keep know make pay read say see sell send sleep speak spend tell wear Řešení: broke → spoke kept → slept sold → told bought → caught made → paid sent → spent did → hid read → said grew → knew saw → wore
Napište věty v minulém čase. (yesterday/last week atd.)
He always goes to work by bus. Yesterday he went to work by bus. She always gets up early. This morning she ________________ . I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week _______________ . I usually read two books every day. Last month ______________ . We go to the cinema every Sunday. _________________ last Sunday. She meets her friends every weekend. She ____________________ last weekend. I eat an orange every day. _________________ yesterday. Betty often takes photos. _________________ last weekend. We leave home at 7 o´clock every morning. ____________________ this morning. They come to my office every Friday. ______________________ last Friday. We usually do our shopping on Monday. ____________________ last Monday. Tom always has a shower in the evening. ____________________ last night.
ŘEŠENÍ He always goes to work by bus. Yesterday he went to work by bus. She always gets up early. This morning she got up early . I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week she wrote a letter. I usually read two books every day. Last month I read two books . We go to the cinema every Sunday. We went to the cinema last Sunday. She meets her friends every weekend. She met her friends last weekend. I eat an orange every day. I ate an orange yesterday. Betty often takes photos. She took photos last weekend. We leave home at 7 o´clock every morning. We left home at 7 o´clock this morning. They come to my office every Friday. They came to my office last Friday. We usually do our shopping on Monday. We did our shopping last Monday. Tom always has a shower in the evening. Tom had a shower last night.
POUŽITÁ LITERATURA MATURITA SOLUTIONS Elementary STUDENT´S BOOK. Oxford University Press, ISBN MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. London: Cambridge University Press, ISBN
CITACE ZDROJŮ obr.1: SCHMUTZER, Ferdinand. Albert Einstein during a lecture in Vienna in 1921 [online] [cit ]. Dostupné pod licencí Public Domain z: Einstein1921_by_F_Schmutzer_2.jpg
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